
beet salad

Our grocery list always includes a frozen pizza. And tortilla chips. I often buy meat or fish that is already frozen. I have made crab salad with canned crab, and I recently discovered that canned tuna can be quite delicious. And there are always canned beets in my pantry.

Over our weekend at King Arthur Flour and in Norwich, VT, it was fun to chat about our “guilty” food pleasures as well as foods that we don’t like or can’t eat. Scallops, all types of seafood, dairy, chocolate, the list included all sorts of things, and when you think about it, it is really not all that surprising.  Everyone has a different palate, a different sense of what is good, different cravings, and while we all might agree that fresh baked bread is amazing, some of us might leave that bread behind if offered something else, say a plate of raw oysters. (Me!)

My biggest “guilty” (in quotes because I don’t feel guilty at all!) pleasure is no doubt tortilla chips drowned in the hottest sauce I can find. My current love is Goya habanero sauce, and because not every store sells it, I am on a constant hunt for a replacement or do my best to stock up whenever possible.

As someone who loves to buy local, fresh food and who lives for changes in season when new produce is available, I wondered about posting my canned beets salad, the creation made after a long, tiring weekend away from home when little else was available.

Canned beets, some almost-too-old heirloom tomato slices, the end of my Naragansett Creamery feta, some walnuts that have been in the fridge for a couple of months, a shallot, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar later, we had a light dinner that felt great after lots of indulgence.

The good, the amazing, the bad, the ugly, it’s all part of all of our daily lives. Being a food blogger doesn’t mean that I don’t sometimes make ridiculously unhealthy, processed meals, and it certainly doesn’t guarantee that everything I cook turns out well. . . but I am having a good week 😉

What is your “guilty” food pleasure, or what would people be surprised to find in your pantry?

P.S. I had dinner at City Table and drinks at the Mandarin Oriental last night. . . recap to come! I won’t stay on the canned food for too long! 😉

  1. Emily’s avatar

    It’s refreshing to hear that not all food bloggers are “perfect” in their eating and buying habits. I am with you on the tortilla chips and I also drink crystal lite like it’s going out of style. I shudder to think about the (calorie-free) crap that goes into those powders!


  2. Megan’s avatar

    I have an obsession with Cheez-Its. It’s so bad I have to keep myself from buying them.

    I love when you can take little bits of leftovers and turn them into a tasty meal… like your salad.


  3. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    Lean Cuisine Spinach and Portabello mushroom deep dish pizza. It’s so good!


  4. Ashley Lojko’s avatar

    French’s onion strings….they are supposed to go on top of green beans, but I can eat a whole can by myself. It’s disgusting 🙂



    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      Oooh I love green bean casserole!


    2. Evan Thomas’s avatar

      I love canned beets! I mean, I like beets in general but who can afford fresh every single time? The canned ones taste fine.
      I also eat my weight in potatoes usually. White potatoes. I don’t care if sweet potatoes have more nutrients; if I want a white potato, I’m going to have it.


    3. brandi’s avatar

      Hmm…guilty pleasures?

      Chocolate milk made with the powdered Quik. LOVE.
      Cheetos and doritos or sun chips ON sandwiches. I don’t have it often, but I love it.
      Those mini chocolate covered donuts. I cannot buy them very often because I have no control around them.


    4. Megan’s avatar

      I guess I don’t consider tortilla chips as a guilty item because the ones I buy, El Milagro, are made right here! And really, I can’t live in Texas without having tortilla chips always in the house 😉

      My guilty pleasures include Ghirardelli chocolate squares and Chex Mix. I try not to buy them because I will eat half a bag of Chex Mix without thinking about it. Ugh.


    5. elizabeth’s avatar

      Cheez-its. I can’t quit them. For what it’s worth, canned tuna can be really, really good–I purchased a few tins of Bonita del Norte (it’s a Spanish brand) so my husband could make tuna salad…wow. I always knew that Spanish canned seafood was supposed to be of excellent quality, but I didn’t quite believe it until I had this stuff.


    6. Kimmy’s avatar

      Guilty schmilty. A frozen pizza almost always makes it into my cart. There is plenty of boxed mac and cheese on my shelf. Do they get used a lot, no? But there’s sometimes only that stuff will do. Life is about moderation


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        Boxed mac and cheese is totally a staple. I have gotten more “gourmet” and buy the Trader Joe’s brand (same thing!) 🙂


        1. Clarice’s avatar

          I just had the Trader Joe’s, and it is some of the best boxed Mac & Cheese I’ve ever had. I was surprised.


          1. traveleatlove’s avatar

            Yummy! I like to add ketchup 🙂


          2. Krista’s avatar

            Canned chili. 🙂 It’s my favorite and something I simply must have every month. 🙂


          3. Michelle’s avatar

            I think one of the biggest misconceptions about “foodies” is that we are always whipping up something fabulous, local or fancy. NOT TRUE! I love Kraft mac and cheese, especially after a night of boozing. I have frozen dumplings on hand for lazy nights. I love Funfetti cake mixes. And last night, I had prepared Indian food (it was a food product sent for me to sample). No guilt. Just honesty.


          4. Sues’s avatar

            I’m a sucker for Newman’s Own frozen pizza. But sometimes I try to hide them in my grocery cart so people won’t see 😡 I also LOVE those super soft chocolate chip cookies from Keebler. AND Skippy peanut butter 🙂

            A healthy (and not-so-healthy) balance, I say 🙂


            1. traveleatlove’s avatar

              I love those Keebler cookies. They remind me of school lunches!


            2. Daisy’s avatar

              I love this post! When I started blogging (you probably remember, you were one of my first readers!) I posted my meals of Annies-Mac-N-Cheese, Progresso canned Soups……and I do enjoy canned beets and canned corn. Guilty as charged.


              1. traveleatlove’s avatar

                I do remember! I love that I have been reading since the beginning 🙂


                1. Daisy’s avatar

                  me toooo! I’m sooo impressed at all the feedback on this post. who knew!?


                2. Anne@ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

                  Canned tuna is surprisingly good and a great item to have in your kitchen for days when you just don’t feel like cooking something complicated. I usually make tuna sandwiches 🙂


                3. Karena’s avatar

                  hands down, instant potato flakes and canned corn. yes, making mashed potatoes is a pretty basic kitchen task, but when you have a craving for them after a really long day, the last thing you want to do is wait for those potatoes to cook. i draw the line at instant mashed potatoes though…totally a difference.

                  also, i know fresh corn is best and i love corn in all forms…but sometimes i really just want a can of green giant. memories. ahh.


                4. Noreen’s avatar

                  “Cheater” Frosting. I LOVE keeping a tub of that stuff in the fridge to spread on graham crackers. Best. Treat. Ever.


                  1. traveleatlove’s avatar

                    Oooooh me too! Preferably cream cheese or buttercream. I will be picking up some frosting this weekend!


                  2. Amanda @ bakingwithoutabox’s avatar

                    Moon Pies. They totally remind me of home. Even just a piece of one is comforting.


                  3. Karen’s avatar

                    Salt + Vinegar Potato Chips!


                    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

                      Mmmm, LOVE salt and vinegar!


                    2. Brian @ A Thought For Food’s avatar

                      I’m excited to hear about your City Table experience… celebrating your half birthday! 😉

                      I don’t buy junk food often… but I do love a big bag of Cape Cod Potato Chips. 🙂


                    3. wendy’s avatar

                      Crunchy cheese doodles! I have no control and eat half the bag before I know it. Never buy them any more. Also frozen fried chicken sometimes sneaks into my shopping cart. Smothered with hot sauce and served with a big side of mashed potatoes and gravy.


                      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

                        Ohhhh you got me with the hot sauce! I love cheese doodles too, except for what they do to my fingers and clothes!


                      2. Simply Life’s avatar

                        Oh I’m with you and can eat A LOT of tortilla chips in our house, bring bring me to a restaurant and I need my own basket(s) of chips and/or fresh bread!


                      3. Karen’s avatar

                        I buy those .50 individual frozen burritos that have “spicy red meat” in them but don’t actually have any meat consistency that I’ve ever seen before. I wish I could say they’re emergency lunch food, but I actually like them!


                      4. Rachael’s avatar

                        I think I have a lot of them – Big Red gum, Diet Coke and canned mushy peas are probably my top three. Maybe it’s growing up in an Irish family where marrow peas (canned grey-green goodness) were a staple, but I love ’em – open the lid, stick in a fork and mush away!


                        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

                          Ha! My husband is from Ireland, so I know the mushy peas well, and I won’t lie, I like them!


                        2. Shannon, Tropical Eats’s avatar

                          if I eat 1 M&M, I need to eat like 100 more.


                        3. ashleigh’s avatar

                          100 calorie packs of chocolate and ice cream bars. I’m also with you on the tortilla chips but I try not to buy them because I have 0 self control!


                        4. Enrico’s avatar

                          Chocolate in any medium – gotta be done… I really love this post.


                        5. Dana’s avatar

                          I’m a food blogger, and I can definitely attest to the fact that not everything I make is 100% natural or comes out good every time… I’ve been known to use packaged taco seasoning and burn some cookies in my time!


                        6. laura @’s avatar

                          I’m obsessed with dried fruit and the bigger the better. I love to buy those jumbo raisins from trader joe’s and pick out the biggest ones!


                        7. Heather I.’s avatar

                          I have absolutely no self control with animal crackers. Especially the Barnum Circus ones, and the Disney organic ones that Costco sells. It’s bad. I can’t stop!


                        8. Jean at The Delightful Repast’s avatar

                          This is a fun post! I had to try really hard to think of a confession, but all I could come up with is canned tuna. And I’m not sure that’s much of a confession–what else are you going to make a perfectly respectable tuna salad sandwich out of! My REAL food confession has nothing to do with packaged convenience foods, it’s more about … mmm … quantity! You see, my name is Jean and I’m a breadaholic! (I mean, it might be high quality and homemade and really wonderful, but no human being needs to eat the whole loaf by herself!)


                        9. MichellePC’s avatar

                          I must confess: Betty Crocker’s Instant Mashed Potatoes are a staple in my pantry in the wintertime. They actually don’t taste that bad when butter, salt and pepper are added, and they come in very handy when you need a quick side dish! You can also get a large box for only a few bucks – it will last me the entire winter.


                        10. Judy’s avatar

                          As much as I hate to admit it, my weaknesses are donuts and M&Ms. I try to stay far away from both. And frosted brown sugar and cinnamon pop tarts (at least I only eat the low fat ones).


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