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Chocolate Madness 2012 was an event that I will not soon forget. It was full of sweet delights, delicious appetizers, fun with friends, and all for a good cause. Chocolate Madness is an event that raises money for NARAL Pro Choice Massachusetts and helps NARAL to further its mission of being able to develop and sustain a grassroots constituency that uses the political process to guarantee every woman the right to make personal decisions regarding the full range of reproductive choices.

The event was held at the Cyclorama in the South End, an impressive space that has held a variety of events including Taste of the South End and Wine Riot.


I arrived early, per usual, checked in as a judge and was soon joined by Daisy, Rachel, and Elizabeth for the opening reception.

The reception appetizers were incredible. I was hungry, and Choice Catering put out a beautiful spread. There were little tartlets filled with cheese, pepper, and olives, cucumbers topped with hummus, shrimp salad wraps, chicken skewers and several other options. I am not kidding; I parked myself at that table.


Although I was invited to be a judge of the chocolate, I have to admit that I would take tuna tartare over a cupcake pretty much any day, any time. These gorgeous Caprese skewers were also a hit. I made something similar for my husband’s birthday last year, and they were a crowd pleaser, not to mention so easy.

Caprese skewers

This food was seriously good. Can you tell I liked it?


After the reception, it was time to do our duty as judges. I was at the Heavenly Homemade and Sublimely Sweet table.

judging table

Initially, I only saw the judging sheet for four items. I could do this, piece of cake. Winking smile

I liked my first bite  (which ended up being a chocolate peanut butter roulade from Amanda’s Cakes and Things) so much that I ate the whole thing. It was a few bites in that I realized we had an additional four items to judge. Still, the roulade was amazing, especially the frosting, and it was worth being a little full for the rest of the judging.

chocolate peanut butter

My other favorite desserts included a peanut butter chocolate fudge brownie from Butter Girl Baking Co. and the chocolate carrot cupcake from Cares Bakery. What a fun combination!


In addition to the category we were judging, we also got to wander the event and taste some of the other amazing treats. Honestly, I was pretty full after judging, but I enjoyed looking at all of the creativity and deliciousness in the room.

amazing cake - Amanda Oakleaf


Butter Girl

And I nabbed one of these chocolate mousse parfaits from Union to go. It was divine.

Union Boston


I loved getting to see Robin from Doves and Figs. She makes great jam and here incorporated it into cupcakes.

Doves and Figs

I heard that over 600 chocolate lovers eventually attended the event. That’s a lot of chocolate and a lot of support for women’s rights which is pretty sweet.

chocolate carrot cake

And now I sign off for the weekend. It will be great to unplug a little, that’s for sure. We have some boat cleaning and waxing to do in preparation for the big launch back into the ocean, and I might try to get a massage. Mostly, I just don’t want to spend the weekend in front of a computer, iPad, phone, or anything else that connects me to the world. I need a break!

Have a great weekend!

Tags: Boston, cake, charity, chocolate, dessert, events, Restaurants

Good Stuff

I’m not quite sure how it’s already Monday. I feel like the weekends have been flying by, especially because I worked yesterday but mostly because Marathon Monday is barreling down on me. I don’t feel ready. At ALL. Let there be panic!

It’s been awhile since I have done a post on favorite things, and since I discovered a few over the weekend, I thought it would be a fun way to kick off the week.

Here are some things I am loving this week.

Nespresso Naora coffee – I love my Nespresso machine, like a lot. When I received an email from Nespresso’s PR agency offering to send me samples of their newest coffee pods, Naora, I was pretty excited and even happier that they arrived on a weekend so that I could enjoy a leisurely cup.

Naora is 100% Colombian coffee and has rich, complex flavor, without being bitter or too strong. Like tasting a wine, I tried to incorporate my senses of smell, touch, and taste with my first cup of Naora to see if I could get some of the tasting notes that define the coffee, like a juicy acidity. I got some very subtle flavors of dark fruit; mostly I sipped and enjoyed. This coffee is a Limited Edition from Nespresso, and I will be stocking up.


More Target grocery shopping discoveries

Archer Farms Dried Mango – Lately, especially after long runs, I have had a major craving for fruity candy. I bought a bag of Swedish fish and thoroughly enjoyed them, yet felt really unwell after. While shopping at Target this weekend, I grabbed these dried mango slices which are perfect for that sweet, fruity craving. Note, they do have added sugar so aren’t a great fruit replacement, just a candy replacement. The flavor is super fruity, and the chewy texture makes the slices take longer to eat so I don’t overdo it.


Archer Farms Strawberry Cheesecake Yogurt – This yogurt actually kind of tastes like strawberry cheesecake; it is delightfully fruity and has that cheesecake richness, along with a yogurt tang. I wish they had more low fat yogurt flavors; I find fat free to be pointless for filling me up but Archer Farms has some delicious-sounding flavors in its fat free line. Maybe I’ll give them a try anyway. I have been pleasantly surprised at every Archer Farms product I have tried!


Philadelphia Dark Chocolate Cream Cheese – Uhhhh yes. I shouldn’t have discovered this because from the second I stuck my finger into the dark, chocolatey tub for a taste, I was smitten. And when I followed the serving suggestion and dipped some salty pretzels in. . . oh my.

There isn’t a sugary flavor at all to this; it’s smooth, rich, decadent, with deep chocolate flavors. This will be a go-to dessert item in our house from now on. I can not wait to make some sort of fresh strawberry shortcake with layers of this cream cheese in the middle.


Harvest Moon Winery – Our last day in Sonoma was pouring and resulted in many sprints from the car to tasting rooms, leaving my camera and other electronics in the car. The focus was just on getting inside, and I missed out on photographing some incredible tasting experiences. From the second we burst into Harvest Moon (literally sheets of rain falling), tasting room director Erin was an absolute delight. She shared with us some food prepared for a party that had cancelled due to the weather, told us fun anecdotes about the wines and winery, and poured us some of my favorite wines of the trip. I especially enjoyed their sparkling Chardonnay and Gewurztraminer. The wines were beautiful, the tasting room cozy, and the company a lot of fun. Not bad for a random stop!

Harvest Moon


Things I am not loving? People who are passive aggressive and rude in emails when you know that in real life they are not quite that brave. And downstairs neighbors who buy DRUM KITS with cymbals over the weekend. I literally thought there was a joke on me when I heard it yesterday, a day I ended up working on a really frustrating account. But since Sunday was kind of awful, Monday will be fabulous, right?

Do you have any new favorites or fresh frustrations to share today?

Tags: chocolate, coffee, favorites, Food, fruit, Nespresso, wine, yogurt

Our trip to Stowe last month was absolutely perfect and made us wonder why we don’t visit Vermont more often. There was so much to do, and even though we were there for just a weekend, I would say we fit a lot in.


We didn’t really plan a ton of activities for Stowe, but when we got there, we passed by quite a few attractions that made for a Saturday afternoon filled with a food and drink: a visit to the Cabot Coop store, chocolate sampling at the Lake Champlain chocolate store, followed by a visit to the Green Mountain Coffee store. I followed this trifecta with a beer tasting at the Trapp Family Lodge, making for a fun and tiring day.


Our first stop was some cheese tasting at Cabot. Since we were planning a sparkling wine tasting, I took my cheese tasting job seriously.

In the end the hot habanero, extra sharp cheddar, and horseradish made it into our basket. I live by the rule that there must be at least three cheeses in the house at one time.


Next up was a visit to the Lake Champlain chocolate store. We sampled (and purchased) Aztec hot chocolate and some fudge.

Lake Champlain fudge



And I fell head over heels for their milk chocolate praline crunch and dark chocolate disks. We may have purchased a lot of chocolate, but I figured we were helping the post-Irene Vermont economy, so it was okay.

Green Mountain Coffee

After getting hopped up on chocolate, we got our caffeine on at the Green Mountain Coffee Visitor Center and Café. Housed in an old-fashioned train station, the café smells of divine dark roast. It was toasty and warm, but unfortunately the visitor center portion wasn’t opened.

Green Mountain Coffee Visitor Center

Instead of touring the visitor center, we wandered around outside, getting a good dose of chilly air and loving the neat little train station touches. It reminded me of Anne of Green Gables; I was just waiting to turn a corner to see Anne and her carpet bag waiting for Matthew. Winking smile

Green Mountain Coffee

We made an afternoon of leisurely checking out these three local gems, and it was perfect. As always, I enjoyed bringing home some food gifts to remind us of our time away. We’re headed to Vermont again very soon, this time to Killington for a little skiing (him) and apres ski (me) and to spend some time with good friends. I am trying my best to not hate the winter. It’s not really working. I am ready for this.

How’s winter treating you?

Tags: Cabot, cheese, chocolate, coffee, Food, Green Mountain, Lake Champlain, snow, Stowe, Travel, Vermont

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