Pesto Baked Shrimp

Tomatoes and basil galore! If you are what you eat, then I am definitely a tomato with a side of basil this week. Tomatoes and basil are available in several of the farm stands at the Copley market, and I have been enjoying them in a variety of ways, including all by themselves.

Tuesday night, I was in the mood for something light, but the hubs was hungry so I whipped up two quick meals that showcased the tomatoes and basil that I bought at the market.


tomato basil goat cheese

I had a quick salad of chopped tomatoes, shredded basil, honey goat cheese, olive oil, and ground pepper. Then I had another bowl of the same for dessert. So fresh and flavorful, this combination is a winner and will be on my menu until the last tomato is picked 🙂 Love.

tomato basil goat cheese


Pesto Shrimp

For a slightly more filling meal, I thawed some frozen shrimp (a staple in our freezer), then whipped up a quick pesto using a handful of basil, 2 cloves of garlic, and some olive oil. I tossed a whole chopped tomato and the shrimp with the pesto. Once the shrimp and tomato were evenly coated with pesto, I baked them at 375 until they were pink.

Pesto Shrimp

This filled the kitchen with such an incredible garlic and basil aroma. I snagged a couple of shrimp from my husband, and they were perfect. The best part? This dinner took about 15 minutes.

I love the simplicity of summer eating. Great local ingredients truly do shine.

If you have a roommate or significant other, do you always eat the same dinner, or do you sometimes find yourself cooking for a couple of different moods? We usually eat the same thing, but sometimes I just want boatloads of salad!

Don’t forget to enter The Secret Ingredient cookbook giveaway. It’s a good one!

Tags: Farmer's Markets, pesto, recipe, salad, shrimp, summer, tomatoes

  1. Michelle’s avatar

    Bret and I definitely try to eat the same dishes for dinner but like you we’ll make adjustments like frozen shrimp (a staple for me) sometimes! I’m with you and on a huge basil kick from my latest farmers market finds. I’m planning on whipping up a batch of pesto this weekend!


  2. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

    My bf and I usually eat the same dishes when we’re at home, but he gets bigger potions and I get more veggies 🙂 I’d love to try roasting shrimp with pesto but in this weather, if i turn on my oven, my tiny apartment gets scorching hot!


  3. Jessica @ How Sweet’s avatar

    I never thought to try pesto with shrimp… or any other seafood for that matter. It sounds delicious.

    My husband and I often eat different meals. Usually some of the same stuff, but maybe the main course is different. It just depends.


  4. Corinne’s avatar

    you cannot go wrong with basil, cheese and tomato. never.


  5. Shanna @ Shanna Like Banana’s avatar

    I WISH my hubby and I at ethe same dinner…I usually have to find a way to add about 600 calories to his dish and not mine. Tricky, but I’m gettin’ it 🙂


  6. Daisy’s avatar

    ha we are SO eating the same things lately. I am miss caprese salad lately (though the goat cheese instead of mozz sounds fantastic!) and i even featured a huge hunk of basil in my lastest post that was turned into – you guessed it: pesto!


  7. Simply Life’s avatar

    oh what a perfect mix!


  8. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

    MMmMH! I could eat both plates 😀 we usually eat the same thing, except I’m the only one eating tons of cabbage in this house. Sometimes I do cook two different version of same dish – then everyone is happy.


  9. MarathonVal’s avatar

    I’m the same way…. I LOVE to cook and love big meals of course, but half the time, especially in the summer, all I want is a big salad or just random nibbles of various things, and then I end up eating the nibbles AND eating what I made for my husband too lol.


  10. Terrianne’s avatar

    They both look fantastic! The shrimp one for your hubby looks especially appealing to me. Yum! I agree with you totally about the simplicity of summer eating. All the locally grown fruits and veggies are irresistable. You could have salad everyday for a month and none two the same if you wanted. Yum!

    Hmm, well my fiance lives in Paris. When he was here, in Boston, we usually ate the same thing, as I cooked, but sometimes he wanted red meat or something else I don’t eat and in that case we ate different things. I still cooked it, though. *giggles.


  11. Megan’s avatar

    I would have eaten your version. That’s one of my favorite summer meals. I definitely cook differently for the two of us… or while his plate might have steak, potatoes, and broc, mine will have steak, potatoes, and an avocado/corn/tomato mixture. I’m a lot more adventurous with what I’ll eat. He really likes simple flavors and textures. It’s amazing we can live together! Ha ha.


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