Guest post: The King of All Whole Foods

Hi guys! I am off on one of the Boston Harbor Islands today, but we have a guest post from the lovely Allie at . I love Allie’s blog, from the title on! Plus she shares my love of grocery shopping. I am happy to know that I am not the only one who sees art in the Whole Foods’ produce department! 🙂 Be sure to check out her blog for lots of beautiful food photos and ideas, and just a lovely sunshine-y overall feel!

First off, I’d like to thank Meghan for the opportunity to write a guest post on her blog!  I had been reading food blogs for years but hadn’t been ready to start my own until now, and I can’t imagine my life without it!  The community is so friendly and supportive–I have been pleasantly surprised.  If you’re like me and like watching shows from the very beginning, go check out my blog at  You can follow my blogging life from the very beginning! Well, you’d have to read back about two weeks :). Or if you just want a super cool blog to follow–that too!  Alright let’s get this show on the road.
Okay. I’ll admit it. I consider ‘shopping for food’ as one of my main hobbies…and by ‘hobbies’ I mean infatuations.  Last fall, I studied abroad in London, UK.  I was fortunate enough to live in a very nice part of the city in exchange for sharing a 3-[small]-bedroom apartment with 7 other girls. Whew!  Little did I know, I lived a short 10 min. walk from a 3-story GINOR-MONSTROUS Whole Foods Market.  Totally worth not having any privacy 🙂


This place was the KING of all Whole Foods.  It had it all: a bakery, a florist, a café, restaurants (!!!!), clothing/books/candles, a HUGE prepared foods section, wine, cheese room, build your own muesli, bulk (nut butters, nuts, granola, seeds, lentils, etc), coffee and tea bulk, a chocolate deli, and spa services.


Oh yes, you better believe I went every. single. day. of. the. week. Just a short stroll on my daily commute. Addictive behavior? What?

 I always joke that my dream job would be with Whole Foods (totally not a joke at all). The store makes me feel like a seven year old at Disney World for the very first time! It’s a magical experience; walking around, reading labels, and spotting new products (enter adrenaline rush!). So you can imagine how in-heaven I was every time I walked into WF Kensington.

Whether it was sitting and crankin’ out a paper in their coffee-shop-ish cove with a cup of tea and a chocolate chip scone or admiring all the little chocolates in the glass case while looking out for samples, the entertainment was endless.


I long to return to London for school, work, or to travel but you better believe I’ll be hittin’ up Whole Foods the day I get back!

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