
You are currently browsing articles tagged spicy.

Oh boy. . . this was a long week. I have work to do this weekend, but I am taking the evening off to separate myself from it for a few hours before getting started again.

What to do when you are almost all out of groceries, it’s Friday night, and you have a starving husband? Chili of course! Luckily we had canned tomatoes, kidney beans, fire roasted chili peppers, corn and frozen peppers. I tossed them all together with some cayenne and rep pepper flakes and topped with a very ripe avocado, fat free Greek style yogurt from Trader Joe’s and some pickled hot peppers. It took about 15 minutes, and was healthy and filling. I took a few photos, but I am too tired to upload them right now! Off to do some much needed relaxing and prepping for the weekend.

Don’t forget about my coverage of the Coastal Wine Trail Kickoff on Sunday night! Good night! 🙂

Food, Recipes, Chili, Healthy Recipes, Vegetarian Recipes

Tags: avocado, Boston, chili, Food, foodie, Health Food, healthy, recipe, spicy, Vegetarian, weekend

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