I baked!

When it comes to the kitchen, I am definitely a throw caution to the wind kind of girl. A little of this, a bit of that, give me a curry, sauce, or soup to make, and I delight in the creative possibilities.

Enter baking. For someone who grew up baking all sorts of cookies with my mother at home and who has fond memories of grating potatoes for potato rolls with my nana, I have somehow become terrified of baking. Maybe the fear comes from the few times I decided to forego an important ingredient like baking powder. Maybe itโ€™s the time that I dreamt up my own recipe for almond butter shortbread, the results something only I would eat. I am not sure exactly where my growing fear of flour came from, but this past weekend I decided to face it.

With almost 3/4 of a container of buttermilk left from my chilled avocado soup, it came to me that I should bake buttermilk biscuits. I perused the internet for recipes, knowing that successful biscuits would depend on following a recipe all the way through, and I finally settled on a recipe from Tyler Florence. Of course, I had to change it up a little, and I used whole wheat flour instead of all purpose and butter instead of shortening.

While I was definitely nervous and careful to read every step of the recipe, I had fun mixing everything together with my hands, dropping little blobs of dough on to a cookie sheet, and smelling the delicious, buttery aromas as they emanated from the oven.

whole wheat biscuits

The final result? A little drier and less flaky than any biscuits I have ever had, which I think might be the result of the whole wheat flour. They certainly looked and tasted more like scones, but they tasted good.


Especially topped with Trader Joeโ€™s lemon curd or honey and Kerrygold.

biscuits with lemon butter

I look forward to baking again and hopefully to getting to a point where I am confident enough to bake for friends and family. This September I am attending a baking class at King Arthur Flour, and I am really excited to see what a professional has to share with us!

Are you a baker? If so, what is your favorite thing to make?

Tags: baking, biscuits, Food

  1. Estela @ Weekly Bite’s avatar

    Those cookies look great! I LOVE baking! If I could do it everyday I would ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. Simply Life’s avatar

    Looks like this baking was a success!


  3. Daisy’s avatar

    KAF has no idea what they are in for, as far as teaching me how to bake goes.

    Your biscuits look delish!


  4. Megan’s avatar

    Great first attempt. I would definitely blame the whole wheat flour for the dryness… maybe try a little white and a little whole wheat next time. Can’t wait to see your next attempt… and can’t wait to bake with you!


  5. Abby’s avatar

    I LOVE to bake. I rarely cook. I wish that wasn’t the case, but alas, it is.

    Oh, and lemon curd? It’s like crack.

    Love that stuff. Those bisuits + lemon curd wouldn’t last 5 minutes around me!!


  6. Jean at The Delightful Repast’s avatar

    You need to try MY biscuit recipe. Butter, not shortening. And very precise directions. You can’t go wrong. But no whole wheat–just organic unbleached all-purpose flour.


  7. Kim’s avatar

    I wanted to bake pumpkin bread today so I could finally write something a bit more worthwhile on my blog but unfortunately could not find pumpkin. I was very disheartened to say the least. My fiance does the cooking in our house and I rarely get to baking so it really stunk not being able to do what I really wanted to.

    At least your baking attempts were a success. Looks delicious. Not much of a biscuit eater but I’d certainly try it. =)


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      Uh oh! I hope there isn’t a pumpkin shortage again this year!


    2. Wendy (The Weekend Gourmet)’s avatar

      Go you…I’m very similar to you in the kitchen. I have a sweet tooth (teeth!), but have a hard time making myself bake most of the time. I’m vowing to make myself give it a go more often so I can blog the results ;)!


    3. Sonia @ Master of Her Romaine’s avatar

      those look awesome!! I have never baked biscuits from scratch ๐Ÿ™‚ I am scared that I’ll eat the whole batch…so I only eat 1 or 2 when I go out.


    4. Michelle’s avatar

      I am not a baker either…especially in this heat! I did make chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches tonight!


    5. City Share’s avatar

      Your biscuits look great. I generally don’t bake either. It’s not so much that I’m afraid, but that I no self control. I worry that I will eat all of the result in one sitting. (My husband has an aversion to the mess of flour) I’m curious to her your report on the King Arthur class.


    6. Baking Serendipity’s avatar

      That King Arthur class sounds awesome! And biscuits were definitely the perfect use for that buttermilk. They are one of my favorite morning meals and yours sound great!


    7. Brian @ A Thought For Food’s avatar

      I can’t get enough buttermilk biscuits. I’m sure it was the whole wheat flour that dried them out a bit. I don’t think you can go wrong with shortbread… though it’s incredibly bad for you (Yay… butter!).

      My personal favorites are ginger snaps (http://tinyurl.com/2e5hdhm) or this cake (http://tinyurl.com/3xa6n9v which includes buttermilk… if you have any left)

      I’m excited to hear about this class that you’re going to take! Sounds wonderful!


    8. Lynne, LynnesKitchen.com’s avatar

      Good job with the baking!! Looks delish! I LOVE baking and I’m so jealous about the KAF class. I LOVE their products. Keep up the good job. You’ll be a pro-baker in no time ๐Ÿ™‚


    9. Kocinera’s avatar

      Kudos for trying something new! These sound really interesting–I like that they have a scone-like quality.


    10. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

      I’m definitely not a baker! ๐Ÿ˜€


    11. Kristy’s avatar

      Yay! Your biscuits looks great!


    12. RavieNomNoms’s avatar

      Looks delicious!


    13. Cook in a Bar’s avatar

      Good for you for facing your flour fears. Yes, I agree that the whole wheat flour is to blame for the dryness. I found that only partially replacing the white flour with whole wheat prevents such tragedies as dry biscuits.

      Have fun with your King Arthur class…it sounds like fun!


    14. May Ling Wu’s avatar

      Baking is rough becuase it can’t be as easily adjusted as cooking. There is something about baking though that is peacefull and nothing beats good beaked goods!


    15. Alison’s avatar

      You are going to have a BLAST at that King Arthur cooking class!


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