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A few weeks ago I received an email from a representative of Ocean Spray to see if I was interested in receiving a Craisin vs. raisin taste testing kit. Always a fan of taste tests, I said yes, and shortly after I received a box pitting classic raisins against our tart, Massachusetts native, the Craisin.

After doing the taste test, I decided that while I like both, Craisins are more versatile to me. Raisins belong strictly in oatmeal or a cookie made of the breakfast treat while Craisins are great in cookies but also fare well in salads and savory dishes.

The kit came with some recipes, and after finding one for chicken salad, I decided to put my own spicy twist on it.


First I marinated a few chicken breasts in sriracha and grilled them on the indoor grill pan. It was kind of like how I imagine being pepper sprayed might feel. Holy spicy smoke! Once that died down, however, I had chicken with nice grill marks and a sriracha crust.


While the chicken was cooling, I chopped a bunch of celery and a white onion.


I combined those with a little over a cup of craising.


And then added the chicken chunks. To finish the dish, I mixed in 1/2 cup of Fage Greek yogurt (0%).


This simple summer salad really offered an array of flavors and textures, from the tart and sweet Craisins to the spicy chicken and crunchy cool celery. We made wraps with it using my new favorite whole wheat tortillas from Target. It’s definitely going to be a summer staple as it’s easy to transport. The yogurt can also be mixed in at the last minute or brought along separately for a picnic.

Thanks to the people at Craisins for including me in the taste test.

Happy Friday, everyone! This weekend we have the Blessing of the Fleet, and I desperately need to catch up on cleaning and laundry after being away last weekend. I may also try to kick off my NYC Marathon training. Eek!

What are you up to?

Tags: chicken, chicken salad, chicken salad recipe, Craisins, easy dinner, Food, sriracha

Broccoli 9-1-1

It’s probably pretty obvious that I have not been doing much cooking or eating the past few days. Let me tell you, and I am not saying this to complain, but I have not ever felt as bad as I have this week, even when I had pneumonia in the fall. I am happy to say that I am feeling weak but slightly on the mend. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and with a very busy week ahead I could not be happier.

The one problem with not being able to cook was a fridge full of fresh produce and other items that needed to be eaten this week. While many of the vegetables like beets and carrots are going toward a health-boosting juice today, our almost-rubbery broccoli found itself in a spicy peanut sauce with tofu and noodles.

It was a Nasoya kind of meal, thanks to Market Basket’s large tofu selection and wallet-friendly prices.

Nasoya Extra Firm Tofu

I used an entire block of Nasoya extra-firm tofu and a container of Nasoya Chinese-style noodles.

Nasoya Chinese Style Noodles

In addition, I used several heaping spoonfuls of Trader Joe’s Valencia Peanut Butter.

Valencia Peanut Butter

A generous drizzle of sriracha. . .


A head of almost-dead broccoli, cut into florets. . .

steamed broccoli

And a few splashes of Tamari soy sauce.

Tamari Soy Sauce

I started by pressing the tofu in a clean dish towel in a colander, draining off as much liquid as possible. Then, as I always do, I cut the tofu and left it to air dry for about an hour.


To assemble the meal, I cooked the noodles according to the package instructions. In a separate pan, I steamed the broccoli in a bit of water, then added in the soy sauce, sriracha, and peanut butter, mixing until a creamy sauce was formed. I tossed in the tofu and noodles, gave it a stir, let it simmer on low for 20 minutes so the tofu would absorb the flavors of the sauce, and served.

noodles and peanut sauce

It was a nice return to real food. The Doritos had to go at some point. They were good and all, but probably not the best food for me to recover from my flu.

What’s on tap for your Saturday?

Tags: broccoli, easy recipes, Food, Nasoya, noodles, peanut sauce, quick recipes, recipe, soy sauce, sriracha, tofu, Vegetarian, vegetarian recipe


When I left my full time job at the end of October, I thought that I would want to cook a gourmet meal every night of the week. While I have spent my fair share of time experimenting in the kitchen, there are definitely those nights where spending hours cooking is the last thing I want to do. Not to mention, eating a big meal every night added to all of the holiday festivities isn’t the healthiest thing for us!

Sunday night, after spending the day volunteering out in the freezing cold and then organizing closets, I was not in the mood to think about food. The result? I made a meal of a bunch of veggie sides. It ended up being fun because of all of the different flavors in one meal, and it was a nice break from eating meat and fish.

The first course: Cherry, Honey Goat Cheese, and Italian Greens

Morello Cherries

I started with jarred Morello Cherries from Trader Joe’s, draining them and rinsing them off before serving. I hate fruit in syrup!

I added several scoops of cherries to some bitter lettuces and a generous portion of Trader Joe’s Chevre with Honey which is a-m-a-z-i-n-g! Laughing out loud

Goat Cheese with Honey

cherry and goat cheese salad

The second course: Sweet Potato “Fries” with Sriracha Aioli

sweet potatoes

I simply cut a few sweet potatoes into fries, coated them in olive oil, and roasted them at 425 for about half an hour. Served with a blend of Sriracha and mayo, these truly satisfied my recent fry craving.

sweet potato fries

The third course: Garlicky Green Beans

This is a holiday dish in my sister’s house, and it is a perfect way to get in some green veggies with a kick. Fresh green beans dressed with olive oil, LOTS of ground black pepper, and garlic powder, yep powder, sautéed until they are cooked to your liking. I could eat, and have eaten, a huge bowl of these all by myself. Embarrassed smile I am hoping to see them at Christmas dinner!

garlicky green beans

A dinner of sides was the perfect, simple way to use up some of the food in our fridge, get some much-needed veggie nutrition, and to have some good food on the table without much effort and without ordering takeout! I love eating tapas-style, so I could eat like this everyday.

I am really excited for the blogger event at Whole Foods tonight. See some of you there?

Do you have a favorite side dish? Do you enjoy eating lots of appetizers/small plates, or are you more of a main course with all of the fixings type of eater?

Tags: dinner, easy meals, Food, healthy eating, healthy recipes, sriracha, sweet potatoes, vegetables, Vegetarian

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