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During long weeks full of work and never ending house stresses (The plumber from hell’s legacy, which started in February, lives on, with no end in sight.), I spend some of my down time daydreaming about past and future travel. It’s a nice way to (try) to fall asleep at night, and reminiscing about beautiful weather afar helps when what’s outside is less than ideal.

Our trip to Ireland and Scotland this past March seems like it happened so long ago, but I still have so much to blog about! I took hundreds of photos and soaked up lots of little moments. Here are just a few scenes from Scotland that stick with me.


Rosslyn Chapel

Rosslyn Chapel was at the top of our list when planning a trip to Edinburgh, and the local bus system made it very easy to get there, about a 25 minute ride through the city, small towns, and beautiful countryside.

The Rosslyn Chapel is a very special place, and there is an old, good energy about it. It was founded I 1446 as a place of worship, but it is perhaps best known for its role in The DaVinci Code. Rosslyn Chapel is a place of peaceful daily worship, but it is also a place of myth and legend, which include the possibility of the Holy Grail being there.

Rosslyn Chapel

We wandered the chapel and grounds and had a few eerie feelings, but mostly we enjoyed the architecture and stories about the building and its history. Photos aren’t allowed inside the chapel, but I forgot myself when I saw William, the chapel’s cat, snoozing on one of the pews. What can I say; I am a complete cat lady!

William the cat

While waiting for the return bus to Edinburgh, we took a stroll through the town of Rosslyn, which is lovely and sleepy and very Scottish, surrounded by rolling hills and quietly milling with incredibly friendly people.


Upon our return to Edinburgh, we enjoyed a pub lunch and chat at The Black Cat.  I love a pub lunch, especially after the rain has just come tipping down. A toasted sandwich and hot curried carrot soup, along with a local ale, was just the thing.

The Black Cat, Edinburgh

Edinburgh is a gorgeous city, and with its hilly streets, cobblestones, and old buildings, it feels like a bit of a dark fairytale. Edinburgh Castle looms over the city, and it is a fascinating place to visit. More on Edinburgh Castle and the city’s ghastly history later; this girl went on not one but two ghost tours!

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh’s mild climate also meant that everything was green and dotted with flowers much earlier than in Boston. Prince Street Gardens was the perfect place for morning coffee and shortbread, and I spent most of the trip marveling over the cheerful daffodils, which had popped up everywhere.

Princes Street Gardens

Spring daffodils in Scotland

This trip was my second to Edinburgh, but with it being only a short flight from Shannon, I can see us going again and again. I can’t wait to share with you some of the delicious dining experiences we had in Edinburgh, as well as our fantastic hotel and other favorites.

What are you reminiscing about this Throwback Thursday?

Tags: Edinburgh, Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland, Travel, travel blog, travel photos, travel post, vacation

When you combine a whisky tasting room, whisky shop, and Scottish-ingredient inspired restaurant in one space at the base of Edinburgh Castle, you end up with a really good thing. Our recent trip to Ireland included a few days in Edinburgh, where we worked up quite the hunger and thirst and found ourselves at some fantastic restaurants, like Amber Restaurant, where we dined our first evening.

Scotch Whisky Experience

Our afternoon started out with a fantastic pub lunch followed by lots of walking, so when we hit the whisky tasting bar at the Scotch Whisky Experience, we were excited to take a seat and enjoy a wee dram or two. Kenny at the tasting bar was hospitable and super knowledgeable about each and every whisky behind him, and we enjoyed spending time reading through the menu’s tasting notes. Whisky, like wine, can exhibit so many different characteristics based on how it’s made, and each one we tasted offered a little something special.

Scotch Whisky Experience

This Isle of Skye 8 year blend was only one of what turned out to be several tasting choices. I didn’t take too many notes, but I did decide that my favorite whisky of the day was the Jura Superstition. It was definitely the little bit of spice that I loved in this Jura; though we tried many more whiskys along the way, this one definitely stood out to me.  I also loved the Ben Nevis 10 year, which had nice notes of cocoa and smoke, like a  bit of chipotle chocolate on the palate. Lovely.

Isle of Skye whiskyAfter spending a good bit of time with Kenny at the tasting bar, we headed across the room to the restaurant for our dinner reservation. Our table overlooked Edinburgh, which was just enchanting as the sun set. Rosy cheeked from the whisky and getting sleepy from our travels, we tucked into a deliciously memorable meal made with local ingredients.


We decided to share a few items and started with Scottish smoked salmon. While in Ireland and Scotland, I ate smoked or regular salmon at least once a day, but usually twice, and one day three times. Salmon in that part of the world is so beautiful. It’s actually what originally started to sway me from vegetarianism. When I studied abroad in Galway, I was a vegetarian, tried Irish salmon, and started eating fish again!

smoked salmon

Continuing with the local seafood theme, we went for a big, steaming bowl of mussels with Isla whisky cream sauce and a prawn cocktail with Marie Rose sauce, another favorite when I am in Ireland or Scotland. Marie Rose sauce is similar to Russian dressing in flavor and color, and it makes for an incredible meal with some prawns, brown bread, and salad.

prawn cocktailThe second part of our meal was a bit heartier and consisted of perfectly roasted root vegetables and a lamb stovie, a traditional Scottish dish made with lamb, onion, and potatoes.

roasted root vegetables

lamb stovie

The stovie was so yummy and comforting, but since I don’t eat much lamb, I felt bad the next day when I saw all of the baby lambs bopping through the fields! I think they might be too cute for me to eat, as delicious as they are!

Eating out when traveling can be hit or miss, and we got lucky with Amber Restaurant. The food, ambiance, and service all contributed to the end of a great day in Edinburgh.

Speaking of lamb, if you are a fan, check out Lamb Jam, happening at the Royal Sonesta Hotel Boston this weekend!

Tags: Amber Restaurant, Edinburgh, Scotland, Travel, travel blog, travel post, Travel Tuesday, whisky, whisky tasting

new restaurant
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