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Reminder! April 3 is Oldways’ Whole Grain Sampling Day. Be sure to find some new-to-you whole grains and give them a try.

As part of the Whole Grain Sampling Day initiative, I received an amazing box full of whole grain foods. One of the items was a bag of freekeh, young green wheat from Freekehlicious.

Here are a few benefits of freekeh:

  • high fiber – four times the fiber of brown rice
  • low GI – helps to prevent diabetes
  • high in protein content
  • low in available carbs
  • high in calcium for bone health
  • rich in lutein – important for eye health
  • rich in prebiotic properties – important for fueling the growth of healthy bacteria


The freekeh bag had a breakfast recipe listed, but I knew that with the dreary, cold weather we have been having, I wanted to make some sort of hearty, healthy vegetarian dish. I decided to toss in some Mediterranean flavors and ended up with a delicious dinner. I cooked the freekeh on its own, according to the package directions.

In the meantime, I cooked chopped eggplant in some olive oil, browning it on all sides before adding in about a cup of good Cabernet. Vegetables, whole grains, and wine. . . does it get any healthier?


Once the eggplant started cooking down, I tossed in a few cloves of chopped garlic, a can of crushed tomatoes, and sea salt, letting this mixture cook on low for about 20 minutes. Since the husband is not a huge eggplant fan, I wanted to make sure it was blended nicely into the sauce.

Just before I was ready to serve, I topped the steaming sauce with a few handfuls of baby spinach, allowing it to wilt from the heat.

Mediterranean sauce

To serve, I topped the hot freekeh with the sauce and garnished with kalamata olives and feta. Delish!

freekeh with sauce

It’s been fun trying out all of the grains included in the box. I am definitely in a constant struggle to eat more healthfully and to come up with fresh dinner ideas to avoid in an eating rut.

Speaking of ruts, can it please just get nice out now? I am feeling constantly blah and need a sunshiny boost to get me moving again!

Tags: freekeh, healthy, Oldways, Oldways Whole Grain Council, vegetables, Vegetarian, whole grains

Thank you to Oldways for sponsoring this healthy giveaway! The winner is Caitlin; please email me at traveleatlove (@) with your contact information. Don’t forget to participate in Whole Grain Sampling Day on April 3, and add some new whole grains to your diet!

Whole Grain Sampling Day, created by Oldways’ Whole Grain Council, is April 3.

What is Whole Grain Sampling Day? Here’s a bit from the Oldways website:

What if there were one day when, everywhere you went, there were opportunities to try delicious whole grain foods? That’s what happens every year on the first Wednesday in April, when the Whole Grains Council holds its annual Whole Grain Sampling Day. Our goal, at the end of the day, is to have people everywhere saying, “That tasted great! Where have you been all my life?” Use the resources in this ONE Toolkit to celebrate with us on April 3, 2013 — or to promote whole grains on the other 364 days of the year.

We are a whole grains household; you won’t find white rice or pasta or bread anywhere in our cabinets. We know it’s healthy, but white carbs make me crash and generally feel awful so making the change to whole grain was pretty easy and necessary. I’m always excited to receive emails from Oldways, and when they offered to send me some whole grain samples, I instantly said yes.


whole grains council

whole grain sampling day


Little did I know that it was going to be a huge box of full sized samples of whole grain treats. From Real McCoy’s chips to Bob’s Red Mill Muesli to Freekehlicious Freekeh (a cereal made from green wheat), the heavy box was chock full of healthy delicious goodness. There are bags of pasta,Way Better  sweet potato chips, Tasty Bite garlic brown  rice, Barbara’s shredded oats cereal . . . so much goodness in one box. We’re still working our way through it!


whole grain samples

brown rice Triscuit

Brown Rice Sea Salt and Black Pepper Triscuits


wheat berry chili

wheat berry chili – this week’s lunch


Evan's Heavenly Cookie Mix

Spelt Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Plant Strong Crackers

Yummy Plant Strong Crackers

I know that my body loves whole grains, but I had no idea just how good they are for you. Oldways’ Whole Grains Council offers up some more information on their Whole Grains 101 page. I had no idea that whole grains are fantastic sources of antioxidants. As I’m turning the big 33 this week, I am looking for ways to stay feeling and looking young, and whole grains should definitely play a part in that, in addition to fruits and veggies. And as the Whole Grains Council website states, “The medical evidence is clear that whole grains reduce risks of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and obesity. Few foods can offer such diverse benefits.” More whole grains for everyone!

facts about whole grains

On April 3, you can take part in Whole Grain Sampling Day on Twitter; follow the hashtag #SampleWholeGrains, and join in at noon Eastern time for a toast to whole grains. Then go and find a new, delicious whole grain to sample.

To make that a little easier for one reader, Oldways has given me one sample box full of the items pictured above to give away to a Travel, Wine, and Dine reader. I think whoever wins will be as excited as I was; who doesn’t love a box of food delivered to their door?

To enter, leave a comment on this post letting me know how you incorporate whole grains into your life or how you’d like to. Be sure you are following Oldways on Twitter as well, so you can keep up with all of the delicious, healthy initiatives they have going on.

I will choose a winner a week from today on March 26. Good luck!

Tags: Food, giveaway, Oldways, Oldways Whole Grain Council, whole grains

Spring definitely feels like it’s on its way here in Boston! We had the windows open for much of the weekend, and it was lovely to feel fresh breezes blowing through the windows. I love the change of seasons and the hope that March brings just as much as I love St. Patrick’s Day and my birthday season. Chilly nights still call for warm comfort food, and Sunday dinner was a delicious Guinness beef stew that I put together  without a recipe.



1,14.9 ounce can of Guinness

1 pound of stew beef

1 cup of beef stock

3 cups chopped red potatoes

2 cups baby carrots

2 cups butternut squash

2 cups peas and pearl onions

3 tablespoons tomato paste

3 tablespoons flour

3 tablespoons butter

garlic powder, black pepper, parsley, and sea salt to taste

stew beef in Guinness

I started by marinating the stew beef in Guinness, garlic powder, black pepper, sea salt, and parsley. It smelled so good! While the beef marinated, I prepped the veggies, saving time and money by using frozen peas and butternut squash.

When I was ready to get this all-day recipe going, I started by removing the beef from the Guinness marinade and dusting it with flour. I added the beef to an already-browning roux and cooked the beef on all sides until browned. Then I poured in the Guinness marinade and scraped up all of the beef bits from the bottom of the pan. I layered the veggies in, poured in beef stock, and added the tomato paste, stirred, and cooked on very low for five hours.

red potatoes

butternut squash

peas and onions

The result was a rich, flavorful, filling dinner that went perfectly with my favorite brown bread. The Guinness base of the stew added so much depth; this is definitely a Sunday dinner winner and a great option for St. Patrick’s Day.

Guinness Beef Stew

I can’t believe it’s Monday already. I’m a little overwhelmed already by my workload for the week but excited because my fantastic father-in-law arrives from Ireland on Wednesday. We’re having a party for him Friday night, and I can’t wait to be with family and friends to celebrate him.

What are you looking forward to this week?

Tags: beef, Food, Guinness, Guinness beef stew, Ireland, St. Patrick's Day

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