Boston Marathon Training Update

I haven’t done a blog update on my Boston Marathon training in quite awhile, and now that I have a slight injury, I thought I would slow down and catch you all up.

My training has been progressing nicely with a weekly long run being the central part of my training with shorter, indoor workouts to help build muscle strength, endurance, and speed. I have been sticking to a formula that includes one spinning class a week, one 5 mile elliptical workout with hills at a “pushing it” pace of around 8 minute miles, and then some upper body strength, stretching, and of course a visit to the Healthworks sauna. It gets me through the winter!

Last week I started to notice the left side of my left foot. It didn’t hurt exactly, but I was aware of it in a way that I normally am not. I decided to skip the long run after completing a not-so-great 5 mile hill workout outside after I got out of jury duty and got to go home early. (So happy THAT is over with!) Instead of running, I went home to mom and I spent the weekend relaxing and off my foot, happy but a little stressed about my training.

When I returned to Boston on Monday, I mentally and physically prepped myself for a solo 18 mile run. . . and I did it. Miles 1-3 were okay with the exception of a bitter wind in my face. Boston Marathon training gives you a whole new appreciation for spring. I am just about all set with cold, whipping winds!

After mile 3, the run went downhill (though technically it didn’t as I ran the Beacon Street part of the course, where there were plenty of up hills!). I felt a jarring, throbbing pain in the side of my foot. I kept running. There was some walking involved and even a bit of hobbling, I made it to my 9.1 mile mark, all the while thinking about getting on the train and going home. It was then that I saw a familiar orange ski jacket up ahead. My husband knew my route, and he had driven to my halfway point with a snack and a drink for me. How sweet is that? It  saved the run, made me feel totally supported, and kept me going as I turned around and headed home.

Every step was a struggle, and fast forward two days later and I am in bed with ice on my foot. It hurts big time, and I have had to revise any sort of activity this week, including walking around my office.

So this is where the mental part kicks in. I am used to a certain amount of training each week, and I know that training needs to intensify for about another month before I start tapering.

My plan is to give the foot a couple of days and then to return to non impact cardio like spinning and to increase the intensity of my upper body workouts, then to try running again mid next week. In the meantime, managing the mental effects of an injury will be my top priority. . .

I would love to hear from you all how you deal with the mental aspect of being injured/working too much/traveling whatever keeps you from working out the way you are used to.


Even though my training has taken a slight pause, my fundraising for The ALLY Foundation is as important as ever! I have a bunch of great raffle prizes, so there are many chances to win, just a $10 donation per entry here:

Tags: Boston Marathon, fundraising, injuries, marathon, marathon training, running

  1. Kirste’s avatar

    Sorry about your foot!! It was great to run into you this morning. Will definitely be in touch about meeting up soon! Good luck with training.


  2. meg c.’s avatar

    so nice of your husband to meet you with a snack and drink! i really admire people who are training for boston in boston – the weather is rough and long runs in the cold and wind must be difficult. keep it up, it sounds like you’re doing awesome!


  3. laura’s avatar

    i so identify with you! a few weeks ago, i had a VERY similar pain shoot through my foot on my 13-miler. it actually woke me up at night, it was so painful. i asked our coach, and he thought it might be my new shoes. because they were the same exact model as my old ones, i just replaced insoles and laid off it for a week… and i’ve been fine since then (knock on wood). i am confident that rest will be your answer! or barefoot running, but that would prolly be gross this time of year!

    good luck!



  4. Lindsay’s avatar

    Soooo, I actually think time off is going to be best. I ended up with a stress fracture about 6 weeks before my first marathon in 2005. I finished at a hardly respectable pace, but I didn’t try to overexert myself too much. And that was key to healing well and being able to race well the next time! Keep up the ice!


  5. Alison @ finnyfinds’s avatar

    It sounds like you have an injury that can’t be ignored. So sorry to hear that; it’s so frustrating! Do you have a time goal in the marathon? Or are you running just to finish? Remembering your goals and knowing the bare minimum it takes to achieve them might help put the injury in perspective and buy you some rest time … just my 2 cents. I’d love to hear what you think.


  6. Simply Life’s avatar

    sounds a bit similar to what I went through last year before the marathon and all I know is that I’m happy I rested and have ZERO problems today, whereas I know if I pushed it I would definitely still be hurting!


  7. Elina’s avatar

    Uh, so sad. You definitely need the rest so take that time! Your husband is so sweet. Mine would never think of such a thing. I still love him though… he has other redeeming qualities 🙂


  8. Terri’s avatar

    Wow! What an awesome hubby you have!! Sorry your foot is in so much pain. You should take a break for a while and try visualization of the course…hey, it worked for Lindsey Vonn!


  9. Laurelin’s avatar

    Not running is hard! I’m just trying to keep in mind that I know I can finish. And you should really know this, since you’ve completed a marathon before! Make sure you do all the necessities of healing (icing, etc.), and get better soon!


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