Panzanella. . . sort of

The biggest perk of working from home is that I get to make real lunches and breakfasts. After a very indulgent evening last night (totally worth it!) I wanted to get lots of healthy food in today. I started out with an extra spinach-y green monster with a nectarine, banana, soy milk, and several scoops of Chocolate SuperFood. I got hungry for lunch at around 11:30 and gave in. I knew I wanted a salad, and since I had some “getting old” Arnold sandwich thins, I decided to make a bread salad. By no means was this a traditional panzanella, a Tuscan bread salad that I adore, but it was tasty, healthy, colorful, and provided lots of flavors and textures. It also really filled me up!


1 cup chopped beets

1 Arnold sandwich thin, multigrain, torn into bits

1/2 avocado, chopped

1/4 cup or so of crumbled goat cheese

handful of black olives

a drizzle of Frank’s hot sauce

Real panzanella is MUCH prettier. But this was yum.

Real panzanella is MUCH prettier. But this was yum.

I had my lunch with a bunch of cherries, some homemade iced tea with lots of lemon, and then later a mashed banana with PB & Coย chocolate peanut butter. Yummm. . .

My Amazing Grass tub also seemed to find its way into this photo! It has become such a key ingredient in our kitchen.

We are hopefully going down to the harbor tonight to see the tall ships and may grab a drink at the fabulous Barbara Lynch’s Seaport bar, Drink. I will definitely have pics if we do see the ships.

Hope you are all having a great Friday! ๐Ÿ™‚

Tags: Boston, panzanella, Peanut butter & co, Tall ships

  1. Maria’s avatar

    Salad sounds delicious! Love the additions of olives, avocados, beets, and goat cheese–mmm. I’ve always wanted to try panzanella salad ๐Ÿ™‚

    Yay for Amazing Meal! I adore that stuff.

    Happy Friday!!!


  2. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

    i like your sandwich thin-zanella. sometimes i do that with leftover hot dog buns that are getting stale.


  3. MarathonVal’s avatar

    I love the chocolate Amazing Grass! Did you get yours with Jenna’s 40% off coupon too? I’m worried that mine will go by so fast so I am rationing it to some extent ๐Ÿ™‚

    FYI, I’m having a Holey Donuts giveaway on my blog until next Wednesday in case you are interested! ๐Ÿ™‚


  4. burpexcuzme’s avatar

    another great perk of working at home: spending the whole day in pajamas! Well, thats how I would be like, hee hee.
    Oh, I like that salad, with the torn bread!


  5. Madison’s avatar

    You are so creative with your meals! I wish I could be more like you. ๐Ÿ™‚

    About your Amazing Grass–have you had the plain GreenSuperfood too? Do you like the Chocolate the best? I have not tried chocolate and just have the plain, but am thinking about buying chocolate next time.


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