Working from Home

Yesterday I had the pleasure of working from home, a rare and beloved occasion where I am quadruply as productive as I am in the office. I start early, there’s no commute or getting ready, and no distractions.

I started the day with a new product, Trader Joe’s Very Green powder.

Trader Joe's Very Green Powder

I have long been a fan of their Super Red Drink Powder, and I wanted to see how this green supplement would stack up. I mixed a couple scoops of this with Pom juice, banana, frozen pineapple, spinach, and a bit of almond milk. You couldn’t tell the green powder was in there at all, and the smoothie was delicious. I later tried a teaspoon of the Very Green powder in a glass of water with a shot of Pom juice, and it was just as easy to drink on its own. The powder is made up of all sorts of good greens like barley grass juice, alfalfa, spirulina, broccoli powder and other healthy stuff. It’s easy to drink and will likely last me awhile. Good deal.

Working from home also means a good lunch.


Dr. Praeger's burger with peach salsa and green beans

I whipped up a quick Dr. Praeger’s veggie burger and topped it with cheese and onion, then Trader Joe’s peach salsa and a bit of Greek yogurt with a side of green beans left over from the night before.

I should start doing before and after shots of my food. After I take a pretty picture of something like this, I usually smother it in hot sauce and more salsa. Messy 🙂

As the day turned into evening and I wrapped up my Marketing Communications real life job, I felt like making some homemade salsa for topping salads and eating with chips. Salsa, if you didn’t already know, is one of my favorite foods and would definitely be part of my last meal on earth.

This salsa started out with some frozen TJ’s pineapple and roasted peppers.

pineapple and roasted peppers

I gave them a good chop in the food processor, then added a can of Trader Joe’s fire roasted tomatoes and fire roasted green chiles.

roasted tomatoes and chiles

The spicier the better!

pineapple salsa

You can see that I also added in crushed red pepper flakes. 🙂 The sweetness of the pineapple balanced the spice out nicely, and the roasted tomatoes and peppers gave it a nice smoky quality.

After dinner, I dug into our wine collection and pulled out a bottle of Casa Zuliani Cabernet Franc.

Cabernet Franc

The second I opened it, I remembered why I bought it at the Bin Ends fine wine flea market. The nose on this wine is spicy and of dry leaves and tobacco. The flavor at first was almost TOO spicy, even for me. We let it breathe a little, then aerated it, and the flavors really opened up. It was still peppery but more in the sense of the white pith on the inside of a green bell pepper with a finish that brought more of a spicy black pepper. This wine is incredibly earthy. These are flavors that I really appreciate, and I am glad we have a second bottle of this Cab Franc.

So, now it is Thursday, the weekend is near, the World Cup starts tomorrow, and I get to go to Truro and Provincetown for an annual weekend with the girls.

Are you watching the World Cup? If so, who will you be supporting?

Salsa would be part of my last meal on earth (as would oysters, lobster with truffle butter, and wine). . . what would you choose for yours?

Tags: Cabernet Franc, Food, healthy recipes, Italian wine, Lunch, pineapple salsa, salsa, tomatoes, Trader Joe's, veggie burgers, Very Green powder, wine

  1. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    That wine sounds like something that would go well my steak dinner I’m planning this weekend. I’ll have to look for it. Thanks!

    I’m not watching the World Cup. I’m too involved in the Celtics and Red Sox right now to add another sporting event to my life. I can only handle so much.

    My last meal on earth would be a tub of buttercream frosting eaten with a spoon.


  2. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

    I’m not much of a football person- even though I’m half German and they’re all crazy about it 😀 so no football for me, huh.

    It’s great to hear that you were productive while working from home, I’m much less productive when I’m out of the office and keep getting distracted all time while working at home.


  3. Mellissa’s avatar

    I do like soccer and my husband is a HUGE sports fan so we will be watching a lot in the next few weeks.


  4. Simply Life’s avatar

    oh that veggie burger looks delicious!


  5. Rebecca @ How the Cookies Crumble’s avatar

    lucky you working from home. i use that trader joe’s super green too, but mine’s in a different container. i wonder if it’s the same.

    my best friend and i have the same food palate and always talk about our last meal on earth. i definitely want an everything bagel with cream cheese, smoked salmon, capers, tomato and onion. i’d also need something involving roasted vegetables and goat cheese. then probably next up would be mexican with chips, salsa and guac! yum!


  6. Alex @ IEatAsphalt’s avatar

    I’ve never seen Trader Joe’s Super Green before but will definitely have to look for it. I love Amazing Grass but it gets pretty expensive. That would be a great alternative and it sounds like it actually has a lot more to it than just wheat grass!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      It will definitely be my go-to when I am out of Amazing Grass. It’s hard to find around here, and ordering the big tub gets pricey! The Super Red Drink from TJ’s is actually really delicious if you get the chance to try it!


    2. Daisy’s avatar

      have an awesome trip to the cape with the girls. those weekends are the best! oh gosh my last meal…can i get back to ya on that one?


    3. Courtney (Pancakes & Postcards)’s avatar

      I’m GOING to the World Cup next week!!! Ahhh! Will be chearing on team USA from afar (and Portugal at the games I will be seeing). Can’t wait.


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        Oh my gosh! Lucky!!! That is so exciting!


      2. Lindsay Meyer’s avatar

        I love working from home. California is all about that. I like being able to stay nice and relaxed, eat a great lunch, and get lots accomplished!

        Your salsa looks incredible. I must give that a try, soon. (And with lots of red pepper flakes. Mmmm!)


      3. Kelly’s avatar

        Oh yummm I love salsa too…and lobster, I’d come to your last meal haha.
        I’m not a big World Cup person, but I was in Italy about 4 years ago when they won it and BOY was it insane haha. Definitely an experience!
        Would your job ever let you work from home more often?


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          That must have been so fun to be in Italy for the World Cup! I wish I could work from home more often! Since much of what I do is copywriting, it is helpful to be in a quieter environment.


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