Sweet! Good Health Apple Chips + Giveaway

Happy Wednesday! Thank you ALL so much for your kind comments on our anniversary post. It definitely turned out to be an “in sickness or in health” moment as just after I wrote that post late Monday, I became very ill and am just starting to feel better now! Can you imagine a food blogger not being able to eat for over a day? I was starting to worry what I would write about! 😉

Luckily, I have lots of fun stuff still to try from Good Health Natural Products! I have only tried their avocado oil chips so far, but I am loving this company!

Since so many of you answered sweet to my salty or sweet question last week, I decided today that I would try the apple chips that Good Health Natural Products sent to me.

Cinnamon and regular

Cinnamon and regular


Chips out of the bag

Chips out of the bag

I am a big fan of apples, and I definitely like chips occasionally, so I was pretty sure I would like an apple that was jazzed up into a chip. Here is what Good Health Natural Products says about the chips:

“Taste the healthiest alternative to regular potato chips; made from Washington state Red Delicious apples with no sulfites, no high-fructose corn syrup, low sodium and 30% less fat than regular chips. It’s an easy way to get kids to eat apples: both the Crispy Original Apple Chips and the Crispy Cinnamon Apple Chips. Healthy can still taste great.”

To view the nutritional info please visit their site: http://www.goodhealthnaturalproducts.com/apple-chips.html.

As a snack, I thought these chips offered very good nutritionals, and they taste great! Nice and crispy, a little sweet, a little buttery. I liked the cinnamon apple chips the best; they taste like fall to me and would be the perfect addition to a fall themed cocktail party which I already plan on having. Fall happens to be my favorite season of all, and yes I am already looking to the flavors  of the season; its just around the corner! (I would definitely like to have cute bowls of apple chips alongside an apple cider and champagne cocktail! )

What I really love about these chips is that they taste just like apples, in a different form. They are all natural, fitting in with Good Health Natural Products’ mission to providing natural, healthy foods that benefit consumers. I do eat an apple a day (perhaps a hint for the upcoming Healthy Living A-Z? :)) and I definitely think that there is room for a handful or two of crunchy apple chips throughout my day! The fact that these chips offer 30% less fat than potato chips while also providing 30% of your vitamin C per serving means that they are a also great step for people who are looking to clean up their diets but who don’t want to give up delicious and fun treats.

I can also really see these snacks being perfect for kids and for parents who have trouble getting their kids to eat. I have already told my sister about these chips as, despite her very best efforts, my 2 year old niece definitely will not eat her daily fruit and veggie needs. She is definitely going to like these!

I will be announcing a fun giveaway in tomorrow’s post, so be sure to check in! I am off to respond to some comments and to read your blogs! I missed over a day’s worth of posts, and I miss you all.

Have a great evening!

  1. Andrea@WellnessNotes’s avatar

    Sorry you got so sick. Glad you are feeling a bit better.

    I’m usually not a huge fan of apple chips, but your description of them at a fall themed cocktail party makes me want to have the party and the chips! 😉

    Get better soon!


  2. Allie (Live Laugh Eat)’s avatar

    Haha, I love how that was your reaction to being sick 🙂 Great review! I love apple chips, I’ll have to check these out.

    You walk past Flour every day!?!? Jeeeealous!


  3. Angharad’s avatar

    Sweet! Never heard of these chips…will indeed be checking back tomorrow – haha.
    Sorry you were poorly – glad youre feeling better now!


  4. Alison’s avatar

    Sounds like a fun treat! What are your favorite apples? I really love Honey Crisp and Haralson.


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