Did someone say giveaway?

As I have mentioned before, I am fairly obsessed with tracking my blog stats. Its not just my blog, by the way, I love tracking progress of things at work, following the business reply cards we get and the hits to our website. In general, I like to know that someone sees the work I do! The most common search terms that lead to my blog BY FAR are “Trader Joe’s Super Red Drink Powder”. I had no idea it was that popular, but since it is, I thought I would do a giveaway. It starts tonight, and the winner of the tub of Super Red Drink Powder will be announced the day after Thanksgiving. Here’s how to enter: 1) Link back to the giveaway on your blog, if you have one. If you don’t have a blog, Facebook, My Space, or Twitter work as well! 2) Since its a Thanksgiving week giveaway, leave a comment letting me know what you are most thankful for in 2009. Good luck!

Tags: giveaway

  1. georgia’s avatar

    I’m thankful for being closer to family this year.


  2. Christine @ Fresh Local and Best’s avatar

    I am thankful for such a wonderful husband, who is my best friend.


  3. AnAppleADay’s avatar

    i am so thankful to have my family and friends. i am also thankful for wonderful health and everything i’m given in life. 🙂


  4. Jolene (www.everydayfoodie.ca)’s avatar

    I wish I knew how to check my stats like that … this blog stuff confuses me a bit!


  5. MarathonVal’s avatar

    Sheesh, I wish I was as computer literate as you! I have no idea how to look at those google searches haha. My Google Analytics tells me my top 4 search terms every day, but not overall. Interesting! I am thankful for my husband, family, job, health, and the fact that I live in a lovely location 🙂


  6. Lynn @ The Actors Diet’s avatar

    oh and i’m grateful for my amazing hubby and dog. and our happy life. and my blog and my blog readers! and my family! man, i’m grateful!


  7. Joy’s avatar

    I linked to you http://alwaysjoy.blogspot.com/2009/11/multimedia-message_19.html And I am SO grateful for Dobby my puppy who saves me a million times a day!


  8. Lethea Benson’s avatar

    I’m grateful to have married the love of my life and to have the opportunity to be a mother to two wonderfully fantastic kiddos=)


  9. emily’s avatar

    i am thankful for my health and family’s health. emily


  10. Erin’s avatar

    I’m grateful for being able bodied and have the ability to run! Sometimes I get so frustrated because I don’t like the way I look some days, or feel down, and then I’m reminded that I’m thankful for my health.


  11. greensandjeans’s avatar

    I’m thankful for my job and my great coworkers! I love working for a company that promotes running and cycling!


  12. Meg C.’s avatar

    I’m thankful for my family and being able to afford to eat good food !


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