There is nothing better after a day in the sun than a leisurely dinner. Inspired by the sea that we spend our weekend days on, this past Sunday we enjoyed a picnic dinner of New England favorites.
The first course was a mix of mesclun greens topped with fresh local peaches, goat cheese, and drizzles of honey balsamic and blood orange olive oil, one of my favorite additions to recipes ever. It was a light, simple yet totally elegant starter and tided us over until we got the rest of the meal cookin’.
Our next course was lobster, two perfect Maine lobsters boiled and dipped in Kate’s butter with sea salt. Eaten while sitting on the floor, barefoot of course. I love sitting on the floor.
After salads and lobsters, we were full, so we decided to spend some time cleaning up and hanging out on the deck listening to Spotify. Do you guys have it yet? It’s pretty awesome. I could spend hours searching for songs.
Our third course was another simple one, steamers, lemony butter, and a giant soft baguette.
Lots of butter and bread and a couple of Harpoon summer beers later, we were stuffed. . . but not too stuffed for Magnum ice cream bars. Is there any other way to end a summer meal than with ice cream?
It might seem that I am obsessed with summer, and I would say that is perfectly okay.
Ready for the weekend yet?