Behind the Line

I spent my Monday evening as a taster, a title I am more than happy to take on. The Boston Center for Adult Education, a place that offers some incredible food and wine classes (in addition to MANY other classes), and the place where I took my food writing class, offered their first Behind the Line class, an event where students get right into the kitchen with a chef to do the cooking and the serving as part of the line.

My friend and former co-worker Katie was invited to the event and brought me along as a guest. I love the BCAE’s modern, well-lit space, and when we arrived last night it was full of inviting smells.

After being offered a glass of wine, I took my Malbec and wandered over to the kitchen where Chef Jeremy Sewall of Lineage was teaching the class.

cheese platter


It was fun to watch as the class participants prepped and cooked the meal according to Chef Sewall’s instruction. I was excited that he was the chef for the evening as we absolutely loved our recent dinner at Lineage.


I couldn’t stay for the whole evening, but the menu was impressive and included Mushroom Pizza with Pecorino and Truffle Oil, Baby Greens with Goat Cheese Croquette and Lemon Vinaigrette, Baked Scottish Salmon with Brown Butter Cauliflower, and a Baked Apple with Cinnamon and Vanilla Ice Cream.

BCAE Behind the Line

The ingredients in the kitchen all looked fresh and beautiful, always the key to a great meal!

salmon filets

And the end results were delicious! Chef Seawall’s students did a great job creating some delicious food, and his students looked like they were completely engaged and having a great time. The course is $70 plus materials cost for the evening which is a great deal, considering the personal interaction with the chef and all of the great food.

truffle mushroom pizza

I love the BCAE and urge anyone in Boston to take a class or attend an event. I was a fan before I was a blogger, and I look forward to learning much more about wine and food in their classes.

Have you ever taken a class at an adult education center? Would you recommend it?

Also, 2 things: Red White Boston is live! Check it out to find out your nearest wine store, what wines the owner recommends, and why!

And, yesterday I started a post on the Marie Claire “Hunger Diaries” article. I am debating on whether or not to publish it.  Do you think the whole thing is overdone already?

Tags: BCAE, Boston, Food, Lineage, wine

  1. Simply Life’s avatar

    I took a cooking class at the Cambridge Culinary School and will also be starting another one soon somewhere else for “Vegetarian Indian Cooking” – so far I’ve loved my experiences! This place seems great!


  2. Jason Phelps’s avatar

    My wife and I took Dim Sum and Thanksgiving Dinner at CC back in 1999. We loved it. I’d reccomend it for anyone who wants to get out for an evening, meet new people and enjoy some food.



  3. Mellissa’s avatar

    I took a photography class though a community education center and it was really good!


  4. Emily’s avatar

    I’ve really wanted to go to Lineage and this post is a timely reminder! Looks like a great event. I took a language class at BCAE that I didn’t find that rewarding but perhaps other courses are better. I only wish I had time for them in my schedule!


  5. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    The menu looks fabulous! I used to be really into cooking and took both Italian and French cooking classes. I need to get that cooking mojo back! Maybe another class would help me.


  6. Michelle’s avatar

    This looks like a wonderful class! I’ve only taken one class at the BCAE and it was to cook for weekday meals. It was way too basic in terms of actually learning something new but I do use the recipes from there a lot! Plus, they give you lots of wine to sip on while you’re cooking and who doesn’t love that!


  7. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

    What a fun night! I’ve never been to the BCAE but I know they do have some cool classes. I want to attend one someday!


  8. Daisy’s avatar

    I want to try Lineage!

    Regarding the MC thing: I always enjoy a good rebuttal, or in your case, a well written point of view. let us have it. 🙂


  9. Megan’s avatar

    This looks like an awesome class! and that’s not a bad price at all for the learning and the dinner and wine. 🙂

    Hmm… I have a lot of thoughts on the whole MC thing… one of which is that the article just sent a whole bunch of traffic to a bunch of sites it was telling people not to follow. Interesting. I’d like to hear/read your point of view.


  10. Justin’s avatar

    Glad to hear a positive review of the BCAE. I’ve been interested in taking a class or two there and just haven’t heard enough about them to register. This post may push me over the edge.


  11. Anne@ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

    Oi, everything looks fantastic. My eyes were lingering around that cheese tray for a minute too long… 😀


  12. Amanda @ bakingwithoutabox’s avatar

    That looks like so much fun! What a great looking menu.


  13. Elina’s avatar

    Sounds like so much fun. I think $70 + materials is quite expensive for a class but then again, I LOVED the KA class so maybe it’s worth it as a special treat 🙂


  14. Elina’s avatar

    PS – I’m personally sick of seeing everyone’s comments. Unless you have something to say (and I hope this doesn’t sound rude – I’m not trying to be!) that no one else already offered (it’s also readers’ responsibility, the articles was one-sided, etc.) then maybe it’s time to just let it go. I was annoyed with the article (and have my own opinions on it) but I’m not going to blog about it. I left my comments on a few blogs and am kinda over it at this point 🙂


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