sweet potatoes. food

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Is it Spring yet? I am so over the cold, wind, and snow. I spent the weekend with my family in New Jersey, and while they didn’t have snow, they had plenty of cold and wind. All I want to do until April is cozy up under a blanket, drink red wine, and eat.

Getting away for the weekend was wonderful, made especially so because last week was awful. Between a stressful week at work, no sleep, and being diagnosed with a lung condition, thanks to my neighbor’s insistence on smoking inside, I was ready to collapse with exhaustion on Friday. Lots of sleep and family time later, and I am feeling better. . . but still lacking in energy. I think I just need some warmth and sun.

Healthy comfort food is always a win-win; you get to eat something warm and cozy while also feeling good about feeling your body with nutrients, despite wanting nothing more large quantities of cheese.

I was in the mood for eggs and sweet potatoes, so for dinner last night I came up with a quick and easy sweet potato skillet hash, topped with eggs.

sweet potato

Since my amazing husband braved the snow on Sunday to fully stock the house with groceries, I had a lot of delicious add-ins to make this easy dinner pretty spectacular.

sweet potato hash


large sweet potato, grated

2 cups black beans

2 cups frozen pepper strips

1 cup corn kernels

2 eggs

guacamole, hot sauce, Greek yogurt, hot sauce, and cilantro for topping

sweet potato hash

I threw this dinner together by sautéing the potato, beans, peppers, and corn together in some olive oil until the pan was dry and sizzling at the bottom. The plan was to create a crust with the potatoes.

I cracked two eggs and gently placed them on top then popped the skillet into a 400 degree oven and kept an eye on it until I saw that the whites were fully cooked. This resulted in perfect, slightly runny yolks. Yes.

sweet potato hash

We added our own mixes of toppings to our bowls of hash; mine included lots of cilantro, guacamole, hot sauce, and a tiny dollop of Greek yogurt.

sweet potato hash with eggs

This made for a delicious dinner that didn’t make me feel bad about my food decisions. It seems that the second I stopping being able to sleep, I lost the excellent workout routine I started with my new job, and poor eating habits followed, which finally resulted in constantly beating myself up over weight gain, something I haven’t done in years.  Time to get back on a healthy track while also being a little easier on myself, I think. It’s also time to start some serious yoga and/or meditation to create a little quiet when everything feels like overwhelming chaos.

How are things with you?

Tags: breakfast, dinner, healthy, recipe, sweet potatoes. food, Vegetarian

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