My Top Ten

In just a few short hours I will be off to San Francisco and Napa Valley for a long weekend of fun, food, wine, and sleep! These two destinations are places that I have long wanted to visit, and I am happy to be able to soon move them off of my Top Ten list. We plan on visiting Alcatraz, the Ferry Building Market, Golden Gate Park, Haight Ashbury, Muir Woods, Sausalito, several Napa wineries including Cake Bread and Mumm, and eating at a few fantabulous restaurants, all of which I will blog about, of course!

This will be my first vacation as a blogger, so you can bet that I will try to capture absolutely everything! If I love San Francisco as much as everyone else does, I may have to add it back on 🙂 but for now, another destination moves into their spot.

My travel Top Ten is, in no particular order,

Argentina – Buenos Aires, Mendoza wine region and Patagonia

Spain– back to Barcelona, and all over – I need to see Granada, Sevilla, and the Costa Verde

Peru– Machu Picchu is calling my name!

Sicily– to sit in the sun and eat!

Thailand– to sit in the sun and eat some more 🙂 and to swim in warm seas and experience local culture

 Morocco – to visit the markets, learn about the culture and religion, and yes to eat!

South Africa- to go on safari, to visit their wine country, and to learn more about its history

Australia– to hike and camp in the outback, so swim, and surf, and snorkel, AND visit Australian wineries

Tahiti- to stay in a hut over the water and drink umbrella drinks

West Highland Trail, Scotland– to hike for days, stay in cute b & b’s and end up somewhere beautiful to rest and eat lots; I love Scotland!


Do you have a Top Ten or Top Five travel destination list? Do you have plans to knock off any of the destinations soon? I have a couple of great guests posts coming up this week, chock full of travel photos, and I will definitely check in from time to time from the West coast.

And if you get a second, check out An Apple A Day for a great giveaway!

  1. Alison’s avatar

    London is probably my favorite city. But I want to go back to Paris and the rest of France. And I want to explore more of Asia.


  2. traveleatlove’s avatar

    I have never been to Asia but really want to go to so many places!


  3. Andrea@WellnessNotes’s avatar

    Have a wonderful trip! I’m a bit partial, but SF & Napa Valley are wonderful… 🙂 Enjoy!

    I don’t have a travel list at the moment as the toddler is just too young. Maybe in ten years or so I’ll start working on one… 😉 I also may “steal” a few places from your list, they all sound wonderful…


  4. leslie’s avatar

    oh, this is fun. 🙂 my top 5, right now at least:

    southern india: to see untouched nature, experience the markets, and because i’ve never been anywhere like it.
    thailand: for the same reasons as you!
    tel aviv and eilat, israel: i’ve been, but i’d like to go back and really soak up the spirit of tel aviv – and the beach fantasyland of eilat!
    buenos aires: to completely immerse myself in the culture, the food, and the wine. basically, the best parts of traveling.
    ghana: again, to experience something completely different from what i know.

    hmm, i could also add iceland, the southwestern us, and st. petersburg. and someday i’ll make a return visit to prague – it’ll always be my second home.

    have a wonderful trip meghan! can’t wait to read about it.


  5. Jessica’s avatar

    I LOVE the Bay Area! Sounds like you have a good working list of sights to see. I highly recommend the Ferry Building (make sure you get there on Saturday morning for the fabulous farmers’ market!) and the Golden Gate Park. Where are you eating while you’re there? I recommend spending a dinner in Berkeley. Go to Chez Panisse (fancy) or Cheese Board (just plain delicious)

    I like your travel list. I’ve thought of making one too. I’d like to see Costa Rica, Tuscany, and eat croissants in France.

    I’m heading to the Bay Area next month, and can’t wait to see your blog on Cake Bread. That’s a priority for my next trip!


  6. Allie (Live Laugh Eat)’s avatar

    I’ve only been to Thailand (from your list). My aunt married a Thai person and moved there. We visited them 12 years ago!! I got to touch a tiger and ride an elephant among other things. A lot of what I remember is just how hot it was 🙂 I was 9 years old, hehe.

    I haven’t come up with 10 places but two of them are Spain and Greece. I wanted to go there while I was abroad last year but I figured each of those places deserved more than a weekend vacation–more like 2 weeks EACH at the very least.

    Have a fabulous time in SF. Can’t wait to read/see/hear about all your wonderful adventures. It’ll be fun to have an audience for your vacation thoughts/photos as a blogger, huh?


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