Healthy at Home BBQ

Summer brings on BBQ cravings, and while I love to indulge at a place like Redbones, especially post-marathon, eating huge piles of somewhat unhealthy food doesn’t always feel great, especially in the dog days of summer.

One key element to a good BBQ is some form of potato. For my healthy at home version, I thinly sliced purple potatoes into “chips”. The pigments in purple potatoes are high in antioxidants, so these are definitely a bonus.

I rolled them in some EVOO, tossed them in sea salt, and roasted them at 400 degrees until they got crispy around the edges. I love good fries, and I find that roasted potatoes can often be even better if done correctly.

purple potatoes

Our main course was barbequed shrimp over a lighter version of coleslaw. For the slaw, I simply heated some white vinegar until boiling, then poured it over a bed of cabbage and spinach. I let it cool and added some ground black pepper. It had a kick and a crunch without a heavy mayonnaise dressing. If I had shredded carrots and red peppers, I would have added those for some color, but I was trying to use up the fridge 🙂

The shrimp were also simple, thawed and cleaned, then half-cooked in a dry pan. At the halfway point I mixed in a couple of spoons of Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ sauce and finished them off, making sure they were cooked through but also that the BBQ sauce didn’t burn.

I topped the salad/slaw with shrimp and served the roasted potatoes on the side with some ketchup and a little more BBQ sauce. I also had a summer favorite, an iced tea lemonade.

Forgive the photo; I dove right in to dinner and completely forgot to take a photo until I was almost done. These were my last few bites. . .


I am always happy when I can re-make a meal to make it a little bit healthier while still keeping loads of flavor and making it fun. Eating healthy does not have to be boring, and I like to constantly remind myself (and my husband!) of that.

Do you have any favorite traditionally fattening dishes that you have healthified?

Tags: barbeque, BBQ, cabbage, coleslaw, Food, purple potatoes, recipe, shrimp

  1. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

    Those purple potatoes look beautiful… I love pasta & I like substituting ground turkey for beef in meat sauce and sneaking in chopped veggies.


  2. Daisy’s avatar

    pretty sure I have never seen a purple potato. they are so intriguing to me!


  3. elizabeth’s avatar

    I really don’t like traditional, gloopy-from-mayo-slaw at all so our slaws tend to incorporate a tablespoon of mayo at most for a head of cabbage, or we’ll skip it altogether and just throw on the white balsamic vinegar.

    This looks really good–a perfect excuse to go out and get some of our favorite local BBQ sauce and serve over slaw or salad.


  4. Michelle’s avatar

    I like making similar chips with sweet potatoes or beets. They are so much healthier baked and very easy to make!


  5. Mary @ Bites and Bliss’s avatar

    I love making traditionally fattening mealss healthier!! I always do that with baking 🙂


  6. Elina’s avatar

    Looks like such a delicious fresh summer dinner! 🙂
    I love healthifying “man meals” – cheese-steak subs, pizza, chicken wings, etc. This way my husband is less likely to eat pub food every week 😉


  7. Angela (the diet book junkie)’s avatar

    i’ve never tried purple potatoes, but they sure look interesting! wish i could tell you i’ve improved a fattening dish, but first i need to learn how to cook 🙂


  8. ashleigh’s avatar

    Those purple potatoes look cool!

    I love to make a healthier version of potato salad by using potatoes, egg whites, greek yogurt, celery, peppers and pickles. Usually potato salad is filled with mayo and not a lot of veggies… I prefer my healthier version!


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