Healthy Halloween!

It’s giveaway time! Halloween is just around the corner, and with this being one of my favorite times of year, I thought we should all celebrate with a giveaway. I thought about the traditional candy treats that accompany this holiday, and I decided you guys deserved something that was delicious but also high quality and healthy. Soooooo the Healthy Halloween giveaway will be. . . A pack of 10 bars from Glo Bakery. Depending on what’s available, the winner will be able to choose the bars, and then I will order them from Angela and have them shipped out! How to enter: 1) Leave a comment on this post letting me know your favorite Halloween/scary movie 2) Link back to this post on your blog if you have one Get an extra entry by tweeting about the giveaway, and gain another entry by adding Travel Eat Love to your blogroll if you haven’t already. ** Please note that this giveaway is only open to residents of US and Canada due to shipping. I will announce the winner on Halloween. Good luck!

  1. Roxanne’s avatar

    My favorite Halloween movie is IT based on the Stephen King novel. I absolutly adore the story and the characters, it’s the perfect Halloween movie for me!


  2. Bekah’s avatar

    great giveaway! fave scary movie is probably disturbia or the panic room. these weren’t thaaat scary, but i’m kind of a wimp. Love suspense rather than gore though!


  3. Bekah’s avatar

    added to my blogroll!


  4. Lele’s avatar

    My favorite Halloween movie is definitely Shaun of the Dead 😀 And, incidentally, one of my favorite Valentine’s Days ever, my girlfriends and I watched 28 Days Later.


  5. Erin’s avatar

    I heart “Shaun of the Dead” any time of year!! Thanks for the giveaway, E


  6. Brittany’s avatar

    To be honest I’ve always hated scary movies, especially realistic ones so I don’t really have a favorite. I do like Halloween though! I would LOVE to try the Glo Bars- this is an awesome giveaway.


  7. Shannon’s avatar

    ooh, i am not a fan of scary movies, so i’d have to go with Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, too!


  8. runningmind’s avatar

    My favorites have to be the Halloween series. My brother and I used to love them and watched them over and over as teens.


  9. runningmind’s avatar

    I also added you to my reader!


  10. Kristen’s avatar

    I don’t like scary movies, but I think One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest should count!!


  11. dulcigal’s avatar

    Oooooh, Glo Bars! My absolutely favorite scary movie is “Wait Until Dark”, with Audrey Hepburn and Alan Arkin (shiver), and my favorite “scary” movie is Mel Brooks’ “Young Frankenstein.” Wonderful blog! I found you via the blog Simply Life.


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      You can absolutely pick Charlie Brown! I love it, I have really been wanting to watch that movie lately!


    2. dulcigal’s avatar

      And duly tweeted…very nice giveaway…


    3. RunToFinish’s avatar

      Wow you don’t mess around with prizes, this one is the bomb! Let’s see… I am not really a scary movie person so my favorite would actually be…oh yes this is embarrassing…. Charlie Brown and the Giant Pumpkin


    4. eatolive’s avatar

      FAVORITE halloween movie, BY FAR, is hocus pocus. can’t beat a classic 🙂


    5. Elizabeth’s avatar

      I think Scream is a great movie! Very funny and pretty scary at times


    6. eatolive’s avatar

      just added you to my blogroll 🙂


    7. tosha25italia’s avatar

      Charlie Brown’s great pumpkin is my favorite!!!


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        Have you seen Carrie? 🙂 Scary!


      2. sisrocks1996’s avatar

        Charlie Brown’s Great Pumpkin OOOOR Nightmare Before Christmas OOOR Edward Scissorhands. I love scary movies can you tell 😉 I added you to my blogroll too.


      3. Paige’s avatar

        My favorite scary movie is The Sixth Sense! It’s not really that scary, but it definitely gave me chills the first time I saw it.


      4. ikkinlala’s avatar

        I’m not a fan of scary movies (or of most movies, really), but Rock Horror is off-the-wall enough to be entertaining and people always seem to show it at Halloween.


      5. Jessica’s avatar

        I am embarrassed to admit this, but my favorite Halloween-themed movies are “Hocus Pocus” & “Practical Magic.” Obviously they’re not scary AT ALL, but I watch those every year. Shhh. Don’t tell anyone. 😉 I will tweet this, too! ( Great giveaway!


      6. Erin’s avatar

        My favorite scary movie is Silence of the Lambs. Too creepy!


      7. Jen O’s avatar

        My all-time favorite Halloween movie would have to be the original Halloween movie with Jamie Lee Curtis.


      8. Julie @savvyeats’s avatar

        I don’t really “do” scary movies…but I love “Its the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!” Does that count 😉


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