Food extravaganza

Mini gelato cone, almond cookie, banana cream puff

Mini gelato cone, almond cookie, banana cream puff

Hello friends! Well this will  be another short one, but I will give you a sneak preview of some of the food I have been eating this week. Meetings and work events have been going well and alllllll day long. The good news is that the food is flowin and it is delish!

Yesterday was an Italian themed day, and while I started off with a super green Green Monster, a healthy brekkie of eggs and fruit, and a lunch of marinated veggies, salad, and veggie pasta, the afternoon snacks totally threw me off. A gelato, espresso, almond cookie, biscotti, and ricotta pie afternoon break! Ummm yes I will have one of each. I had a plate full of small goodies, pictured above. The almond cookie was probably one of the best things I have eaten in a long time – soft and chewy with a delicious amaretto taste and crunchy toasted almonds on the outside.

Dinner was spectacular – a trip to Boston’s Thompson Island. I have loads of pictures and will do a full post when I am done with meetings – Saturday at around 10!!! I plan on lots of blog work on Sunday and Monday including a full review of my great mail surprise today, a box from Real Pickles in Montague, MA. I am really interested in fermented food and so grateful to Real Pickles for sending the samples I requested! They are chilling in the fridge now, but you will get a full report on Sunday. And though I will be in meetings on Saturday, in my heart I will be celebrating Jerry Garcia’s birthday 🙂 Little deadhead that I am.

 Sorry for being MIA but hope you are enjoying the lovely guest posts!

  1. leslie’s avatar

    “yes i will have one of each” – looooove it! at least you’re getting in some good snacks inbetween all the work!


  2. Kailey’s avatar

    ohh that almond cookie is totally calling my name!!
    glad to hear your dinner was amazing! hope your having lots of fun!


  3. burpexcuzme’s avatar

    Ooh Italian day! Sounds like a good day to me!
    And how do you request for such samples? So cool!


  4. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

    aw you little deadhead! i was a big fan in college….


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