Dinner at Bergamot

I love going out to dinner, and there is no time I love it more than during a stressful week. There is something about someone else making you dinner. . . and making you feel at home that is completely comforting and magical.

Last Thursday night I was in need of this comfort, and so the hubby and I decided to try Bergamot, the new restaurant that took the site where EVOO formerly lived. Bergamot looks a lot like EVOO did, very spacious, airy, and well lit.

Bergamot Somerville

Bergamot’s menu is progressive American fare, and they offer an impressive wine, cocktail, and beer list. On this balmy summer night, I decided to opt for a Pretty Things Jack D’Or beer.

Bergamot Cocktail Menu

Along with our drinks, we each received an amuse bouche. Mine was a shitake mushroom with hoisin sauce. It was one deliciously salty bite.

Pretty Things Jack D'or   shitake with hoisin

I started with a golden beet and avocado salad which was fresh veggie perfection. Oh I love golden beets. . . the flavors in this salad worked so well together, and I ate every bite.

Bergamot beets with avocado, goat cheese, red onion

For my entree, I ordered the plaintain gnocchi with black bean, avocado, roasted red pepper, portabella mushroom confit, shishito pepper, and cilantro sprouts.

plaintain gnocchi

I was completely intrigued by the idea of plantain gnocchi, and these were pretty interesting. They had that little bit of sweetness associated with plantains, and the centers were creamy and flavorful while the outsides were a bit crisp. I loved these gnocchi; they were definitely more flavorful than regular potato gnocchi!

Every bite that we had at Bergamot was enjoyable, which made me a little sad that the service was lacking. At the start, the service was phenomenal. Our waitress knew so much about the menu and the wine list, and as we listened to her talk with other guests throughout the night, I was delightfully impressed at her interest and knowledge about wine. But somewhere after we received our entrees, she seemed to disappear. We finished eating and waited for quite awhile for our plates to be cleared, and 30 minutes passed before someone else came by to see if we wanted another drink. . . not even dessert. We DID want dessert, but after sitting and waiting for that long, we opted to just pay our bill, which took at least another 10 minutes. It did get busy, but it seemed our waitress was just skirting around our area and waiting intently on other areas.

Also, if you are seated in the dining room, you can not order off of the bar menu. I wanted things off of both menus, and since the bar was visible and about 25 feet away, I don’t really see what the problem would be?

I would definitely give Bergamot another shot, based on the high quality and great flavor of the food, but I hope that we will not be left to our own devices for too long next time.

What is the worst restaurant experience you ever had?

Bergamot on Urbanspoon

Tags: beer, Bergamot, dinner, Food, MA, Pretty Things Jack D'Or, Somerville

  1. Michelle’s avatar

    The food sounds delish but that is too bad about the service. I haven’t tried Bergamot yet but I’m hoping I’ll be able to in the next couple of months!


  2. Rachel @ Fork it over, Boston!’s avatar

    Oooh…I really want to try plantain gnocchi! I’ve been meaning to try Bergamot since it opened.


  3. Daisy’s avatar

    EVOO is gone?! The place you just has lunch with the CE-YO? That’s too bad! Your meal looks great, too bad about the dissapearing act your waitress pulled. The worst dinning experience I ever had was at North Street Grille! I blogged about it 😉


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      No no, EVOO moved to their new Kendall Square spot, leaving the Somerville spot open, and Bergamot moved in there. They are still open! 🙂


    2. Brian @ A Thought For Food’s avatar

      Service can really make or break a meal. Glad to hear that you enjoyed the food, though. The beet salad looks delightful!


    3. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

      I love eating out too, can’t wait to eat out next week in Germany and France 🙂

      Service can ruin the whole dinner, no matter how good the food was. Luckily I haven’t had that many bad experiences 🙂


    4. Simply Life’s avatar

      Oooh what a fun gnocchi idea!


    5. Abby’s avatar

      Plantain gnocchi? I’m intrigued!

      Stinky service? Not so much.


    6. Elina’s avatar

      The food sounds amazing. I’d definitely give it another go since it could just be this waitress… or she could have an off day. Who knows!


    7. Megan’s avatar

      I noticed the same thing about the service when we were there. It was actually the opposite though… our waiter got more attentive toward the end. Perhaps that’s because I started making comments and asking questions about particular things we were served… like the amazing sugar-crusted basil leaf I had there. It did take a while to get our wine though… and some time between courses at the beginning.


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