The ALLY Foundation

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A quick Friday hello to tell you about an upcoming event that promises to be full of delicious food and fun, all for a great cause. The ALLY Foundation, the organization I have run two Boston Marathons for (2010 and 2012) is hosting its Grand Gala on December 1 at the elegant Boston Harbor Hotel.

I will visiting family in Europe, but, as part of the ambassador committee for the event, would love if you could let anyone and everyone who might be interested know about it.

We’re also seeking donations of interesting, unique, and fabulous wines and spirits for the interactive Spirit Wall. If you can help, please send me an email.

Happy Friday, and thanks for reading!

The ALLY Foundation

A GRAND Gala presented December 1, 2012

Fundraiser for the ALLY Institute at RAND.

On December 1st, 2012 The ALLY Foundation will present “A GRAND Gala” at The Boston Harbor Hotel Wharf Room located on scenic Rowes Wharf in Boston. From 7pm – 11pm revelers will celebrate and help raise funds for the innovative ALLY Institute at RAND, set to launch in October 2013.

The ALLY Institute at RAND will be a critical advancement in the field of public health and human safety and the prevention of sexual violence.

The Gala will include an array of amazing delicacies courtesy of the Boston Harbor Hotel’s world renowned chef, Daniel Bruce. Mr. Bruce has been honored twice as one of the "Best Hotel Chefs in America" at the James Beard House, and Bruce’s Meritage restaurant located in the Hotel is one of few Forbes Four Star restaurants in Boston. The event will also include exciting Silent and Live auction items, a surprising and interactive “Spirit Wall" and phenomenal musical entertainment.

About The ALLY Institute at Rand

A recent milestone achievement, The ALLY Foundation has partnered with the RAND Corporation—one of the nation’s leading research institutions dedicated to conducting evidence-based research to inform public policy. The ALLY Institute at RAND will provide a single source on relevant research found in disparate sources.  The ALLY Institute will be a critical advancement in the field of public health and human safety and the prevention of sexual violence.

Tags: Boston, charity, events, spirits, The ALLY Foundation, wine

Happy Marathon Monday! Even as this posts, I have no idea what I am going to do today. All I know is that my priority is ending the day healthy and safe. Marathons come and go, health and safety do not. So, I may defer, I may start and end up not finishing, or I may be totally surprised and slog my sweaty way to the finish. I don’t believe in the “at all costs” theory when it comes to hobbies and my health, and that’s that.

The Boston Marathon for me has never been about beating my last marathon time. In 2010 I ran a race 5 minutes slower than my last marathon, but I didn’t care and had more fun than ever. I will tell you that I can.not.wait. for it to be this evening. I have agonized all weekend long to the point where I thought I might pass out from trying to decide how to proceed.

I am lucky to be running for a charity that I personally believe in. It’s not as well-known as others, and the work The ALLY Foundation does is something a lot of people don’t want to think about.

Sadly, the fact is that many of us likely know someone who has been the victim of some form of sexual assault or abuse, only we just don’t know it. Today, I am running for all of them. Hopefully someday soon we will be able to be more open about healing for the people who have been hurt and working on stopping this type of violence from ruining the lives of many men, women, and children.

Heavy stuff, but you can guarantee that when I run through the wall of amazing women at Wellesley I will be thinking about it, and when times get tough, wherever that may be along the course, that’s where I will be digging from.

I don’t know what’s going to happen, but as I have been reminding myself more and more, I can’t control situations, but I can control my reaction to them. Here’s to today unfolding however it is meant to, and with me still standing at the end.

Be safe out there, everyone!

Tags: Boston, Boston Marathon, charity, running, The ALLY Foundation

Updated with some more details, please feel free to invite friends, RSVP,  or get in touch regarding raffle items.!/events/289777451079946/

What: 2012 Boston Marathon Fundraiser for The ALLY Foundation

When: February 25, 2012 at 7:00

Where: Savin Bar & Kitchen, right across from the Savin Hill red line station. Yes, it is safe to go to Dorchester.  Even after dark.

Why: Because Marie and I have a combined $10,000 to raise in the next three months!

Suggested donation: $10

There will be a raffle with some fabulous prizes from local businesses, wine from our own collection, favorite cookware lines, and more. If you know a business that would like to donate something for the raffle, please let me know!

More details to come, but we would love to see as many of you as possible. Savin Bar & Kitchen has great cocktails (trust us, we know), beers, wine, and of course, food.

If you aren’t free on February 25th but would still like to help support The ALLY Foundation’s work for human safety, please check out my fundraising page: 


Thank you for your support; we hope to see you on the 25th and also on Marathon Monday!

Tags: Boston, Boston Marathon, The ALLY Foundation

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