whole grains

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Thank you to Oldways for sponsoring this healthy giveaway! The winner is Caitlin; please email me at traveleatlove (@) gmail.com with your contact information. Don’t forget to participate in Whole Grain Sampling Day on April 3, and add some new whole grains to your diet!

Whole Grain Sampling Day, created by Oldways’ Whole Grain Council, is April 3.

What is Whole Grain Sampling Day? Here’s a bit from the Oldways website:

What if there were one day when, everywhere you went, there were opportunities to try delicious whole grain foods? That’s what happens every year on the first Wednesday in April, when the Whole Grains Council holds its annual Whole Grain Sampling Day. Our goal, at the end of the day, is to have people everywhere saying, “That tasted great! Where have you been all my life?” Use the resources in this ONE Toolkit to celebrate with us on April 3, 2013 — or to promote whole grains on the other 364 days of the year.

We are a whole grains household; you won’t find white rice or pasta or bread anywhere in our cabinets. We know it’s healthy, but white carbs make me crash and generally feel awful so making the change to whole grain was pretty easy and necessary. I’m always excited to receive emails from Oldways, and when they offered to send me some whole grain samples, I instantly said yes.


whole grains council

whole grain sampling day


Little did I know that it was going to be a huge box of full sized samples of whole grain treats. From Real McCoy’s chips to Bob’s Red Mill Muesli to Freekehlicious Freekeh (a cereal made from green wheat), the heavy box was chock full of healthy delicious goodness. There are bags of pasta,Way Better  sweet potato chips, Tasty Bite garlic brown  rice, Barbara’s shredded oats cereal . . . so much goodness in one box. We’re still working our way through it!


whole grain samples

brown rice Triscuit

Brown Rice Sea Salt and Black Pepper Triscuits


wheat berry chili

wheat berry chili – this week’s lunch


Evan's Heavenly Cookie Mix

Spelt Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Plant Strong Crackers

Yummy Plant Strong Crackers

I know that my body loves whole grains, but I had no idea just how good they are for you. Oldways’ Whole Grains Council offers up some more information on their Whole Grains 101 page. I had no idea that whole grains are fantastic sources of antioxidants. As I’m turning the big 33 this week, I am looking for ways to stay feeling and looking young, and whole grains should definitely play a part in that, in addition to fruits and veggies. And as the Whole Grains Council website states, “The medical evidence is clear that whole grains reduce risks of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and obesity. Few foods can offer such diverse benefits.” More whole grains for everyone!

facts about whole grains

On April 3, you can take part in Whole Grain Sampling Day on Twitter; follow the hashtag #SampleWholeGrains, and join in at noon Eastern time for a toast to whole grains. Then go and find a new, delicious whole grain to sample.

To make that a little easier for one reader, Oldways has given me one sample box full of the items pictured above to give away to a Travel, Wine, and Dine reader. I think whoever wins will be as excited as I was; who doesn’t love a box of food delivered to their door?

To enter, leave a comment on this post letting me know how you incorporate whole grains into your life or how you’d like to. Be sure you are following Oldways on Twitter as well, so you can keep up with all of the delicious, healthy initiatives they have going on.

I will choose a winner a week from today on March 26. Good luck!

Tags: Food, giveaway, Oldways, Oldways Whole Grain Council, whole grains

Whole grains are becoming more and more widely used in home baking, and since I love whole grains and most of my (failed) baking attempts have involved whole what flour, I was excited that our King Arthur Flour experience included a class on baking with whole grains. Before I get down to the baking part of the post, and since it is Whole Grains Month, I am pleased to announce that the winner of The Oldways Table is Megan from the blog Stetted! Megan please email me with your contact info so I can send your prize.

Our second baking adventure at King Arthur was making multi-seed crackerbread. You can get the recipe here, and it is beyond easy. I am looking forward to homemade crackers and cheese!

Just as with the pizza dough, we watched Susan do a demo of making the cracker dough, then set out in pairs to make our own.

multi-seed crackerbread recipe
The recipe for multi-seed crackerbread is incredibly simple and versatile as it allows each baker to add her own seeds and herbs for completely personalized crackers 
cracker bread ingredients
Indulge Inspire Imbibe
Alicia and Megan were partners for the day. Here they are hard at work making cracker dough.image
Michelle flours the work table while Bridget makes the dough.
Daisy and I were partners for the crackerbread. We made a good team!image
And here we have Katie and Jen. How happy does everyone look?!  

Elina and Kerstin scraping their cracker dough out of the bowl 

Once we had made our cracker dough, we went back up to the demo space so Susan could show us how to roll it out and add the toppings. We had so many fun options available to us, including fresh herbs from the King Arthur garden.

King Arthur baking class

It is so funny to be with a group of bloggers. Someone is always taking a photo!

Boston bloggers

I loved making the crackers because, in addition to being so simple, they allow you to get creative with the variety of seeds, herbs, and flavorings. I want to make curry crackers and cinnamon crackers, and I think I actually have all of the ingredients at home!

rosemary and thyme seeds and salt

After we watched the demo on how to finish our crackers, we chose our toppings and returned to our work spaces to cut and roll out the dough.

herbes de provence cracker dough


cracker dough homemade crackers

In a few short minutes, we had ready-to-bake crackers! And we got to see the big King Arthur oven. It is very deep and has multiple levels. The doors are small and open inward so that the heat of the oven is preserved. A long stretcher-like conveyor belt is used to quickly push in pans. It was so neat to see how they can bake so many things at once.

King Arthur Flour oven  

Once our crackers were in the oven, we had a little snack (fresh made bread and butter, yum!) and then moved on to our next whole grain baking task. . . brownies! You will want to see these photos and to use this recipe, just trust me on this one, and I will be posting it tomorrow.

I am playing around with photo layouts for big events like our day at King Arthur. I have lots of work to do on them still, but do you prefer big single photos to the table with photos and captions? Does a mix of both look weird? I am hoping to make some blog improvements over the next couple of months, and feedback is welcome!

Tags: baking, crackers, Food, King Arthur Flour, whole grains

The awesome people at Oldways are at it again, promoting delicious whole grains year round, but especially in September which is Whole Grains Month.

As I mentioned earlier in the week, after a summer of wine tastings and dinners out, I NEED to start eating healthier. I am feeling just a little off balance, and I need to be at my best when Boston Marathon training starts.

To celebrate Whole Grains Month, Oldways’ Whole Grains Council (WGC)  is hosting a few great initiatives (thanks for the info, Alison!) which I have listed below.

Whole Grains: Chat ‘Em Up! Contest – Simply tell us what you’re doing for Whole Grains Month, and we’ll send you coupons and put your name in the drawing for our Gift Basket grand prize. You can find more information and enter here.

Boston Whole Grains Dine Out – The WGC will help diners find these whole grain heroes via Twitter, Facebook, and with special efforts on the WGC website. This Boston pilot program will expand to additional cities in coming years, so everyone outside of Massachusetts, keep an eye out!

Just Ask For Whole Grains Campaign – The WGC is providing free “Just Ask for Whole Grains” buttons, Whole Grains Month posters, class lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations, and other educational materials to health professionals and educators celebrating Whole Grains Month.

You can also look for the Whole Grains Council stamp on products in your local supermarket. I won’t lie; it made me happy to see it on Tostitos tortilla chips! 🙂

whole grains stamp

And since I adore Oldways and REALLY want to celebrate Whole Grains Month, I am going to give a copy of The Oldways Table to one lucky reader. Want to win? Leave me a comment here letting me know your favorite whole grains food or recipe. Then tell your friends with a tweet and a link back to this post. A winner will be announced next Thursday, September 16. Let’s see how many great whole grain ideas we can pull together!

Here are a couple of my favorites:

Sneaking whole grain pasta into a dish:  http://traveleatlove.me/2010/07/the-secret-ingredient/

Eating them at breakfast:  http://traveleatlove.me/2009/10/me-and-my-trendy-grains-again/

We also always buy some sort of multi-grain bread and crackers. No white flour in this house!I am looking forward to your suggestions!

Tags: Food, giveaway, health, Oldways, Oldways Whole Grain Council, whole grains

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