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A sauce so delicious you want to put it on everything? This is it. Last summer our friends hosted us at a fantastic July 4th barbecue. It was hot and sunny, we had spent the earlier part of the day on the boat (Just over 2 months til boating season!), and we were relaxing around the fire pit with fun friends and amazing food. Venezuelan friends of our friends brought a green sauce that they apparently are asked to bring to every party. I’m not even sure what I was supposed to put it on, but once I tasted it, I wanted to put it on everything, so I did.

Fast forward to February, this cold and dreary month where things have been stressful in this household, to say the very least. The summer sun and sea can’t come fast enough; at least then when our nasty neighbor is making me sick with her smoking I can go sleep on the boat!

I had a random craving for steak last week, and this green sauce popped into my head again. A quick Google of “Venezuelan green sauce” brought me to this page, which features a recipe for Guasacaca. I didn’t know the name, but going by the way the sauce tasted, the ingredients sounded right, so I decided to make it. guasacaca ingredients

Guasacaca is a vibrant green sauce that combines avocados, green peppers, garlic, onion, vinegar, and oil with generous amounts cilantro and parsley. The vinegar gives it a little tang while the herbs make it bright and flavorful.

oil and vinegar

To my Guasacaca, I also added two Thai green chili peppers, not Venezuelan, I know, but I wanted a little bit of heat. It was a good decision.


For Thursday night dinner, I picked up four small sirloin steaks at Foodie’s Urban Market, which is dangerously close to my South End office. They have such a great selection of all sorts of food, wine, and beer, and while it’s pricey, it’s also handy for picking up one or two items during the week.

sirloin steak

I simply prepped my steaks by seasoning on both sides with sea salt and pepper and grilling them to perfection on my grill pan. I topped the steaks with the Guasacaca and served with mountains of steamed spinach and baked sweet potatoes, both of which found their way dipped in the Guasacaca as well.

steak with guasacaca

This meal was perfect, a mix of winter and summer and a delicious way to brighten up a challenging week. The addition of a Chilean red wine on the side definitely didn’t hurt.

How are you keeping warm and hopeful for brighter days this February?

Ingredients: (adapted from original recipe posted on on Venezuelan Food and Drinks)

1 medium onion, roughly chopped

2 green sweet peppers, seeded, deveined, and roughly chopped

2 ripe avocados, peeled and seeded

2 cloves garlic

2 spicy green chili peppers

Half a bunch of fresh parsley leaves

Half a bunch fresh cilantro leaves

A third cup red wine vinegar

1 tablespoon salt, or to taste

Pinch of black pepper

1 cup olive oil

Add all ingredients except for the olive oil to food processor and puree until smooth. Slowly stream in olive oil until combined completely.

Serve this sauce with meat, fish, vegetables, chips, crackers. . . it’s so delicious it goes well with just about everything.

Tags: comfort food, dinner, Food, Guasacaca, meal planning, meals, recipe, steak

After a long boat day, easy meals are key. Usually, we end up ordering from Shanti, our favorite Indian restaurant, stopping by Savin Bar + Kitchen, ordering sushi from Van Shabu, or just eating random stuff around the house.

Lately I have been on a mission to eat better and to spend less on takeout that we sometimes don’t even really want. Planning ahead for meals that require a few ingredients and minimal preparation is key. This past weekend, after a long hot day out, I headed home and after a little shower and rest, I put together a pretty spectacular meal, if I do say so myself.

tomatoes and onions

All it took were a couple of beefsteak tomatoes cut into thick slices, a red onion, also cut into thick slices, a handful of gorgonzola cheese, a splash of balsamic from our trip to Eataly, and a good steak from Whole Foods.


Since it was raining, we pulled out the indoor grill pan and threw on the steak, simply seasoned with pepper on both sides. Next up, I grilled the onion, just so that it was a little soft on the outside. I like onions to still have a little bite when cooked.

balsamic steak stacks

Finally, I put the tomato on the grill pan for about 30 seconds before taking everything off and assembling stacks of tomato, steak, and onion, topping each with a handful o gorgonzola and a drizzle of balsamic.

balsamic steak stacks

This dinner took less than 20 minutes, but it felt like a fancy restaurant meal. Good ingredients, simple preparation, and flavors that go well together all made for a delicious dinner. I love summer.

How have you been enjoying local produce and simple meals lately?

Tags: dinner, easy recipe, Food, recipe, steak, summer, summer meals, tomatoes

Our New Year’s Eve was absolutely perfect. How was yours? Did you go out or stay in?

We decided once again to stay in. Really, I love any excuse to whip up a multi-course meal, and with the temperatures warm and the day sunny, we were both filled with energy and definitely felt like celebrating. After a tough workout at the gym, I headed to the grocery store to stock up for the big evening.

The menu was simple because it was just the two of us, but  this could easily be doubled or tripled to serve a small dinner party.

Appetizer: Baked Brie with Cranberry Apple Butter, Brown Sugar, and Walnuts

brie and cranberry apple butter

I have had a jar of Trader Joe’s cranberry apple butter around forever, and I thought it would be a perfectly seasonal pairing with brie. This appetizer was ridiculously simple. I cut the rind off of a triangle of brie, then cut the triangle in half lengthwise. I filled the center with a mix of the cranberry apple butter, brown sugar, and chopped walnuts, then topped the next layer with the same. I popped this in a 350 degree oven until it was melted to my liking.

baked brie

It turned out ooey and gooey with great spicy flavors from the cranberry apple butter and a hint of sweetness from the brown sugar.

baked brie

To add some freshness and crunch, we used granny smith apple slices as dippers. We also had some whole grain crackers, and we devoured the entire thing. I know baked brie is fairly common, but I still love it. It never disappoints!


We waited awhile before heading back into the kitchen to prepare the rest of the meal. One of the best parts of eating at home is pacing the meal as you like it.

Side dish: Roasted Vegetables with Balsamic Butter Glaze

roasted vegetables

Another super simple dish, I started this one by chopping butternut squash, broccoli, sweet potato, and red onion into chunks, then tossing them in olive oil and putting them in a 440 degree oven until soft and browned around the edges.

roasted vegetables

While these roasted, I simmered a mix of butter and aged Balsamic on the stovetop, creating a buttery, syrupy glaze that I poured over the veggies before serving. I ended up eating a big bowl of these veggies as my main meal and again for lunch the next day. I always make more roasted veggies than I need; they are so easily heated up for another meal. balsamic butter

Vegetables wouldn’t cut it for my husband’s dinner, so I thawed one of the steaks my mom got him for Christmas, a top sirloin, and prepared it in a simple but spectacular way.

Dinner (for him): Top Sirloin with Blue Cheese Butter

blue cheese butter

I seasoned the raw meat with a bit of black pepper, seared it in a dry pan that was very hot, then put the pan into the oven with the vegetables to finish it up. While the steak cooked, I made a quick and simple mix of blue cheese and salted butter in the food processer. What a combination! I had to keep myself from eating it by itself. . .


Once the steak was cooked well, as the mister likes it, I topped it with the blue cheese butter. It was apparently incredible, with the butter and cheese softening over the meat with each bite.

sirloin with blue cheese butter

Of course, it wouldn’t be New Year’s Eve without a little bubbly, Perrier Jouet Grand Brut Champagne.

Perrier Jouet Grand Brut

Nutella Mousse for dessert finished the meal off with a little bit of sweet but not too much bulk. We ended the evening perfectly full and festive.

I would definitely make this meal again, from start to finish. It had the perfect mix of flavors and textures, offered some healthy veggies with some decadent cheese and chocolate, and made my warm kitchen smell amazing.

Do you have any go-to entertaining menus or dishes?

Tags: appetizer, blue cheese, brie, champagne, cranberry apple butter, dessert, dinner, dinner party, entertaining, Food, menu, recipe, steak, wine

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