Guest Post: The Happiness in Health

Happy Sunday from wine country! I hope you are having a great weekend. Today’s post is from Jessie from The Happiness in Health, and it looks delicious! I love peanut sauce but always have trouble getting a good consistency. I can’t wait to try this recipe out!


Hi everyone, Jessie here! As someone who adores Meghan’s blog, I was thrilled when she agreed to have me be a guest poster. On my website The Happiness in Health, I aim to share my knowledge of nutrition and my love of food with readers. I’ve really enjoyed all the conversations I’ve had with bloggers and visitors so far, and I can’t wait for more. There are so many wonderful people out there!

As someone who is half-Asian, I’m always looking to incorporate more “Asian” ingredients into my dishes. This recipe is not very Asian, but it’s simple and it has delicious ingredients. You may have made something like it before.


Versatile Creamy Peanut Noodles with Roasted Veggies and Tofu

(Why “Versatile”? Read on!)

Base Ingredients (makes 3 servings):

1 clove garlic, minced

1 teaspoon peanut oil (or canola oil)

1/3 cup peanut butter

1 tablespoon soy sauce

½ cup vegetable broth (approximate)

A pinch of red pepper flakes

6 oz. noodles of choice (You can use Chinese/Japanese noodles that are refrigerated in the supermarket. I use whole grain fettuccine.)

Cook noodles according to package directions.

Sauté garlic in peanut oil over medium-low heat for 30 seconds.


Add the rest of the ingredients except for the noodles (add the veggie broth in small amounts until you get the consistency you want). Stir and cook over low heat until smooth.



Now here comes the extra fun part! The “Versatile” in the recipe title refers to the flexibility of this dish. You can add roasted veggies, tofu, chicken, water chestnuts, anything! You can even add separate extras on different nights to make easy “leftovers” that taste very unique.

I decided to roast some veggies (broccoli and red bell pepper) and tofu at 375°F for 35 minutes:


I marinated the tofu in soy sauce and sesame oil for two hours before baking.


Toss everything together with the sauce and noodles and enjoy!


Thanks for having me write a guest post Meghan! Have a wonderful week, everyone! 🙂

Tags: guest post, recipe, Vegetarian

  1. Simply Life’s avatar

    I’ve never used pb in a sauce – it sounds great!


  2. Kelly’s avatar

    Hi Jessie- that looks AMAZING, thanks for sharing it with us. I am a huge peanut butter fan and order pb noodles at thai restaurants a lot, but I’ve never actually made it myself.


  3. Sook @ My Fabulous Recipes’s avatar

    Oh that looks like a fabulous dish!


  4. Daisy’s avatar

    Jessie – this is so creative. Looks delish too. nice job!!


  5. Rebecca @ How the Cookies Crumble’s avatar

    Wow! Those creamy peanut noodles look amazing! I need to try that! Perfect for my cleaning out the pantry/freezer this week!


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