Change of Plans

How beautiful is this day? Please don’t tell me cold and snow are going to come back next week. I don’t think I can deal with another day of feeling cold and wanting to hibernate!

I was really excited to head out for a run today. As you know from my blogs and tweets, I have been marathon training in some pretty awful weather, so a chance to not feel numb while running was one I couldn’t pass up.

It all started out okay, but then my knees started to hurt, and pretty badly. Throughout this marathon training period, and DEFINITELY while training for last year’s Boston Marathon, knee pain has plagued me on and off. This time around, it was only made worse by a few twists and slips running in slush and ice.

So, I decided today I am going to be smart. I am not running the Napa Valley Marathon. I might try to enter the 5K, or I might just sleep in and enjoy vacation.

Other factors that went into the decision not to run the marathon:

  • I don’t want to. It’s not that I am afraid of the pain or being tired; I have run up to 21 miles this training season and been fine. Over the past month or so, I just started to have no desire to run a marathon right now. Potentially damaging my knees further just feeds that.
  • I want to spend my time in Napa having fun and being relaxed, not sore, cranky, starving, and tired.
  • My husband really needs a vacation, and I really need to see him without a laptop over his face. I know we just got back from Ireland, but he worked 51 hours over the course of three days last weekend. After a full week of 12-15 hour days. Marathon vacations are not the same as real vacations, in my book.
  • The marathon’s ban on iPods really started freaking me out. I completely rely on music to get me through tough parts of workouts. I think I might go insane if I had to run for four plus hours without that distraction!

I guess I could be disappointed with myself right now. Back in the day, if I said I was going to run a marathon, I would have run it with a broken leg. Now? It’s supposed to be fun, and if I am dreading it, it is not fun.

There. A huge weight lifted off of my chest. Smile I still wish with every bit of my being that I had a Boston Marathon number this year. Wah.

There are definitely more marathons in my future, but for now I think I get more satisfaction from spinning, weights, and short runs. Marathon running (and this is my own fault) sabotages my diet a little as I start to think I can eat anything and everything. And now that I am working for myself, long runs also cut into time I am being paid. As such I am definitely interested in hearing about short, 30 minutes or less, workouts, that you find fun and also really challenging.

Have you ever had to make a decision that was best for you, but you still worried about what other people would think?

Tags: marathons, Napa Marathon, running

  1. Michelle’s avatar

    Um, I think you know my answer to your question. 🙂 I’m glad you did what is right for YOU!


  2. Megan’s avatar

    I think it’s great that you’re going to take the time to relax and catch up with your husband. I, for one, am not at all disappointed in you. Hell, you go for 18-mile runs while I sit on my couch!


  3. Daisy’s avatar

    I fully support your decision to take the fun route. enjoy napa as you want to enjoy it. drink wine, relax with eric, and don’t feel an ounce of dissapointment or regret along the way.


  4. Justin’s avatar

    Sounds like a great plan. You can still go on some nice relaxing runs through the vineyards while you’re out there.


  5. J3nn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog)’s avatar

    Nothing wrong with changing plans! Whatever makes YOU happy is what matters most. I am a natural worrywart, but I am learning to be a little selfish now and then. It’s important to live for you, not anyone else.

    Enjoy the weekend!


  6. Simply Life’s avatar

    Hope your knee feels better soon – and I love your new look!


  7. Erin @ Big Girl Feats’s avatar

    I think it’s brave to be able to make a decision that you know is right for your body and mind. Go, girl 🙂 Like you said, there are plenty of other marathons. When I decided not to go to grad school last year, even though I was accepted to two awesome programs was a super tough decision. I was so worried my parents and references would think I wasted their time or was being lazy or making the wrong decision – I was too. I stayed for myself and for giving my relationship with The Dude a shot – and it was the best decision I could have made.


  8. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    This is so refreshing to read. I admire you for listening to your body and not caring what anyone will think about your decision. You’re the one running the race and if you aren’t comfortable doing so or don’t want to, then you shouldn’t. You continue to inspire me with your grace in every blog post.


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      Thank you! Your workout posts actually really inspire me. I like how you mix it up, and I definitely realize I feel better with shorter workouts and doing more strength training. To state the obvious, it makes me feel strong 🙂 and I like it!


    2. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

      Kudos on the change of plans! This is very refreshing to read and I agree that you shouldn’t run it if you don’t feel like it. Plus, enjoying a Napa vacation infinitely sounds better 🙂 I’ve made decisions that other people question, but at the end of the day, I remind myself that it’s MY decision, and that I’m happy about it. Enjoy your time away with your hubby!

      As for short workouts, I really like doing HIIT (high intensity interval training), whether on the bike or the Cybex, when I’m short on time.


    3. Heather’s avatar

      Sounds like you made the right decision! Enjoy your vacation – sounds like it will be well deserved!


    4. MarathonVal’s avatar

      Good for you for listening to your body… it’s very, very hard to do that sometimes! So sorry your husband has been working so hard.

      And about the no iPods… do they REALLY enforce that?!? I think if I ran a marathon like that I would just sneak mine in…. I’m so far toward the back of the pack I doubt anyone would even notice 😉


    5. Elina (Healthy and Sane)’s avatar

      I think this is wise. You’ll definitely be able to enjoy it so much more. If you’re hurting and are not really into it, change course. I’ve been really focusing on that lately!


    6. alicia’s avatar

      Clearly I’m behind on my blog reading…Kudos with doing the best thing for you and your body!! There is so much fun to be had in Napa anyway – but of course, I don’t need to tell you that!


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