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It’s Friday, and you know what that means, Friday Foodie Feature time. As I mentioned yesterday, I am still pretty behind on blogging and just about everything else, so I was excited when Megan from the blog Cooking Whims agreed to be the Friday Foodie Feature. Megan started out as a baking blogger, and, as a result has some great baking posts, but I also really love her other recipes. Definitely check out the link to the Roasted Garlic Soup below. It looks divine!

Thanks, Megan, for being featured, and for the rest of you, remember I always welcome guest posts and participants for the Friday Feature. Just send me an email to let me know you are interested!

Have a great Friday morning. I’ll be back later with some more wine country fun!

Cooking Whims

How long have you been blogging?

I’ve kept an online journal ever since I was a teenager. But I became serious about food blogging after I started a baking club with my friends after we graduated from college about two years ago. As an excuse to hang out, two of my best friends would come over once a week and we would whip up something tasty. Then I thought, “Hey, why don’t I blog about these?” So I started “Baking Whims”. But once I moved out of my parents’ house, I discovered I had to cook for myself. But I didn’t want it to be a chore, I wanted it to be fun! So I got a ton of cookbooks out of the library, started following blogs, and decided to add onto my baking escapades–so expanded “Baking Whims” into “Cooking Whims”. And that happened about a year ago. 🙂

What is your favorite thing about blogging? Least favorite?

My favorite thing about blogging is being a part of the food blogging community. When I first moved to the Boston area, I was a bit lost. I moved away from all of my friends, so my baking club get-togethers stopped. I didn’t know how to meet people and felt isolated in my little apartment. But once I joined up with the Boston Food Bloggers, I discovered a whole new world of friendships and activities I never would have found out about if I wasn’t blogging!

My least favorite part about blogging? That’s hard to say because I love all things about blogging! If I had to pick something, though, I would say it’s the dim light in my apartment. I live in a basement with little natural light, so it’s really challenging to capture a well-lit picture of my food.

What has been your most fun blog post to write?

I think the blog post that was the most fun to write was my Roasted Garlic Soup recipe. I was meeting up with some Boston Food Bloggers for a soup swap back in January, and I wanted to try something I never tried before. I love taking on challenges like that and stepping out of my comfort zone because then I actually learn something about cooking. Before I made the garlic soup, I had never roasted garlic, or even bought more than two heads of garlic at once in the store. I bought six for this recipe! (and had some left over).
I love writing about my learning experiences, whether they are good or bad, and hoping others can learn from what I learned–and that they’ll go out and try these recipes on their own too! Cooking for me is fun because I’m always finding things I don’t know about. And the blogging is a great way to log what I have done 🙂

Where do you see your blog this time next year?

Hopefully next year I’ll actually buy a domain for my blog and give it a redesign!

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?

I look forward to blogging about my cooking adventures every night, and I would have to say it’s become my favorite thing to do outside of work. It’s much more than just a hobby, it’s become a part of who I am, my identity. If people ask me what I do and what I like to do, I always mention my food blog and my love of food! 🙂

Tags: blogger, Food, Friday Foodie Feature, Guest Blogger, guest post

Frites, fries, chips, call them what you will, but one of Western Europe’s favorite street foods is definitely my healthy-eating downfall. I can easily pass up cake, candy, or any other sweet, but put a plate (or cone) of good fries in front of me, and I am happy.

I’ve eaten them in chip shops in Ireland, from windows in Belgium and from stands in Amsterdam, and I have rarely found fries that were as satisfying as those in Europe.

Boston got exactly what it needed this week with the opening of Saus, Boston’s first Belgian street food café, near the Faneuil Hall area of the city. Located in a row of bars that includes Paddy O’s and the Purple Shamrock, I can pretty much guarantee this spot will be packed on weekend nights, and based on the tasty fries, sauces, and waffles, I am pretty certain it will attract traffic from all over during the rest of the week.

Saus Boston

I headed toward Faneuil Hall early and met Michelle to walk over to Saus for some daylight photos. Snuggled in a row of bars, Saus is absolutely adorable.

Saus Boston

More café than fast food joint, Saus offers a high table with stools in addition to some tables and chairs and some standing room. A blackboard lists options for frites, dipping sauces, waffles, and drinks.

Saus menu

And in true Belgian style, cartoons like Tintin decorate the space, giving it a fun and whimsical flair.

Saus Boston

It reminded me of a conference I went to once in Brussels; our company actually had its dinner at the Belgian Comic Strip Museum.

Saus Boston

While Michelle and I waited, we checked out the Saus menu and were tortured with wonderful smells of fries and dipping sauces. I could not wait to try everything!

Saus Menu

Let’s get to the eating, shall we? The owners of Saus could not have been more welcoming, and we had the chance to chat with them while we tried all of the dipping sauces.


And there were sauces. There was truffle ketchup, bacon parmesan, spicy samuari, cheddar and Duvel ale, vampire slayer (roasted garlic), mayonnaise, ketchup, curry ketchup, presto pesto, Saturday night chive, and two specials, Green Monster and Pegasaus.

sauces at Saus

sauces at Saus

I started by trying all of the sauces and then made repeat visits to my favorites. I really have to say I enjoyed every single sauce, but I loved the truffle ketchup, bacon parmesan, cheddar and Duvel, and samurai sauces the most. I should mention that all of the sauces, including the classic ketchup are made in-house. And they definitely show that homemade quality you can’t just get anywhere.

truffle ketchup

In addition to the frites and sauces, we also had a chance to check out the deep-fried egg over frites.

frites and egg

A runny egg yolk over fries? As a few people mentioned, this would be a good breakfast the morning after a night out. Smile

frites and egg

Clearly, bloggers + a table full of fries and dipping sauces = lots of fun

Bloggers at Saus

As though all of the fries were not enough, before we left we also sampled homemade Belgian Liege waffles topped with different sauces, berry berry, salted caramel, and lemon cream. I only had enough room for a bite of the salted caramel, but it was incredible. I’ll return with more room for waffles next time.

Belgian waffle

It was great to get together with my fellow Boston blogger ladies (in addition to Michelle, Megan, Daisy, Bianca, Elizabeth, Rachel, Lizzy, and Bridget) . I always have such a fun time with this group, and it was a nice pick-me-up after a couple of artic days! I should add that because Megan knows one of the owners, all of our food was complimentary which was incredibly generous of Saus. It was really quite the treat to get to try everything!

Your mouth is probably watering at the above photos; Saus really offers some great options whether you enjoy salty or sweet, so if you are anywhere in the Boston area, definitely add it to your must-visit list. I will definitely be returning soon with my husband (who loved the takeout I brought him!) and friends soon. I wish the owners of Saus the best of luck for a booming business, but somehow I don’t think they will need luck!

What is your favorite street food? Are you a fry person like me?

Saus on Urbanspoon

Tags: Belgian street food, Boston, Boston bloggers, dipping sauces, events, Food, fries, frites, Restaurants, Saus, waffles

I made an amazing dinner last night, if I do say so myself. My kitchen creativity has been off with my health, somewhere where I can’t seem to catch it, but last night I definitely felt it coming back. Now if only I could feel better and find my energy. Last week the doctor said I could expect to be exhausted for 10-14 days, but honestly I am over looking forward to bedtime at 11 am, coughing, and feeling achy all day long.

But I digress. Dinner last night. My original plan was to make traditional turkey meatball subs with mozzarella cheese, onions, peppers, and red sauce. After a quick survey of things I needed to use up before California, I decided to make a Greek-inspired dinner, starting with half a block of Athenos feta.


I started by chopping and crumbling the feta until it was in small crumbs. I mixed it with a container of ground turkey, an egg, a teaspoon of oregano, and about a cup of panko bread crumbs.

turkey meatballs

Feeling un-well, I was totally grossed out by making the meatballs, but I rolled up my sleeves and got to work, placing them on a baking tray and then putting the meatballs in the oven at 375 until they were starting to brown.

turkey meatballs

At the very end, I turned the oven to broil which was a nice finishing touch.


To top the meatballs, I used some of the abundance of Fage 2% yogurt that we have to make a quick sauce. It couldn’t have been easier. I popped four garlic cloves, peeled, a jalapeno, a handful of cilantro, and some ground black pepper in the food processor.

cilantro and garlic

yogurt sauce

Then I added about a cup of Fage, whirled it all around, and had a tangy sauce for the meatballs. Despite the jalapeno, it wasn’t spicy, just really flavorful.

I served up the meatballs in romaine lettuce leaves, topped with the yogurt sauce, with a side of Trader Joe’s naan.

meatballs with yogurt sauce

meatballs with yogurt sauce

I actually added more lettuce and sauce after the photo shoot, but thought this was kind of pretty Smile We do usually eat more than what is in my photos.

And now for a little giveaway for my Boston area readers. You may remember the awesome swag bag I got at the Boston Food Bloggers launch party. Well, it was so chock full of good stuff that I really can’t use it all, especially the items that require a car, so I am putting together a little package of fun for one lucky winner:

1 Free Make Your Own Cupcake at Treat Cupcake Bar

a free bowling pass to King’s in Legacy Place

a $5 gift card to Wicked Restaurant & Wine Bar

$20 toward dinner and $10 toward lunch at Acquitaine

To enter, just leave a comment on this post, and I will pick a winner over the weekend.

After I took the swag bag out to go through it, I was writing this post and heard a rustling noise. Scout was apparently interested in the bag’s contents.

Scout the cat

Tags: cheese, cilantro, cooking, dinner, feta, feta cheese, Food, garlic, giveaway, healthy, healthy recipe, jalapeno, nmeatballs, recipe, romaine lettuce, turkey, yogurt

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