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Describe an unexpected moment, activity, sighting or conversation that touched you during July.

Carson Beach

When I received the email from Reverb for the August post, I immediately knew what I was going to write about. The above photo, which is incredibly blurry due to its Blackberry origins, was taken on a mid-day run. I can’t lie, it was taken on August 2, so it technically doesn’t fit the prompt, but it’s what I’ve got.

Except for meetings or working in client offices, I very rarely leave my house during the day. I spent the winter, spring, and much of the summer either working or fretting, planning, or freaking out work, not having enough work, looking for jobs, brainstorming on how to build my business, but never actually taking a break or enjoying the potential flexibility of my schedule.

Tuesday found me up early and energized with all of my emails responded to and lots of pitches, drafts, and other things out of my hands by 11:00. Rare, but for about an hour, I had a lot of waiting to do, so I went for a run.

Instead of hitting the track, like I planned, I spied the deep blue sea, and since it was a gorgeous day, continued along to Carson Beach, not far from my house. As I jumped off of the boardwalk and into the sand, I realized there was no one on the beach. Such a contrast to the weekends, when the sand is covered with sunbathers and filled with noise, this beach was all mine, and the moment completely caught me off guard. Maybe it was the endorphins or the excitement of launching a new website, but for a rare time since I left my full time job, I felt really good about where I am in my life, including giving myself the occasional bit of flexibility during the day.

It was a moment of ahhhh. It didn’t last long. The rest of the week was full of crazy ups and downs and the general excitement followed by disappointment that this job of mine has in store for it, but I definitely appreciated the moment for what it was, letting go.

Tags: reverb

What new thing will you try this month?

Summer is definitely a time for trying new things. Take for example this past weekend. . .

I went swimming in Boston Harbor, and I liked it. It was a nice part of the harbor in the Harbor Islands, so it wasn’t like we were jumping off of Rowe’s Wharf into trashy, icky water.

Night swimming in the ocean is incredible. I would definitely recommend trying it.

taco dip

Another thing I am trying this summer? Staying outside, away from TV and my laptop as much as possible. I want to be salty, covered in sunscreen, and as summery as I can get.

We ate several “dinners” on our boat, with dinner consisting of dips, chips, brownies, and cupcakes. This taco dip and hummus quartet were from Trader Joe’s and I definitely recommend them.


These beautiful cupcakes were from Megan, and I definitely recommend seeking her out and eating her cupcakes at some point. Smile These were truly some of the best cupcakes I have ever eaten, bursting with strawberry flavor and not too sweet, not at all.


When I say I am trying to spend all of my time outside, I mean it. We spent Sunday, all day, on the boat in the rain with Michelle, Megan, and their fiancés. It was cool and blissful, and we got to see fireworks from all around.

rainy day

What else am I trying this July? I have decided to REALLY kick off my Marketing/Social Media/PR consulting business. I have a name, I bought the website domain, I have an email address. I am just waiting on a logo design and to do some legal stuff before I unveil everything. I am so excited!

In the meantime, I am also kicking off a new gig, doing some Social Media work at zipcar, this week.

I’d also like to do more ocean swimming, take paddle boarding lessons, eat dinner outside at least 4 times a week, get my butt in gear for the 10k I am running in September, and just soak up every single second of summer this July.

July is indeed a time for trying new things! Are you trying anything new this month?

Tags: boating, Food, July, reverb, summer

Last night, after visiting The Urban Grape for their summer wine stock up weekend (20% off cases of wine!), we spent the evening the way we spent many evenings last summer, on our deck, with James Taylor and a little wine until well past 10 pm. I didn’t care about blogging or packing or work, just me, my favorite guy, and a sunset that lasted almost until we went inside.

When we finally did go inside, I fell asleep instantly, not making to-do lists in my head like I normally do, or worrying that between an interview, work, and errands that I never found time to work out or buy groceries, or tossing and turning wondering if I had done enough that day. And I woke up, completely rested and happy at 5:30 to write this post, solely because I wanted to.

Truro Beach

Every June my college roommates and I venture to one of my favorite places in the world, Provincetown, for a weekend of fun in the sun. Actually, it rains pretty much every single year, ends up freezing cold, and I never bring enough layers to keep warm, but it is still fun.

Raija either stays over on Friday or picks me up on Saturday. We are usually late to pick up Meghan who is usually waiting for us, packed and ready to start our vacation. Every year, we put on some music, get iced coffee, and turn on to 93, dealing with a little Cape traffic here and there, and finally making our way on to Route 6 and toward the Cape. As the edges of the road blend from hard asphalt to sandy dunes, the traffic lightens, and the air smells even more like the sea than it does at home, my grip on everything in life lessens a little. More than any massage or yoga practice, the journey releases tension in my neck, and as I start to lose service on my phone for the weekend, I feel more and more at home.

June’s Reverb prompt came this week at a perfect time.

What can you let yourself off the hook for?

The prompt was one of the reasons I couldn’t sleep. There was just too much.

I don’t like running. I love running the Boston Marathon, and I have a fun run scheduled with a friend in September, but I am happier walking, lifting weights, and having dance parties. But in my mind I still sometimes feel like I need to run because I once did.

I can work hard, all day and much of the night and constantly put myself out there until I have nothing left, but I still can’t control anyone but myself. The fact that many people have promised me lots of work and then backed out or never responded makes them either really busy or really rude.

I don’t need to blog twice a day, every day. My life is that interesting (to me), but I should be living it more and documenting it less.

The list could go on and on and on, but a key theme that goes through my life and many of our lives is enough. Being enough, doing enough, saving enough, planning enough, anticipating enough, being nice enough and patient enough . . .

So even if it is just for a couple of salty days in a cottage by the sea, I am letting myself off the hook from worrying about all of the enoughs.

And hopefully getting a little bit of a tan while I am at it Smile


What do you want to let yourself off the hook for?

Tags: reverb, Travel

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