I had cake for lunch

Ohhh what a day! It is raining again here in Boston, and boy did I get soaked on the way home. It was another very busy day, so busy in fact, that I had cake for lunch.

Two of my colleagues are celebrating birthdays tomorrow, and my plan for weeks was to get a cake for our department to celebrate. Of course, I was called into two last minute meetings though, which gave me time to go to Finale to buy the cake, go into a meeting, then come back out in time for it being cut.

They were surprised, and the cake was delicious, though maybe a little too delicious. I could only eat about 1/2 of a piece, which is fine with me. It was Finale’s Chocolate Symphony:

Three tiers of Valrhona chocolate mousse (bittersweet, milk, and white) with chocolate cake

Finale is a beautiful desserterie that also serves lunch, and it is very close my office. They also host a variety of different events; I am dying to attend one soon and hope my schedule allows for it!

I don’t think having cake for lunch every once in awhile is such a bad thing, especially considering all of my great finds at our local produce market today.

All this for $6

All this for $6

I have all the fixins for a great smoothie in the am, plus some apricots, which Foodgal wrote a great article about the other day. They have been so yummy and sweet but apparently will have a very short season.

I was hoping to add my Amazing Grass to my smoothie as it was supposed to arrive today, but the UPS man didn’t leave it, just a slip on the door. I am hoping to work from home tomorrow, so there will be Amazing Grass soon!

Dinner tonight is either burritos from El Triunfo or tempeh and veggie stir fry. I am secretly hoping for burritos so there is no clean up! I am off to do some sort of workout. Have a great evening everyone, and I will be back tomorrow with a review of the lovely new Stephi’s on Tremont.

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  1. Malena (www.justbeingb.com)’s avatar

    Mmm everyone deserves cake for lunch every now and then. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m loving the $6 produce trip. Don’t you just love that? I hope your Amazing Grass comes in soon so you can use some of that fruit in an awesomely AMAZING smoothie.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I like yours so far too! I’ll be sure to stop back in often.


  2. healthy ashley’s avatar

    I can’t believe you got all that great produce for $6! I am officially envying you ๐Ÿ™‚

    And although cake for lunch would leave me hungry and with a headache (I’d eat the cake- I’d just need more!), it’s totally fine! Glad you enjoyed it ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. Madison’s avatar

    Girl, nothing is wrong with cake for lunch!!! I love that! And you got some great deals on that yummy looking produce.

    I am going to Panera for lunch–and am thinking about getting what I really want there…a cinnamon crunch bagel with loads of cream cheese. Not much protein I know–but still delish! What do you think?


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