Les Zygomates

Where did I leave off? Oh yes, hanging out with the lovely ladies at the Boston Sports Woman event. I would have loved to have stayed longer, but something miraculous happened. My husband made it out of work and back to Boston before the sun went down. The word epic is pretty overused in the blog community, but this occasion was EPIC. He is rarely home by 8:30 much less before 7, so we took advantage of the opportunity and had dinner at one of our favorites, Les Zygomates. (Other posts on Les Ziggy, as we like to call it, here and here). Every Friday night, Les Zygomates has live jazz, and it is the perfect accompaniment to a romantic meal.

Les Zygomates Jazz

We started with some crusty French bread and sweet, creamy butter. My husband is so cute, isn’t he?!

Les Zygomates bread and butter traveleatlove husband

We wanted so many things on the menu that we opted to go for a bunch of appetizers. Before they came out, I sipped on a glass of Winzer Krems Grüner Veltliner a light, summery white wine that was easy to drink and went well with all of our food choices.

My only complaint for the evening was that everything came out at once. Food pacing is so important, and this was a big issue. But every morsel was delicious. This golden and red beet salad rested atop a very strong and flavorful goat cheese and a crunchy crostini. This goat cheese was unexpectedly stinky and delicious. The dressing and the juice from the beets soaked into the crostini making it perfectly soft and yummy.

Les Zygomates Beet Salad with Goat Cheese

The mussels at Les Zygomates are always incredible. The sauce that they come in incorporates white wine, Dijon mustard, tarragon, and shallots, and we always mop up every last drop with bread. The mussels, as usual, were plump and delicious, infused with the sauce and bursting with flavor.

Les Zygomates Mussels

Then there was this lobster and leek crepe with black truffle sauce. By the time we got to this it was no longer hot, but it was unspeakably decadent. Lobster and black truffle, you belong together.


And of course, no Travel Eat Love meal out is complete without a dozen or so East Coast oysters, obviously.

Oysters with cocktail sauce and mignonette

The food at Les Zygomates is always good.  They change the menu up every now and then but always offer a raw bar, so they are a good choice for us, people who always want oysters as an option. They have a great wine and beer list as well and weekly wine dinners. I am dying to try one of them out.

Do you have a restaurant that you always just know will be good?

The winner of my blog birthday giveaway is the lovely Krista from Rambling Tart! Krista please email me at traveleatlove (at) gmail.com with your contact info. Congratulations!


Les Zygomates on Urbanspoon

Tags: Boston, Dining out, Food, Les Zygomates, live jazz, oysters, wine

  1. Simply Life’s avatar

    oh my gosh, that looks like a great meal!


  2. Jenn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog)’s avatar

    I agree, food pacing is very important! It’s hard to enjoy everything all at once.

    We have a few favorite restaurants, but even our favorites have let us down at times.



  3. Michelle’s avatar

    Gorgeous photographs. B and I love going to 75 Chestnut and it is our go-to restaurant for a great meal. They don’t have anything fancy but we always leave with a smile on our faces! Also, have you tried the wine tastings at Les Zygomates? I went for a law school alumni event and had a great time!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I have always wanted to try 75 Chestnut. It looks so cute!


    2. Kelly’s avatar

      Aw that french bread looks amazing- I could go for some of that right now. Wish I could’ve gone on Friday, I love Boston Sports Woman 🙂


    3. Devon (Run Sleep Rinse Repeat)’s avatar

      The restaurant I know will always been good is European Street Cafe.. we actually went there today and I just blogged about it!


    4. Monique@That's What She Said’s avatar

      Mmmmm…. mussels 🙂 When I lived in France, my FAVORITE beachside combo was moules-frites. So good!!


    5. Megan’s avatar

      I have heard so many good things about “Les Ziggy,” but I still haven’t been there yet. Garden at the Cellar is our go-to place for really good food.


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