Secrets of a Skinny Chef

This is my first time writing about the book, Secrets of a Skinny Chef by Jennifer Iserloh, which I received for free as a review copy a couple of weeks ago. It will definitely not be my last. My copy is currently covered in lime green post it tabs, marking all of the recipes I need to try. And I am sure there are more.

Secrets of a Skinny Chef

The first recipe that I NEEDED to try during last week’s rainy, raw weather, was the “Mac and Cheese with Shredded Chicken and Cauliflower”. I happen to really love cauliflower, and I am always looking for ways to incorporate it into our diets.

roasted cauliflower

Making the mac and cheese involved baking the cauliflower. It called for cooking spray, but I just wrapped it up in a foil packet without. It turned out fine.


The recipe used a bunch of spices, which added flavor without fat.


Making a roux using whole wheat flour helped add to the creaminess of the mac and cheese, and held it all together. The recipe called for margarine, which I find yucky, so I used regular old organic butter instead.

It also called for whole wheat macaroni. Months ago, we had TONS of pasta of all shapes in the house and decided that we were not allowed to buy anymore. So I just assumed we had some sort of whole wheat macaroni in the house. We didn’t, it was pouring rain, and I used what we did have, whole wheat spaghetti.

This dish was so satisfying, tasty, and comforting. I actually didn’t even need an entire serving before I was full. It was perfect reheated the next day and provided a solid mix of protein, whole grains, and veggies.


Unfortunately, I can’t share the recipe, but there are lots of great free recipes on the Secrets of a Skinny Chef site, including the opportunity to receive a free digital dessert book.  The book itself is engaging, easy to read, and makes my stomach growl. It starts out with this lovely sentence:

“Ditch the diets and enjoy food again.”

This simple, direct way of writing is what made me want to read more. Jennifer talks about the food traps that most of us have found ourselves in. The she goes on to lay out her top 6 secrets for health. They aren’t gimmicky, and they don’t promise the world. They do require effort and maybe a new level of consciousness about food, but I can pretty much guarantee that they work if you follow them.  They just make sense.

I love that each recipe offers a little sidebar “Skinny Secret” with a quick tip or trick for cooking or overall eating better. My favorite? To focus more, not less on food if you are struggling with your weight. I think this is a tip we can all learn from, to give food a higher priority in our lives.

Up this week, I plan on using a few more recipes including “Lemony Yogurt Muffins”, “Stuffed Shells that won’t Leave you Feeling Stuffed”, and “Nachos Grande with Pickled Jalapenos”. I will definitely blog about everything that I make so you can all get a better idea of the types of decadent yet health-friendly recipes the book contains.

What is your favorite healthified dish? Do you agree that focusing MORE on food helps to keep you healthier and in better shape?

Tags: Food, healthy recipes, recipes

  1. Jenna @ Healthy. Happy. Well’s avatar

    This book looks like a must-read!


  2. Krista’s avatar

    Splendid! I love cauliflower too and have been eating it all this week. 🙂


  3. Nicole @ making good choices’s avatar

    That cookbook looks so good! I love the idea of using cauliflower. I do think focusing on food and recipes helps stay healthy.


  4. Kelly’s avatar

    Might have to get that book because I want to try Lemony Yogurt muffins, yum!!! I often like dishes more when they are made healthier, I don’t know why 🙂


  5. Simply Life’s avatar

    Great to know about this book – looks like a delicious meal!


  6. Holly’s avatar

    Is this book avaialbe yet? It sounds great! I looooove mac and cheese and this one looked great with chicken and veg incorporated (and not the typical broccoli!).

    Thanks for sharing!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      Not sure if it is available yet, but I will find out! It is really fantastic. I want to make every single recipe.


    2. pen’s avatar

      Ok, you’ve officially sold me on the book! I also love cauliflower…so I NEED the m&c recipe! 🙂


    3. Kristi’s avatar

      Thank you for the review. This sounds like the perfect house warming present for my son’s girlfriend!


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        I think it would make a great gift. What a sweet idea!


      2. Steph (@ mediterraneanmiss)’s avatar

        This looks like a delicious recipe book! I have a gift card for amazon that I need to use up, this is going on the list for sure.


      3. Coley’s avatar

        I hate to admit it, but I was unfamiliar with this book/chef before your post. Where have I been? Great suggestion, I’m going to check it out.


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