Lots to talk about on this lovely Friday. First, my CSN Stores giveaway. Get ready for fall with some new stuff for your kitchen or maybe even new dining room furniture. Click here to enter the giveaway now; it ends on Monday!
Today’s featured foodie comes at the most perfect time as this weekend Boston is celebrating the Ice Cream Showdown! Sponsored by Stonyfield, the showdown can be found here:
On Saturday, August 21, in Union Square, Somerville, Ice Cream Showdown North will take place with Stonyfield, Chilly Cow Custard, JP Licks, Christina’s, Toscanini’s, Picco. This will be in the parking lot next to Grand at 374 Somerville Ave from 2-4 PM. (Participants subject to change.)
On Sunday, August 22, in SoWa, Boston, Ice Cream Showdown South will take place with Stonyfield, Toscanini’s, Picco, Batch, Coop’s MicroCreamery, Chilly Cow Custard and Christina’s. This will be on Harrison Ave as part of the SoWa Art Market from 2-4 PM. (Participants subject to change.)
This weekend I am also going to the Newport Winefest and Turner Fisheries’ Bloodypalooza brunch. Busy, busy.
I am ALSO looking for foodies to feature for the next 8 Fridays so if you are interested, please email me!

Now, without further adieu, and speaking of ice cream, I bring you the writer behind the drool-worthy blog, Scoop Adventures.
Hello, everyone! My name is Lindsay and I write the blog Scoop Adventures. Scoop Adventures is a blog chronicling my journey towards finding the perfect scoop of frozen dessert. I decided to start this blog shortly after acquiring a new ice cream maker. I had so much fun being creative in the kitchen that I decided to share my ideas with the world. I was never sure how many people would be interested in reading about my ice cream adventures, but I figured there had to be other people who love ice cream as much as I do. I just celebrated my one year “blog-iversary” and still enjoy making new and exciting scoops. Despite moving across country, starting a new job, and working on house renovations, I have somehow managed to find continual inspiration for exciting scoops throughout the year. My husband, Keith, has willingly become the guinea pig for several new flavors. One day I plan to fulfill my dream of opening my own ice cream shop.
Here are some answers to a few questions I am often asked:
What is your favorite part about blogging?
One of my favorite parts about blogging is sharing the recipes that I create. Unless you are lactose intolerant, I have found few people that hate ice cream. Ice cream makes people happy! So if I can make people happy by helping them make ice cream, then I am all for it! I also love the friends I have made through the blogging community.
How do you decide on what flavors to make?
I am most often inspired by the food that I eat. Living in New Orleans, I have the opportunity to eat food at some of the finest and creative restaurants and chefs are always experimenting with new flavors. When I eat a new dish, I often think to myself, “Could this be an ice cream flavor?” I have been surprised with the results of some of my experiments, including Basil Ice Cream and Lemon Beet Yogurt. I am also inspired by creative ice cream artisans including Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream in Columbus, Ohio and Creole Creamery here in New Orleans.
What is your favorite recipe?
Some of my favorite scoop recipes are surprisingly sorbet recipes – Pear Champagne Sorbet and Blueberry Mojito Sorbet (picture in the banner on my blog). My favorite milky scoops are Basil Ice Cream, Lemon Blueberry Yogurt, and White Nectarine Sherbet.
If you love ice cream as much as I do, I would love to hear from you! E-mail me any with recipe ideas, suggestions, your own reviews, or other helpful information. You can contact me at scoopadventures@gmail.com or follow me on twitter @ScoopAdventurer.
I have my own guest post out there today on the blog for the travel deals and cheap flights site One Travel. It’s on eating in wine country, of course. 😉 Check it out if you get the chance!