Fun Food Pics

Happy Tuesday! It is the millionth rainy day in a row here in Boston, but I am feelin’ good. I honestly have not felt this good in a very long time, and despite an 11 hour work day, a 3 mile run, a neighborhood watch meeting, and some cooking, I still have a ton of energy. Ummmm thank you Amazing Grass. I bought a tub of the Chocolate SuperFood today, and I am looking forward to an Amazing Meal smoothie in the morning with coconut water, blueberries, spinach, and frozen pineapple. I am obsessed!

Cupcake 2

Cupcake in bed - perfect!

Cupcake , perfect with a Chocolate SuperFood drink 😉

For tonight’s post, I thought I would share some just for fun food photos. I am getting sleepy and will be dreaming of all of the lovely things I will be eating this week 🙂

Perfect easy soup ingredients

Perfect easy soup ingredients


Over the weekend and despite the fact she was sick, my mom gave me a bunch of groceries to bring home, including chicken stock and lean chicken breasts, which we don’t normally stock but were happy to have on hand after a busy weekend. I tossed loads of chopped garlic, half a white onion,  a can of green chiles, chopped tomatoes, black beans, frozen TJ’s pepper blend, and a bunch of spices into a pot and simmered all afternoon as I worked. The hub was very surprised when he arrived home soaking wet and cold. Soup can really make the day better, especially when paired with TJ’s garlic naan and a Beck’s Dark.

Some of the goods

Some of the goods

On my run home from work, I stopped at the grocery store and picked up some fun stuff. Blueberries were on sale 4 for $5. Holy smoothies this week! I also grabbed more almond milk and some Vita Tops to try. I read so much about them on other blogs, that I was craving them this morning! I haven’t tried them yet, but I am sure I will let you know.

We also picked up some Beck’s Dark. After writing my post on Vienna, I was craving a good dark beer and thinking of good times at the pubs and the Hofbrauhaus in Munich. I am ready for some travel soon.

Speaking of which, we booked tickets to San Francisco for Labor Day weekend! My first trip to CA! I am so excited and now we just need to decide, out of 4 nights, how many do we spend in the city and how many in Napa? I welcome suggestions lovely foodie readers.

I am off to do some reading and then watching the Real Housewives of NJ Reunion. You can take a girl out of Jersey. . .


Buenas noches!

Tags: beer, Food, Health Food

  1. Carolyn Jung’s avatar

    I don’t think you need the superfood drink. In my book, a cupcake already is a SUPER FOOD. 😉


  2. wine information’s avatar

    I love both frisco and Napa and have been several times to both. If you’re looking for a place to chill then Napa is the way to roll. Their is even a decent night life in downtown St. Helena. Try Anna’s Cantina!! Local dive bar that is full of cool peeps. San Fran obviously has a great night life and I would recommend the live salsa music at the cigar bar. It’s down by the transunion building. Ask around. Cheers!


  3. Madison’s avatar

    That cupcake is so cuuuute!

    And you do have a lot of energy with your long work day and great work out! Good job! I love Amazing Grass too. Today is only my 3rd day of having it but I am already obsessed.

    What did you think about the Housewives reunion? I was shocked to see Teresa and Danielle sitting next to each other. DRAMA MAMAS!!!!


  4. Goldie’s avatar

    I have a cake craving now! I’m a sucker for a muffin or cupcake smeared with peanut butter or nutella.



  5. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

    Have fun in San Fran! It’s a great walking city….


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