Sun Day

The sun finally came out in Boston yesterday. I have a bunch of recipes, a Boston Brunchers brunch, a tortilla party with my favorite Boston bloggers, and more to share, but first, a recap of our Sunday.

After the Boston Brunchers brunch, I met my husband at South Station for about five hours of wandering around Boston, eventually finding our way to our deck for bubbly and relaxing.

Although I just finished brunch, I somehow found a way to eat half a lobster roll at the rebuilt James Hook & Co lobster.

James Hook Lobster

The lobster roll was perfection, sweet, tender lobster salad in a hearty bun, which we washed down with Pellegrino Aranciata before heading off for a walk along the waterfront.

James Hook Lobster

Our wedding flower, hydrangeas, are already blooming everywhere. This is a sure sign of summer to me, though our wedding hydrangeas were pink and white. Smile

summer in Boston

We wanted to get a little closer to the beautiful sail boat, Eos, so we wandered down a side alley and discovered the most beautiful marina and inn, The Boston Yacht Haven. I had NO clue this inn was here, but we may be back to stay there in the near future!

Eos Boston

We got to meet the very hospitable innkeeper, took a little wander around, and then found ourselves in the North End for the parade for Padre Pio, a favorite Saint of my mother as well as of my husband’s mother. I love the North End religious traditions. We stood around and listened to the music for awhile before heading on.

North End

We passed the future home of the Boston Public Market. All I can do is hope. It would be pretty amazing to have a year round public market in Boston, but things in Boston generally take a long time and a lot of red tape. Let’s get er done!

Boston Public Market

No walk through the North End to Faneuil Hall is complete without a stop at Saus. I figured we had burned enough calories walking that we could indulge in a cone of fries with truffle ketchup, bacon parmesan sauce, and the Vampire Slayer, a garlicky mayo. I am clearly happy with my fries.

Saus Boston

Much of the rest of our walk was along the Rose Kennedy Greenway. I have to give some major props to Boston for this beautiful space. It seems like an endless expanse of green, so well taken care of, so beautiful for all to enjoy. I believe Mrs. Kennedy would approve.

Rose Kennedy Greenway

Rose Kennedy Greenway

We ended up walking all the way home, through Southie, along the beach, and finally sharing a summery dinner and some Laetitia Cuvee on our deck. It felt so nice to be warm, to be outside, and to watch the sun go down late in the evening.

Boston is easy to fall in love with when the weather is just right.

What do you love about your hometown?

Tags: Boston, Food, lobster, Saus, Travel

  1. Elizabeth’s avatar

    What an awesome day! That pic of you at Saus is adorable!


  2. Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction’s avatar

    Loved this post and all of your photos… Seeing this just makes my heart ache to go back to Boston. I just love it there.


  3. Shannon’s avatar

    What a great day full of delicious eats!


  4. Daisy’s avatar

    I love all of these things! I walked around a for a bit after brunch, too! The Greenway is my favorite. as are the bands that march down my street every sunday. Adam and I had the Poutine at Saus for dinner the other night, it’s coming in a post scheduled for later this week.

    Actually, I have never had a lobster roll at James Hook. Need to change that this summer!!


  5. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

    It was great seeing you over the weekend! Lobster rolls and french fries are just perfect for summer right?? Now I am craving for some!


  6. Kathy The Boston Sports Woman’s avatar

    Meghan: What a great way to capture the day! Thanks for sharing the sun and the food!


  7. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    You look so cute in the picture! Sounds like a fun day of exploring and you went everywhere. Super fun!


  8. Michelle’s avatar

    I’m so glad you spent the time with hubby to enjoy the beautiful weather! xo


  9. Megan’s avatar

    Love that you just kept eating after brunch! We actually walked down to the Harvard Square Farmers Market, and I bought some Sofra chocolate chip cookies! It was such a nice day to get out for a bit. Can’t wait to read about the rest of your weekend!


  10. Skinny Fat Kid’s avatar

    I love Boston! I had a similar weekend aka unhealthy food fest in Rhode Island this past weekend. Nothing like chowder and clam cakes down in Narragansett!


  11. Emily’s avatar

    Hydrangeas were my wedding flower too – I love seeing them around. Looks like a great weekend – great to see you Saturday!


  12. Milliver's Travels’s avatar

    What a fabulous-sounding Sunday (sun day) you had! I live in Ohio so I can relate to celebrating when the sun comes out. :~)

    I’ve never been to Boston but your story and pictures makes me want to visit. Adored the look of the cone of fries with truffle ketchup, bacon Parmesan sauce, and garlicky mayo!! Wow, sounds like a taste explosion and, I agree, you earned it with all that walking.

    Thanks for the tour! ~ Milli


  13. Julie’s avatar

    Haha, I love the little not to dogs! I love hydrangeas too–I have blue ones on my grocery list for this week! =) Happy Summer Finally!!


  14. alicia’s avatar

    You look so cute and happy with your fries!!


  15. Raija’s avatar

    I haven’t seen you look that happy in a photo in a while — those fries are happiness-making, huh!! And I just cut some hydrangeas from my bushes yesterday – they are indeed in bloom – and it looks like it will be a banner season for them. I also had my first lobster roll of the season – didn’t look quite as good as yours but it was tasty and happy – from 111 Chop House in Woo.


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