Are you flexible?

I don’t mean physically, though flexibility is an important part of overall fitness and feeling good. I find that I am constantly having to be flexible with things in life, especially with workouts, and especially in winter. This is the time of year where the forecast becomes important in my week’s plan. Will my run to the gym (with my bag filled with dry work clothes) be ruined by freezing rain? Will I end up working an hour late, making me far too hungry for a post-work trip to the gym?

This week, like all others has required  some flexibility on my part. First off, I did not sleep Sunday night which meant that the extra hour to sleep and putter around the house, rather than go to the gym on Monday, made a world of difference in how my day went. But I knew that I could not do the workout I planned for Monday on Tuesday because I need to vote in the Massachusetts primary to choose a new Senator to replace Senator Kennedy. 🙁

My workouts for the week are below. There is no doubt in my mind that there will be changes in the plan, but I thought I would share my progress with you. I promise to let you know when things get mixed up a little!

Saturday- 6 mile run with my new bloggy friends

Sunday- 1.5 hours of dog walking, very easy yoga stretching while listening to a variety of Silent Night renditions, very peaceful.

Monday- 5 miles on the elliptical at 7:20/mile(!!) plus .5 of a mile at a level 11 incline, 30 second plank pose, 3 times

Tuesday- Rest and VOTE!

Wednesday- 30 minute hill workout, elliptical or outside depending on weather, 25 minutes of power yoga for Project Strength

Thursday- 75 minutes power yoga

Friday- Off

Saturday- 7 mile run

Last week I wrote about the importance of rest days, and I find flexibility is just as important in staying healthy, maintaining your life while training for a distance event, and feeling good about the training you are doing.

Hopefully my workout tips help! Have you had to be flexible with your workouts? What are the biggest reasons, and how do you handle it?

Tags: running, training, workout

  1. Kelly’s avatar

    I definitely have to be flexible sometimes. I don’t work out outside in winter much, but I feel like things constantly come up where I have to adapt my work out schedule. It can be annoying but that’s life I guess.


  2. Karena’s avatar

    I feel like my work schedule is the biggest reason that I end up missing a workout. It bothered me a lot while I was training for MCM to the point where I’d have little freak outs if I couldn’t get a run in…I eventually learned that missing one or two weekday runs isn’t going to destroy me.

    Now it’s the dark, cold weather paired with the random late nights at the office that keep me from getting some quality gym time in (that, and I sort of loathe anything but running ;p)…maybe that falls more into the motivation category??


    1. admin’s avatar

      Yes, it was definitely the little freak outs I was addressing in this post lol! I have them internally all the time about running.


    2. Andrea@WellnessNotes’s avatar

      Yes, I’m pretty flexible when it comes to my workouts. But I always try to make myself reschedule them when something comes up (unless I am sick).


    3. Mardi @eatlivetravelwrite’s avatar

      Well I am hardly a runner of a marathon person in fact I mostly just do yoga but the past two months I have had to learn to be very flexible since I was travelling so much and was not able to fit in the workouts. Then hot on the heels of all that travel, I go and get bronchitis. I am learning to be calm about not working out for so long…. I am calm, I am flexible….


    4. Clarice’s avatar

      Thanks for this post. It’s nice to hear that someone like you has to adjust things too when it comes to when to work out. My biggest hindrance is winter is that I commute 45 minutes to my job. So when the weather is bad or I drive both ways in the dark it’s a major energy sapper.


      1. admin’s avatar

        Oh I really struggle with finding the time and oomph to work out! If I didn’t have a marathon hanging over my head, I would be in sweats on the couch or cooking every night! That is a tough commute this time of year!


      2. Carolyn Jung’s avatar

        I’m much more flexible now that I’m older. It’s the wisdom of age. Hah!
        I just got over a week-long cold. In my younger days, I’d force myself to keep working out through the coughing and sneezing. Now? I know better. I know that if I just spend more time resting at the start of the cold, it won’t turn into something far worse, which is what usually happens if I work out while ill instead. So, for a week I slept, ate a lot, and was a total couch potato. Now, I’m back to my regular five-day-a-week workouts, none for the worse.


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