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With the holidays near, I have been trying out a bunch of new recipes, including the two unique recipes I developed and posted yesterday for a Kitchen Play assignment. For some reason, the thought of a caramel cake appealed to me, so yesterday I decided I was going to bake just that.

baking assistant

My baking assistant, Smuckers, and I decided to consult for a caramel cake recipe and came across this one, which we determined was a winner. One of the things I really don’t like about baking is that I have to use real recipes, but alas, if I want delicious homemade baked goods, I need to start somewhere. Hopefully someday I will be confident enough with my baking skills to start making alterations to existing recipes without the fear it will destroy them.

Anyway, the recipe is as follows:

For cake

  • 2 cups plus 2 tablespoons sifted cake flour (not self-rising; sift before measuring)
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 stick unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 2 large eggs, at room temperature 30 minutes
  • 1 cup well-shaken buttermilk

For caramel glaze

  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon light corn syrup
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • Equipment: a candy thermometer

butter and sugar

Make cake:
Preheat oven to 350°F with rack in middle. Butter an 8-inch square cake pan and line with a square of parchment paper, then butter parchment.

Sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

Beat butter and sugar in a large bowl with an electric mixer at medium speed until pale and fluffy, then beat in vanilla. Add eggs 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. At low speed, beat in buttermilk until just combined (mixture may look curdled). Add flour mixture in 3 batches, mixing until each addition is just incorporated.

Spread batter evenly in cake pan, then rap pan on counter several times to eliminate air bubbles. Bake until golden and a wooden pick inserted in center of cake comes out clean, 35 to 40 minutes. Cool in pan on a rack 10 minutes, then run a knife around edge of pan. Invert onto rack and discard parchment, then cool completely, about 1 hour.

caramel cake

making caramel

Make glaze:
Bring cream, brown sugar, corn syrup, and a pinch of salt to a boil in a 1 1/2-quart heavy saucepan over medium heat, stirring until sugar has dissolved. Boil until glaze registers 210 to 212°F on thermometer, 12 to 14 minutes, then stir in vanilla.



Put rack with cake in a shallow baking pan and pour hot glaze over top of cake, allowing it to run down sides. Cool until glaze is set, about 30 minutes.

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caramel cake

Making the caramel was both the most fun and most nerve-wracking part. I don’t have a candy thermometer, so I just tasted it a few times, being careful not to burn my tongue as I did on the caramelize brown sugar salmon on Saturday. It was neat to watch the mix go from a very light brown to a darker brown and to taste as it went from brown sugar to caramel.

caramel cake

The caramel ended up thin but really delicious. The vanilla really added an extra depth to the caramel and made it very fragrant. The cake soaked up much of it, making the cake a bit sticky and gooey. It is a simple, creamy, not-too-sweet treat and would be perfect with tea and a bunch of friends.

I have spent a lot of time cooking and baking, organizing things around the house, catching up on laundry, doing yoga, and running these days. And while I do have blogging work, some work for Red White Boston, and my newest freelance job with go2media (please like go2boston on Facebook & follow on Twitter!), I am kind of enjoying taking care of the house. I know there are certain women out there (who I know!) who would have a total snark fest with that, but I am learning to be okay with it. I am very slowly learning that this time is a gift and that I should be making the most of the moment. VERY slowly learning, but that learning is turning out to be the main purpose of taking this time.  I am trying to turn everything from yoga to cooking to dog walking and running into a mindful meditation, to slow down, and to realize just how unique these few months will be in the grander scheme of my life. You have all been really supportive and totally lift me up with your comments and emails, so thank you!

Are you a person who can live in the moment, or like me, do you constantly have a million things from the past, present, and future running through your mind, even in the middle of the night?

Tags: baking, cake, caramel cake, Food, recipe

If they did, I would be doing it tonight! I was searching through On Demand, and there seem to be all sorts of yoga videos, but none for cranky people. 🙂 It was a great great weekend in New Jersey, but I am exhausted and not at all ready to face a crazy week. A hectic Friday led right into a 6 hour drive in torrential downpours, so we arrived at my mom’s house at around midnight. I was too wired to sleep well, and woke up Saturday morning to a ton of work email to tend to and then went straight into helping my sister prep for the party.

I got put in charge of the penne with tomato vodka sauce:

Canned crushed tomatoes

Olive oil to coat the bottom of a big pot

Lots of chopped garlic and about half of an onion

prosciutto di parma (I didn’t see much benefit to adding this, so I would leave it out next time)

tsp oregano

fresh ground black pepper and sea salt

1 shot of vodka

heavy cream to taste (to a big ol pot we added maybe 3/4 cup of cream)

1/4 grated parmesan

Sautee onions and garlic until soft and the garlic is golden, then add everything but the cream and cheese. The cream and cheese can be added at the very end, and we shared the load doing this. I stirred and she poured so that nothing would congeal or get yucky. If the sauce was for my house I would definitely add crushed red pepper flakes because I love spice in my tomato cream sauces, but this was a kid party. We served it over regular penne. I would do whole wheat at home. It was easy peasy, delicious, and a real crowd pleaser.


SimmeringWith cream

There was so much to eat and drink at the bbq: my mom’s famous baked lima beans with brown sugar and bacon, potato salad (mom’s famous again!), green salad, fruit salad, sausage and peppers, teriyaki chicken meatballs, rolls, pasta, and these smazing soft pretzels that they buy at a special pretzel bakery.

I had LOTS of orange and yellow peppers

I had LOTS of orange and yellow peppers

There was also a lot of this:

6 types of Harpoon

6 types of Harpoon

On a side note, we live a couple of miles from the Harpoon Brewery, and it has trumped Sam Adams as my favorite local beer! I have been to a couple of charity events at Harpoon, and the fact that they do them for free makes the beer even better to me. I liked their Brown Session Ale and their Crystal Wheat, but give me a classic Harpoon IPA, and I am a happy girl. Remind me to blog someday about Yankee Lobster , an awesome fresh fish restaurant yards from Harpoon. Yankee Lobster roll + Harpoon IPA = summer in my mouth!

Ok back to the bbq post! There was also cake, a Dorah cake with lemon filling for my niece and a chocolate mousse filled cake for my hub’s belated birthday. Sadly, I really don’t like many cakes any more. They are far too sweet for my palate. That’s probably a good thing!

The party colors were pink and orange

The party colors were pink and orange

Overall, I ate well and didn’t stress. I also brought Amazing Grass with me so I was not without my green smoothies. Do you stress about food when you are out of your routine? I came up with a few very simple tips this weekend to make these times easier:

1) Eat as healthily as possible for the situation you are in. Seems like a no brainer, but other people’s homes are not stocked like mine, and rather than freaking out, I make do. I made my smoothies with organic regular milk, something I definitely don’t do at home, but it was fine and tasty for a couple of days.

2) Water water water! When I travel I tend to not drink in the car so I don’t have to stop. This is silly. Dehydration makes you tired and cranky and more likely to feel hunger pangs that aren’t there. Drinking my normal 80 ounces or so kept me feeling good and also kept me from unneccesary snacks.

3) Enjoy! I had a little bit of everything. If I didn’t like it, I didn’t finish it. I waited for at least 30 minutes to go for a seconds plate, and when hungry a few hours after the party, I filled up on fresh cherries to feel full and satisfied. Trying all of the party food felt great, tasted great, and totally kept me from feeling deprived.

4) Don’t overdo the post party “detox”. Other than having lots of water and veggies tonight and doing some stretching, I am going to relax. Traveling to events can be exhausting, and while a little voice was telling me earlier to push myself to run, my knees are sore, and I am just feeling overwhelmed about work. A weekend off won’t undo your exercise/training progress. It will most likely make you better when you return!

I hope you all had a great weekend. I am off to watch “Mondays in the Sun” and to stock my ipod with some new “Notes in Spanish” Spanish podcasts for my walk to and from work. Tomorrow night I am having dinner with friends (I think Ashmont Grill wine club!) and will announce the winner of the Nigella giveaway. Have a GREAT night!

Tags: cake, cooking, Food, party, sauce

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