
You are currently browsing articles tagged Cupcakes.

Despite the miserable winter cold and snow, I have been making my rounds in Boston and Cambridge, checking out restaurants and bars new and old, spending time with friends and family. The camera has been mostly tucked away in my bag, allowing me to enjoy every sip, bite, and conversation, but that definitely doesn’t mean I made it out without any photos.

Georgetown Cupcake

There was a birthday celebration for my father-in-law at our local pub, The Banshee, complete with pints of Guinness and Georgetown Cupcake’s festive holiday treats. It was the night of the surprise blizzard, yet everyone we invited still made it, and we went to the week hours of the morning.


Noir flatbread

Then there were belated birthday drinks for two of my closest friends, a stop at Harvard Square’s Park for a drink followed by a visit to Noir for a Seelbach and bar bites. I made my inaugural visit to Belly Wine Bar, my quest for a cozy Boston area wine bar mostly satisfied. (I still long for a wine bar like this one though.)

Belly Wine Bar Wine List

We toasted to Summer’s inevitable arrival with a bottle of Chateau Coupe Roses  rosé, snacked on fried chickpeas, and I made a note to return for wine at Belly and a Blue Room dinner; the last one was pretty phenomenal.

Chateau Coupe Roses

Finally, there was a fun night out with friends (who happen to have a cool blog redesign) for whisky and women at the Urban Grape. Who doesn’t love chatting with a fun group of ladies, learning about whisky cocktails, and tasting yummy Macallan?

women and whiskey event

Followed up with dinner at nearby Coda, where Lin and I had our fill of our obsession, deviled eggs.

deviled eggs

We may have also ordered a full order of ribs with sides as an appetizer, prior to our entrees, but that might be a story for another day. Sometimes you just need a big plate of comfort food to kick off a meal. . .


There have also been a few undocumented visits to Steel and Rye, our new regular hangout. After our first visit, I was smitten, and it has been amazing every single time since.

Boston is seriously bustling with wining and dining activity; I can hardly keep up. Hopefully patio weather will be here soon, but in the meantime, I’ll be out in my boots with the (fake) fur, enjoying all the city has to offer.

Have you been out and about lately?

Don’t forget to enter to win a huge box of whole grain goodies to celebrate Whole Grains Sampling Day with Oldways!

Tags: appetizers, Boston, cambridge, cocktails, Cupcakes, events, Girls Night Out, going out, nights out, whiskey, wine

Summer weekends are pretty much my favorite thing ever, and this one was spectacular. I started it off with a 10 mile run on Friday; it was hot! I’m not 100% sure about this summer marathon training thing. Luckily it got better after that. Here are a few of my favorite things about this past beautiful summer weekend in Boston.

summer sky

Fluffy clouds, blue skies, calm water, and sea breezes. . .

Spectacle Island

An assortment of cupcakes from Georgetown Cupcake (strawberry, salted caramel, red velvet, chocolate ganache, vanilla, and coconut). . .

Georgetown Cupcake

Lemony pesto potato salad (pesto made with arugula, kale, nutritional yeast, garlic, and oil). . .

pesto potato salad

Summery beers like Leinenkugel Summer Shandy, lemony refreshing goodness. . .

Summer Shandy

It’s a big week in our family. Today is our niece Isabella’s fifth birthday (Happy Birthday!), and Thursday is my husband’s birthday. We’re still trying to figure out what to do for dinner, but we are pretty sure part of the celebration will involve camping out at Spectacle Island on Friday night. Hopefully the pirates will keep away! Winking smile

Are you looking forward to anything fun this weekend?

Tags: beer, boating, Boston, Cupcakes, summer

Moet and cupcakes. Cupcakes and Moet. And lots and lots of pink. It’s a girly paradise, the place you want to meet with your friends to catch up over a fancy latte and a cupcake or six. It’s Boston’s brand new cupcake shop, Georgetown Cupcake Newbury, brought to you by the ladies from the original Georgetown Cupcake and the TLC show DC Cupcakes, and it is fabulous. It would be the perfect place to stop with a bridal party or baby shower or just with a group of girlfriends as I did last Thursday.

Georgetown Cupcakes

What’s even more fabulous is attending a cupcake party with friends on a sunny Thursday evening. I had plans to meet Megan, Elizabeth, Bianca, and Emily at Georgetown Cupcake and also ran into Fiona and Melissa. It was a packed house with a huge turnout to welcome Katherine and Sophie to Boston. They, in turn, provided us with nonstop deliciousness. Georgetown Cupcakes

First, lets starts with the Georgetown Cupcake Newbury space. Located at 83 Newbury Street, the cupcake shop is a long, narrow space decorated with lots of pink and pretty things, like this crystal-encrusted Kitchenaid mixer.

Kitchenaid Bling

Sophie and Katherine greeted us at the door, dressed to go with the décor of their beautiful new shop. They were absolutely lovely.

Georgetown Cupcakes Owners

Once inside, a display of beautiful cupcakes also greeted us.

Georgetown Cupcakes

Along with servers offering glasses of Moet. . .


And a bustling staff making sure the cupcakes kept coming. We got to go right back into the kitchen to see the behind-the-scenes action. Once we took a little tour, we headed back down to the party to mingle and, more importantly, eat cupcakes.

Georgetown Cupcakes Newbury

As you can see, the pink lighting adds a soft glow to the entire space. It made for a great location for an event and made for some interesting food photos!

Georgetown Cupcakes Newbury Opening

Ready, set, go! Once the cupcakes started coming, they didn’t really stop. Here we have chocolate coconut and salted caramel. The chocolate coconut, with a cream cheese frosting topped with a generous amount of shredded coconut, is definitely a new favorite for me.

Georgetown Cupcakes Newbury

My other favorite of the evening was the chocolate peanut butter. We also sampled chocolate and Boston creme,

Peanut butter chocolate cupcake Georgetown Cupcakes

And cookies and cream.

cookies and cream cupcake

After we’d sampled our fair share of mini cupcakes (Definitely go with friends so you can have lots of small bites!), we made our way through the crowds and out to the door, where Georgetown Cupcake made sure we didn’t leave empty-handed.

gift bags

The swag bags were amazing, stocked with a hat, t-shirt, mug, travel mug, a copy of The Cupcake Diaries AND a gift card for a dozen cupcakes. Oh yeah, and the half dozen cupcakes we were all gifted on the way out. Sweet!

Georgetown Cupcakes

The gift bag was so generous, in fact, that I thought it would be a shame to keep it all to myself. Since I can’t ship you cupcakes (um, and I have already eaten them), I am giving one lucky ready my copy of The Cupcake Diaries.

To enter, just leave a comment letting me know what your favorite cupcake combo is. If you’ve been to Georgetown Cupcakes, give them a shout out too!

I’ll choose a winner on Friday; good luck!

And so many thanks to Georgetown Cupcakes

Tags: blogger events, Boston, champagne, Cupcakes, dessert, events, Food, media events, Moet

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