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I am in love with Brussels sprouts. I may be cheating on heirloom tomatoes for the fall and winter, but Brussels are just so much more available to me. And they are local at that.

My love is not just a matter of convenience, oh no. I love their brightly-colored green globe beauty, their sometimes-spicy natural goodness, and their versatility in seasonal meals.

For our pre-flight lunch I decided to whip up a spicy and sweet Brussels sprouts side dish to eat with leftover meatballs.

I started with this bowl of beautiful Brussels.

Brussels Sprouts

I cut each in half, removing the tough bottom and cleaning off the outer leaves.

Brussels Sprouts

The recipe calls for just a few simple ingredients: some sort of oil (I used chili oil.), sriracha, and real maple syrup from my friend’s family farm in the Berkshires.

Brussels sprouts and sriracha

I simply put the cut Brussels sprouts flat side down in a pan very lightly coated with chili oil and let them cook on high for 4 minutes until they were really sizzling. Then I added about 2 teaspoons of sriracha, stirred everything together, and lowered the heat. At the very end, I drizzled on a tiny bit of maple syrup, tossing the Brussels sprouts again to make sure they were all coated. I prefer them to be cooked for just a short time, but it is certainly up to you how long you want to cook them!

Brussels Sprouts

Sooooo delicious! Brussels sprouts like spicy candy could turn anyone into a believer!

What is your favorite vegetable?

I am very excited to be in San Francisco for the Foodbuzz Festival. Today’s agenda includes a trip to Santa Cruz and a tasting at Bonny Doon Vineyards. Bonny Doon will be pouring wine at the Foodbuzz Festival as well. They make some fantastic wine! Have a great day everyone!

Tags: brussels sprouts, maple syrup, recipe, sriracha, vegetables, Vegetarian

I may be a little obsessed with the sriracha and corn combo that I discovered at Myers + Chang and posted about yesterday. There is something about the sweetness of the corn, the spice of the sriracha, and the yummy, melty butter that scream summer in a hot, gourmet kinda way. Since I can’t eat just corn for dinner, I brainstormed with some of the fresh ingredients that we had in the house to come up with a healthy, filling, and easy to cook meal.

shrimp, corn, arugula, heirloom tomatoes

I shucked and boiled the corn on the cob until it was about 3/4 the way cooked. In the meantime, I was cleaning a bunch of medium sized shrimp and getting them into a pan with a few drops of olive oil on low heat.

shrimp, corn, arugula, heirloom tomatoes

Once the shrimp were pink on one side, I cut the corn off of the cob and tossed it into the pan of shrimp. Then the magic began. I added 3 small pats of butter and a bunch of sriracha and stirred the shrimp and corn until fully coated. Two minutes later, everything was cooked, and I added the shrimp and corn to a bed of fresh arugula and heirloom tomatoes.

shrimp, arugula, heirloom tomatoes, corn

Simple and delicious! This was another home run meal, if I do say so myself. I have been really enjoying the intense heat and the fresh, local food that summer has brought upon us. I really feel like I FINALLY feel thawed out after the winter! As everyone else is complaining about the heat, I reflect back on those Boston Marathon training days. . . and look ahead to this year, knowing that I will crave the summer heat then!

While cooking, I had a tiny glass of a great wine that I picked up at The Urban Grape last week. The 2007 Aramis is deep purple in color, as you can see in the photo on the right. I loved swirling it around in my glass and looking at it’s lovely color in the summer sunlight 🙂

Interestingly, the first night that I tried this wine, I got lots of dark berry flavors, but after I poured a glass from the day old bottle, I got an intense whiff of cocoa before the fruit came through. This wine feels round and luscious in the mouth and has a long, smooth finish. It is really an exceptional wine and was among many great choices that were open for the tasting.

Aramis Vineyards Shiraz Cabernet Aramis Shiraz Cabernet

This is not necessarily what most people would consider an ideal wine for a 100 degree evening, but for some reason I often want to drink red wine over white, even when it is hot out.

I can’t believe we are leaving for California so soon, after such a great long weekend! I am a little stressed. . . I always get stressed when we travel even though we do it pretty often. Often I just worry about my cats, but this time my cousin will be housesitting which is nice. I don’t know, I feel like leaving home takes away from of the control from this control freak 😉 Does that make sense? I am of course really excited and have some great restaurants, winery visits, and boating on Lake Sonoma planned.

Do you get stressed when traveling?

Tags: Aramis Vineyards, arugula, corn, healthy recipes, heirloom tomatoes, recipes, salad, Shiraz Cabernet, shrimp, sriracha, summer, Urban Grape, wine

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