My dream vacation

Sunshine in Boston! Finally, after a week of clouds and rain and super humidity, it is sunny and warm. We had a lovely salad out on the deck:

Romaine, avocado, LOADS of grape tomatoes, onion, and prawns

For the dressing, I roasted an entire head of garlic and food processed it with a cup of 0% TJ’s Greek style yogurt, some green onions, black pepper, and some olive oil. It was delicious!

salad 061209

I am off to Provincetown early tomorrow morning for an annual girls’ weekend with my college roomates, and I plan on having a no computer 24 hours! I will have the ol’ crackberry but intermittent service at the beach cottage. Bliss!

My husband and I have been thinking about selling our condo and buying a new place in the South End which means we would have to do some big time savings. It’s starting to look like we aren’t going to sell anytime soon, so I suggested that we plan a great trip with some of the savings. At that moment, I also happened to be reading Bon appétit magazine and came across an advert for my dream vacation: Food, Wine, and South African Tales, a once in a lifetime culinary tour of South Africa with Bon appétit. Perfect!!!! Perfect timing, and a place I have been wanting to go.

Journey Through the Flavors of South Africa With Bon Appétit

The Winelands, Cape Town, Kruger National Park

An eleven-day land program featuring exclusive Bon Appétit culinary experiences. Escorted by Bon Appétit Executive Editor Victoria von Biel with Condé Nast Traveler-Recommended Safari Specialist Ryan Hilton.

Buoyed with new energy and no longer bummed about our lack of condo sale, I went online to find out more information: . Obviously we were going to check it out and book it right then before the excursion filled up. Until we realized that it is $8,995 per person, sans airfare to South Africa. 🙁

So, alas we will not be able to attend in this lifetime, but a girl can dream. . .  South Africa is still on my short list, right after Argentina, and hopefully I will get to blog about both in the not so far away future.

What is your dream vacation? Sometimes mine is just a few days off in my own house 🙂

I am off to get packing and do a short workout before a weekend filled with wine, lobster, and the lovely, crazy Provincetown. Have a great Saturday everyone!

Tags: Food, South Africa, South African wine, Travel, wine

  1. Nicole’s avatar

    Found your blog through OH SHE GLOWS!
    Love your idea and think it is great what you’re doing!! pretty smart too. Hope you will check out my blog sometime too:)


  2. The Actors Diet’s avatar

    We went to South Africa a few years ago. I kinda knew it was going to be the epitome of vacation and it was so I’m not going to try to top it. But I still want to go to Japan one day!!!


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