Christmas Colors Pasta

Admit it. Turkey, ham, stuffing, potatoes, etc. are great for awhile, but a day or two after the big holiday meal passes, there is such a thing as too many leftovers. I usually get through a late night snack, lunch the next day, and maybe a dinner before looking for something a little different. Inspired by Megan’s spaghetti and meatball post and an insatiable need for carbs after my 13 mile run, I whipped up a simple but completely delicious pasta dish last night. This would be perfect for those of you tired of cooking-and eating- Christmas delights.

I started with a freezer staple, medium shrimp, shelled and deveined. I took them out in the morning so that by dinner they were thawed.

medium shrimp

While I prepped my veggies and shrimp, I boiled up a kettle of water and started some whole wheat angel hair. This was the Stop & Shop brand, and in addition to some good nutritionals, you can’t even tell its whole wheat.

whole wheat angel hair

The star veggies of the evening were a green and red bell pepper and five large cloves of garlic. Clearly, the vampires will not be visiting me this week!

red and green peppers

chopped garlic

I added the peppers to the hot pan first, in addition to a knob of Kerrygold and a glug of olive oil. After just a minute, I added in the shrimp and then the garlic. I fear burnt garlic.


Once I had everything a-sizzling, I poured in about a cup of Bonny Doon Vineyard Verjus, let it all simmer, and used tongs to add the cooked pasta to the sauce.

shrimp and pasta

I had a heaping bowl of the pasta and sauce topped with the obligatory crushed red pepper flakes. For a meal that took about 20 minutes start to finish, I thought this was pretty tasty, with lots of flavor, crunch from the peppers, and soft, comforting pasta. It satisfied this runner’s need for pasta and made me feel like I can do another run this week. Before that I literally felt empty despite eating a ton of other stuff. Does that ever happen to you, or is it just me?

What do you and your loved ones eat for the December holiday meals? Is your Hanukah/ Christmas/Kwanzaa/New Year’s meal similar to Thanksgiving like ours is? Or do you have entirely different food? It’s fun to hear what people eat, especially from different regions and ethnic backgrounds!

Tags: cooking, dinner, Food, pasta, recipe, shrimp

  1. Megan’s avatar

    That pasta looks awesome! And so much healthier than my spaghetti and meatballs!

    At my house, we do a hodgepodge of stuff on Christmas day… this year I think we’re having beef tenderloin, baked stuffed potatoes, stuffed shells, clams casino, brussels sprouts, salad, antipasto, baked stuffed shrimp, and corn chowder!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      Your spaghetti looked SO good! Next potluck meal, for sure. We should do a pasta party with salad and bread and wine. By the way, I just realized I didn’t link back to your post! So I did that now, sorry about that!


    2. Elizabeth’s avatar

      Ha, Christmas food is definitely akin to our Thanksgiving food. Basically just a cold weather food bounty: lots of squash, sweet potatoes, root veggies, hearty grain stuffings/salads. We even do cranberries again on Christmas, because fresh cranberry sauce is just that good.


    3. Michelle’s avatar

      This pasta looks great! I don’t know why, but I loved that you used the word “glug.” 🙂


    4. Erin @ Big Girl Feats’s avatar

      Hi Meghan!! Thanks so much for your comment. It’s been a crazy year but I’m really glad to be back to blogging. Thanks for still following me!

      That looks so delicious – I love anything shrimp/veggie combo. We do way too much food on Christmas day because my mother, grandma and aunts are amazing cooks – but Christmas Eve we do appetizers and desserts. Its really fun and low-key and one of the only times of the year I eat pigs in a blanket!


    5. Daisy’s avatar

      what a fun theme for a pasta dish. I love that you were inspired by megans spaghetti and meatballs!


    6. Kate @’s avatar

      I love the colors! And that sauce sounds soooo good!


    7. Emily’s avatar

      I am with you on the holiday leftover overload. Pasta is a great way to break it all up. Speaking of, my mom and I are actually going to make a homemade pasta buffet for Xmas Eve, just to change things up a bit. Maybe we will add holiday greens and reds like you did!


    8. Sandra’s avatar

      Yum.. this fab dish….just love it!


    9. RavieNomNoms’s avatar



    10. torviewtoronto’s avatar

      colourful and delicious
      happy holidays


    11. Evan Thomas’s avatar

      Very festive!
      We like to have a lot of the traditional Thanksgiving sides at our Christmas table. I have no clue what’s being made this year, though, since we travel for Christmas. I guess it will be a surprise when we get there.


    12. Kori’s avatar

      Great idea! I love making red and green things this time of year too. Merry Xmas!


    13. Terri’s avatar

      This is a great, easy recipe for company this week! I love the colorful and healthy peppers!


    14. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

      Very colorful and so easy!


    15. alicia’s avatar

      Our holiday meals are pretty non-traditional for a Portuguese family at Christmas. We go out for chinese on Christmas eve, and we used to eat lasagna for lunch on Christmas day. We have an open house/cocktail party Christmas evening and my mom makes a ton of different appetizers, though we always have pasteis. They are puff pastry turnovers filled with seasoned beef and foular – Portuguese meat bread. YUM.


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