I heart La Tur


In thinking about what I want to eat this weekend, I just HAD to post about my favorite cheese ever, La Tur. La Tur can be found at Whole Foods and most gourmet cheese shops and is an incredibly gooey, stinky cheese from Italy.

Courtesy of 365 Cheeses

Courtesy of 365 Cheeses

It is made from cow, sheep, and goat milk, and is a product of Alta Lange, Caseificio Dell’Alta Langa Italy. This cheese is beyond buttery, smooth, creamy, and heady. We have been invited to a bbq this weekend, and I can not think of anything better than bringing a cake of this cheese with a warm baguette. Leave it out for a bit, and it becomes runny and just perfectly decadent.

What foods do you look forward to eating? What is your favorite cheese? (if you eat cheese!)

  1. Kailey’s avatar

    wow that cheese looks so delicious, especially topped on a fresh piece of bread 🙂


  2. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

    i wish i could still eat cheese. i love swiss w a glass of wine!


  3. MarathonVal’s avatar

    I’ve never seen that kind but I’ll try to get some from WF next time I’m there! I love cheese on a baguette for a picnic or outdoor concert!


  4. Madison’s avatar

    I look forward to Christmas parties and holiday get togethers because I know the dessert spread will be lavishly huge! haha. My family is having a July 4th BBQ Saturday and we are having 1) banana pudding 2) strawberry trifle 3) chocolate kahlua cake trifle

    I can officially say I am looking forward to having some of each! : D


  5. Shelly’s avatar

    Oh my gosh, that looks so good! I really love Manchego with Membrillo (quince paste). I also really love any form of goat cheese. Yum! Now I need a cheese plate for dinner. Haha!


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