Greens Plus Apple Cider

A few weeks ago I received an email from Cari at Greens Plus asking if I had received a package from them. I hadn’t so Cari took my contact information and not long after I received a free sample of their Omega 3 Chia Seeds. At this point, most of you who read a lot of healthy living blogs know all about chia seeds, but if you don’t, here is some info from their website:  

Salvia hispanica, also known as Chia (pronounced chee’ah), is the richest and only unprocessed, whole food source of pure Omega3. A member of the mint family, Chia is native to Central America and has been used traditionally for over 3000 years.

Ancient Aztec warriors prized Chia as an endurance–promoting Superfood, eating it in bread just before battle, and drinking it in water before running long distances on foot. Mixed in lemonade or fruit juice (known as chia fresca) Omega3 Chia seed quickly becomes a refreshing, performance-enhancing energy drink.  


Much in need of a performance enhancing energy drink, I decided to try these chia seeds after a run. I know. . . I’m not really supposed to be running right now, but it was more of a jog/walk.;) And it was lovely.

It was a gorgeous fall evening, so the obvious choice for my chia drink was apple cider. I poured a 1/4 mug of cider and mixed some water in, then poured in the contents of the chia seeds packet.


I let the chia seeds bloom for a few minutes so that they got that yummy gelatinous texture, then poured in more cider and water, stirred and drank it up. Chia seeds taste like nothing to me, so the taste of the cider completely came through. I really love the texture of chia seeds, and as many of you know, you can make a great vegan pudding with them. The nutritionals of chia seeds can not be beat, and the fact that they have water binding capacity means that they are super hydrating.

For complete nutrition information or to place an order, check out Greens Plus’ website. I am certainly looking forward to learning more ways to incorporate them into my diet!

Thanks again to Cari and Greens Plus for the opportunity to try this great product!

Stay tuned for a review of Post 390 tonight and a few recipes later this week. I have been cooking up a storm!

  1. Alison’s avatar

    Chia doesn’t taste like anything to me either but I like the gelatinous texture in oats.


  2. Simply Life’s avatar

    I see these all the time on other blogs but have had no clue what they are – thanks!


  3. Allie (Live Laugh Eat)’s avatar

    I LOVE Greens+ Chia seeds!! Making pudding with them is so fun and easy. I secretly like the pop, crackle, and crunch of them hehe


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