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Last night, I attended my first Yoga Nidra workshop. One of my former neighbors, Karma, is a yoga instructor (and a very cool person who radiates positivity!) and sent me a Facebook invitation to the workshop.

Yoga Nidra means yogic sleep, a state of conscious deep sleep for extreme relaxation and subtler spiritual exploration.

We were instructed to bring blankets and pillows in addition to the usual yoga mat to in order to get very comfortable and feel supported for the meditation. We started off the class with some regular old yoga flow which felt so good to this runner’s tight legs. I forgot how much stretching helps!

Then we got down to the meditation, which Karma led in a very warm and soothing voice. Throughout the meditation, I definitely checked out of my mind and body, something that doesn’t even happen when I really sleep. I forget a big chunk of it, and was kind of knocked out of my blissful state by my snoring neighbor! Some people really do fall asleep; it is that relaxing! I “woke” from the meditation feeling really calm and centered, perfect for a Sunday night.

I had planned on making a recipe from The O2 Diet, chicken salad stuffed cucumber boats, which would have required grocery shopping, and since it was after 6, we decided to go home and make do with what we had in the house.

Instead I came up with avocado boats stuffed with pesto shrimp salad.

The pesto is an easy favorite, and the ingredients can be adjusted according to taste.


Several large handfuls of baby spinach

3-6 garlic cloves

3 TSP olive oil

Small handful walnuts

I ran the ingredients through my mini processor until roughly chopped as I was in the mood for a chunky pesto.

I set the pesto aside and steamed the tiger shrimp that we had hanging out in the freezer.


I rapidly cooled the shrimp by running them under cold water and popping them in the freezer for about 5 minutes. When cool enough to peel, I peeled and deveined them, then chopped them roughly and mixed them with a few large spoonfuls of pesto. Then I added the best part: a couple large spoonfuls of 0% Greek yogurt. Mixed altogether, the salad tasted heavenly, like it was full of fat like some of the restaurant chicken or seafood salads I have had. I love how Greek yogurt can melt into just about anything and make it decadent while adding protein and calcium!



To serve the salad, I cut open an avocado, removed the pit, and filled each half with salad. We ate it with spoons so that we got a good mouthful of avocado with each shrimpy bite 🙂

Although nothing like the original recipe, which I do want to make someday soon, this dinner was so delicious and full of nutrients. It was light yet filling and just what I wanted after a beautiful day and a relaxing yoga and meditation session.

I have a 10 miler today and am preparing for my 21 miler later this week. Of course, on my taper back weekend it was gorgeous, on my 21 miler weekend it is meant to rain the entire time 8(

Hope you all have a fantastic Monday!

Do you use recipes for inspiration and do your own thing? Or are you a stickler for following them?

Tags: cooking, dinner, Food, healthy, recipe, yoga

Saturday in the park. . . well the dog park that is! I am armed with TJ’s peanut butter dog biscuits and headed off to the MSPCA to visit my favorite furry friends, but before I head there I wanted to write a quick post about last night’s trip to Sail Boston 2009. SO cool! I have never gone down to see the tall ships and was very excited. Being a Pisces, I am a total water sign, and being near the ocean, boats, beaches, seafood, anything like that, makes me so happy.


We parked the car a little closer to town in South Boston so we wouldn’t have to take the T. Public transportation in Boston is atrocious and has become unbearable to the point that I would rather walk 6 miles a day for work, and tonight was no exception. We walked in along the water and could see the masts of the tall ships from far away. On the way in we popped into J. Pace and Son a new gourmet store that has just opened in Boston’s rapidly growing Seaport district. We only did a quick walkthrough to check it out, but it combines prepared foods, bakery, and a deli with all sorts of gourmet goodies – olive oil, balsamic vinegars, coffee, imported water (one of my guiltiest pleasures is imported sparkling water, I LOVE it, especially Gerolsteiner), homemade pastas, sauces, olives, and more. Since we were heading to the crowded Sail Boston festival, I didn’t do any shopping, but I promise I will be going back soon.

Food prep heaven

Food prep heaven

Approaching Sail Boston was incredible. SO many people, so many boats, and the harbor and city against the backdrop of a perfect blue sky. How lucky we are to have such a day!
There were boats from all over: Uruguay, which was my favorite, and Russia, Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, and we didn’t even go to see them all yet. It was so crowded!
What I loved most was all of the different people from all over the world. Events like this truly draw a great crowd, and I loved seeing all of the different fashion and hearing so many languages in one place.

My favorite

My favorite

For all of my Canadian bloggies!

For all of my Canadian bloggies!

Portugal. . . I think?

Portugal. . . I think?


We walked around for about an hour and a half, then headed to the car to go grocery shopping and get our tired selves home to watch Chopping Block. Do you guys watch this? It’s a great contest with Marco Pierre White as the head chef and judge.  There were two teams, each comprised of smaller teams of two, and they had to open two real restaurants where their challenges take place. It’s a fun show, but each week a food critic is “planted” in the restaurant, and these real life chefs/foodies never know who the critic is! Most of the time I have known just by sight who the person is and what publication he or she writes for.  Last night it was Andrew Knowlton, the Bon Appetit foodist. Hello. . . he is easy to spot, and he is all over the food world! You would think that if you were going on one of these shows you would at least brush up on this kind of stuff! I don’t know why, but it really annoyed me. . . time to let go 🙂

I will do a dinner post from last night a bit later. Busy busy day ahead, volunteering, my niece’s 6th birthday party, a visit to the produce shop, and then working while the hub goes to watch a mixed martial arts match with a friend. I am thinking of trying a Dave Farmar yoga podcast or some other yoga today. My joints are telling me NOT to run, and I am going to listen. Enjoy the beautiful day everyone, and I will be back with more later. 🙂

Tags: Boston, Gourmet food, J. Pace and Son, running, Tall ships, yoga

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