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Summer is my favorite time of year. I don’t love or even like the other seasons nearly as much; I find early sunsets deplorable, and chilly weather makes my bones hurt. I am happiest when I can have bare legs and bare feet (or open toed shoes for work) and can sleep without blankets. I love being hot, I love beating sun, and most of all I love boats, beaches, fresh produce, and long days. This summer wasn’t the best, as far as heat went, but we still managed to have some pretty great times.

Some favorite moments included our anniversary dinner at Hamersley’s, our Red Fire Farm CSA and all the tomatoes, a concert at Westport Rivers, James Taylor at Tanglewood,  swimming at the Jersey shore, and my family’s visit, especially whale watching from Boston.

boating in Boston

We visited Venezia on a friend’s boat and spent a ton of time at our friends’ new pool, sipping cocktails and swimming, It was the life.

pool time

We also made some time for Chatham, one of my favorite places on Cape Cod. It was a chilly August day, but we still enjoyed the views from Chatham Bars Inn and celebrated their 10th anniversary with commemorative cocktails.

Chatham Bars Inn

CBI 100

We also spent some time on one of my favorite Cape Cod Beaches, Craigville Beach, where I spent childhood vacations and look forward to making more memories. How gorgeous is this?!

Craigville Beach

And then there was our Sonoma trip, where we fell in love with a house on a mountain overlooking vineyards. We tend to not leave New England during summer and to save trips outside for after the season ends. But there is really nothing like the Dry Creek Valley in the height of summer, with big purple grapes hanging from the vines and an exquisite dry heat that my body loves. I have about 10 blog posts about Sonoma left, and for that I apologize. But we helped with harvest and went to some fun events, met really nice people, and most of all relaxed and unlpugged. It’s hard to say goodbye to my favorite, season, but being the optimist I am, I know fall will also bring adventures, delicious food and wine, and great friends and family. And despite how much I love long, warm days, you really can’t beat all that.


What were your favorite summer moments?

Tags: Cape Cod, Chatham, gardening, home, Massachusetts, New England, Sonoma, summer, sunshine, Travel

Was that weekend just a dream? I must have said it at least 10 times throughout that it just didn’t feel real. We spent most of it on Boston Harbor, enjoying the unseasonable temperatures and sunshine.


Boston Harbor

Really, I think this weekend was actually more gorgeous than any day over the summer. On Saturday, we took the boat out by ourselves, and we didn’t crash into anything coming back in! It was a pretty amazing day and something I hope to do a lot more of next summer.

boating in Boston


We made our way down to Hull and bobbed around taking in the sun. It was so strong and perfect and blissful.


We debated on going out for dinner in the North End Saturday night, but the sun and salt got the best of us. Once darkness set in, I made some turkey subs, and we ate while tiredly watching Black Swan again.


And on Sunday, we went out on the boat with Michelle and her fiancé. Somehow we coaxed him into swimming so that I could go in too. I didn’t want to swim in freezing cold water alone! Really, I was afraid that something would grab my leg and drag me under, so I held onto the ladder. It still counts for a swim though!

swimming in Boston

After boating and swimming, we made our way once again to Savin Bar & Kitchen, our second time in one week, and 15th time since they opened in March, give or take a few visits when I forgot to check in or Tweet. Everything is always SO good.  Seriously, it is an awesome neighborhood spot, and I have tried just about everything on the menu. I pretty much want to eat there all the time, and since it’s so close, it is even more tempting. Great cocktails too.

In addition to outdoor fun, I did lots of cooking for the week, including making butternut squash lasagna, a delicious warm Brussels sprout salad, and a few other things. Blog posts coming soon! We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect, relaxing weekend. It made it really difficult to come back into the work week, especially since a few of the projects I have been working on have slowed down or come to an end. Eeep! In all of my busy-ness I forgot just how scary it can be to work as a consultant. Hopefully I will find some more work to fill those gaps soon.

And in the meantime, I’ve got a Wines of Argentina wine tasting this week, dinner with Ted Allen at Nespresso, and some prep to do for a TV show I may or may not be on next week. I’m also working with Kitchen Play and Calphalon, so there will be some good recipe posts very soon. And I promise this will be my last summer post! Winking smile

Did you have a long weekend? How do you deal with end-of-weekend blues?

Tags: boating, Boston, Food, holiday, October, Savin Bar & Kitchen, sunshine

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