Amazing Grass!

Hi everyone, and Happy Father’s Day! Happy Solstice as well. I have decided to stay in NJ an extra night to help my mom out. She has really been wiped out by this crazy Lyme’s, and I just felt better staying for a bit longer. That means I will do as much work as possible this evening, then drive home early tomorrow morning to work from my house. A little stressful, yes, but at the end of the day my mind will be a little more at ease.

As promised, tonight’s post is dedicated to Amazing Grass. Unfortunately I planned on blogging from Boston tonight, so my camera with some Amazing Grass photos are up there. I will post them tomorrow, but if you want to see more info please visit the Amazing Grass website.

I received a bunch of samples on Friday night, and in the past 2 days I have tried the following:

Chocolate Green SuperFood Drink Power (x 2)

Berry Green SuperFood

Chocolate Green SuperFood Energy Bar

I have already felt a varietyof benefits from these products, but I will start with what I am sure everyone is wondering about- TASTE. All 3 of the Amazing Grass products that I have tried so far were delicious. I’m not talking about things I can choke down in then name of health, I am talking, I look forward to eating/drinking them. The energy bars and the Chocolate Green SuperFood Drink Powder are my favorite. The drink powder literally reminds me of the chocolate milk I drank as a child, and the bars are kind of like fruity brownies. The texture is perfect. So often you can get bars that are gritty or gummy, but these are moist and delicious.

I drank my first SuperFood straight after work on Friday and loved it, but what surprised me most was the next day. On Saturday, after a very long work week, little sleep, and feeling very worried about my mom, I left for NJ t 7 am. I brought my new Amazing Grass cup with about 10 ounces of almond milk and a packet of Chocolate Green SuperFood in the car and drank it in my first 10 minutes of driving. Normally on these weekends when I visit home, I am exhausted and feel cranky and out of it. This time, I felt alert, awake, happy, and energetic. I honestly was questioning why I felt so good, because I am usually pretty tired. Also, for the entire day I had NO COFFEE! Normally this would leave to a nagging little headache, but yesterday, nothing. I don’t plan on giving up coffee altogether because I do like it, but its nice to know the awesome pep in my step that Amazing Grass gives me!

 I arrived in no time, and for my afternoon snack had the chocolate SuperFood bar. On top of being delicious, it filled me up until a late dinner, and I felt amazingly energetic through until about 10:30, when I fell to sleep and slept really well!

I must also note that during the day, the hub called me to tell me that he loved the “brownie bar” that I left for him. He went for a 6 mile run and had the bar as a re-fuel. He is all about buying a case of these now!

I am really excited about Amazing Grass and have to thank my fellow bloggers for introducing it! I am looking forward to making it more part of my life and to the energy it gives me!

I am off to work from home for the evening. It is a BIG deadline week for me at the office, but I have started a few posts already and look forward to sharing some fun travels, including my beloved Vienna with all of you.

Very special thanks again to Teri at Amazing Grass for sending the samples, and I would really recommend these products to anyone.

  1. Danielle’s avatar

    Wow they sound great! I was worried about trying them for that every reason… taste, but I’m glad to hear it’s not a problem. Have a great night 🙂


  2. Madison’s avatar

    Hey girl! I was so excited to read your post about Amazing Grass because I actually tried it today for my first time, as well! I put a scoop of the GreenSuperfood powder in my smoothie. I could taste a little bit of difference but the smoothie was still delicious!

    I definitely want to try the chocolate kind now. I am glad you had so much energy–we will see how it affects me today. I have a pretty busy morning, and running on little sleep…so I am relying on Amazing Grass for that extra boost. 🙂

    You rock!


  3. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

    Do you sing “Amazing Grass” to the tune of “Amazing Grace”?


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