POM Wonderful Pizza

This is what I came home to on Friday night:
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Lindsay from POM Wonderful contacted me about a week ago to see if I was interested in receiving some POM to try and review. Absolutely! I didn’t expect that she would send me 8 great bottles, so I was quite surprised when I saw all of this! They are so cute, like a little row of POM people 🙂 POM recently launched a really cool new POM community website. As you know by now, I love brands that go that extra step to engage customers rather than just pushing the product, and the POM community is an amazing way to find new recipes and to learn about the health benefits of POM products. Challenged to come up with unique and delicious POM recipes, I got thinking and decided that my first POM recipe would be a pizza. My pizza was actually inspired by a trip to Todd English’s Figs where we had a fig and gorgonzola pizza with a balsamic reduction. Only this time, the reduction was POM. Please note that the pizza did not come out very pretty, but it tasted amazing. I started with a ball of whole wheat pizza dough from Trader Joe’s, Salem blue cheese, Trader Joe’s chicken apple sausage, and 1/2 bottle of POM Wonderful.
PA171545 I wanted to add chopped figs to this, but did not find them until after I was done eating. Next time. I rolled out the dough on the counter.
Added the cheese and sausage
And put the pizza in the oven for about 8 minutes at 425. While it was baking, I was reducing POM in a small pan. Yes, we definitely need new pans.
I took the pizza out and drizzled POM reduction all over it. PA171557
Then put it back in the oven for another 4 minutes. The POM reduction baked into the dough and mixed with the melted blue cheese. This created a sweet and salty combination that was just delicious. I served the pizza with a salad of radicchio, butter lettuce, heirloom tomatoes, and an old throwback, Good Seasons zesty Italian dressing.
And a glass of Trader Joe’s Central Coast Zinfandel, which at $4 a bottle, is an amazing deal, a big, fruit forward wine comparable to $12-15 bottles we have purchased. All in all, a great meal and an excellent way to use POM Wonderful! Reducing it really concentrates the flavor and makes it all yummy and syrupy. I am looking forward to more POM cooking and drinking this week. Thanks, Lindsay!

Tags: pizza, POM, recipe

  1. Mardi @eatlivetravelwrite’s avatar

    Now that looks like a wonderful pizza (no pun intended). Nice work incorporating the POM in there! I wish people would contact me to see if I want samples….


  2. talesfromtwocities’s avatar

    That looks amazing! I love sweet/savory combos. Figs is good at that!


  3. theredmenaceeats’s avatar

    That sounds really delicious. I think it actually even looks good, other than the fact that the POM reduction looks a tiny bit…gory. It might make an excellent Halloween pizza. Either way, I’d try it!


  4. Simply Life’s avatar

    wow, I never knew you could use that for so many things! Impressive – it looks great!


  5. Andrea@WellnessNotes’s avatar

    The pizza sounds great! What a creative way to use POM!


  6. Jillian (back to the nest)’s avatar

    Looks yummy, but what could a vegetarian sub in for chicken sausage?


  7. brandi’s avatar

    what a great idea! You should reduce some POM juice with maple syrup for pancakes 🙂 it’s awesome1


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