Chocolate SuperFood Giveaway!

Hi friends,

Just a short post tonight because I am going to be burnin the midnight oil to make some deadlines tomorrow and Thursday so that I can HOPEFULLY enjoy part of the long weekend away from my laptop. I could not have made it through this very busy work period/very stressful house and family issues period without my favorite new Amazing Grass products! Sooooo I have decided that my first giveaway must be an 8.5 oz container of Amazing Grass Chocolate SuperFood! Just leave me a comment to let me know why YOU NEED SuperFood, and I will use the random integer chooser this coming Friday to choose the lucky winner.

Good luck, and happy reading! 🙂

Chocolate SuperFood - A-maazing!

Chocolate SuperFood - A-maazing!

Tags: amazing grass, giveaway

  1. Carolyn’s avatar

    I would like to win the chocolate superfood because i have only ever tried the regular, and just recently at that! I would love to be able to work another flavor into my meals… thanks for the contest…!


  2. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

    Oh, I need this. With the temperature sneaking up, I need to make more cold brekkie brews for me and the hubby!


  3. roseyrebecca’s avatar

    I would love to win the chocolate superfood because I have actually never tried a green monster! This would make my week! Thanks for the chance!


  4. kelly’s avatar

    Oh, I soo need this! I have never tried the chocolate, but have been dying to! DH is in Iraq right now and I’ve been running myself ragged taking care of my responsibilites as well as the yucky boy ones like MOWING the lawn. bleh. Would love to try for the extra energy!!


  5. Shelly’s avatar

    I would love the chocolate superfood b/c I do everything I can to eat as many veggies and possible. This would be a great addition to my green monster smoothies!


  6. Amanda’s avatar

    I need chocolate Superfood to kick my caffeine habit. I’ve never tried any of the AmazingGrass products but have been reading rave reviews about them. I’d love to change my morning routine to include a smoothie every day.


  7. MarathonVal’s avatar

    This stuff is sooooo good!!!! Whoever gets this would be a lucky gal (or guy!)


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      Don’t you just love them! I have seriously not had this much energy since I was a child!


    2. Madison’s avatar

      I WOULD LOVEEEEE to try Chocolate Superfood because I just started using plain Greensuperfood and I love it! I have heard the chocolate is much tastier–so pretty pretty please pick me with a cherry on top?!??!?!? I will be forever grateful.


    3. Jenna Z’s avatar

      Oooh, this summer I am bound a determined to up my healthy breakfast quota! I VERY rarely get a veggie in at breakfast but how easy would it be with this? Awesome!


    4. burpexcuzme’s avatar

      I NEED this superfood because I’m trying to be Super-girl!


    5. JEAN MITCHELL’s avatar

      I just came across your blog after looking at Jennas blog! Yours will become another fun stop on my daily food blog tour!
      I would love to win the amazing grass because I am addicted to how good I feel when I have AG products each day. They give me so much energy and clearer skin!
      Thank you!


    6. Maria’s avatar

      I would love to have the chocolate Amazing Grass stuff (I commented in today’s post on why :D). It gives me so much energy and protein + greens + fruit boost all in one!


    7. leslie’s avatar

      i have been dying to try this! i need it so that i can unite two of my greatest loves in life – greens and chocolate!


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