
You are currently browsing articles tagged vindaloo.

Is it really Sunday night already? I was sooo looking forward to this long weekend, I hate to see it go! But overall it was a really good one. Today I may have gone to the MSPCA for some dog walking again. The more I go, the more I want to be there. I just love caring for animals!

After, I did some prepping for the week including making a big batch of homemade hummus which we will eat all week with a variety of toppings on Arnold Sandwich Thins. Tomorrow I will pack us each hummus, sandwich thins, pickles, shredded cabbage and carrots, beets, and a couple of pieces of Cabot Extra Sharp Cheddar. If you haven’t tried this cheese and are a cheese eater, definitely give it a whirl. I love it. I first tried it at the Coastal Wine Trail Kickoff where Cabot had table and have been a fan ever since!

For my workout, in addition to running laps with the doggies, I did a bunch of dance moves from days long ago. Lots of kicks and squats, so my legs and bum are nice and tired. We spent the rest of the day celebrating my niece Emma’s first birthday. I brought veggie dogs because I was craving some real bbq food. They were soooo good with onions, ketchup, mustard, and relish. Along with a mixed green salad and a small spoonful of potatoes au gratin. There were sooo many kids there that I never got any food photos. It was a bit too chaotic, but lots of fun!

My post for tonight is a quick review of some food that I bought at Target. . .

For the longest time I didn’t even know Target sold food, but when I started checking it out, I realized that a lot of stuff that I would get at the supermarket like yogurts and canned tuna were a lot cheaper for the same brand name. Target also sells a brand called Archer Farms, and we picked up a vindaloo dinner in a box last week:

A quick easy dinner

A quick easy dinner

The box came with a potato and pea curry, a pouch of basmati rice, vindaloo sauce, and a mango chutney. For the most part, I try to avoid processed foods when possible, but this was a pretty tasty meal especially with some fresh add ins. I threw in a whole bunch of shredded Napa cabbage and topped the whole mess with Trader Joe’s Greek Style Yogurt. The flavors were slightly spicy but mild enough for my Irish hubby.  “Real” vindaloo is MUCH spicier, and I love it, but this does the trick ! The mango chutney was a bit too sweet, but a couple of drops on my curry really added a nice taste. Overall I would definitely buy this again and maybe cook it up and put it over a bed of fresh spinach and other veggies along with the yogurt. Putting the entire thing together took less than 20 minutes, and it felt like a complete meal, perfect for when we get home late at night after a long work day and still want to be somewhat healthy.

It looks like we have broken free from our weather curse here, and I couldn’t be happier! I am off to have a lovely, fruity Leinenkugel beer on the deck, then more getting ready to get back to the grind 🙁

Have a great Sunday evening, and I will be back this week with some running, recipes, a trip to Grenada, and maybe a picnic on the beach if the weather stays nice!

Tags: Food, Indian Food, Target, vindaloo

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