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It’s almost Father’s Day, and if you haven’t gotten a chance to pick up a great gift for your dad, grandpa, uncle, or other great guys in your life, Eversave Boston is ready to help!

To celebrate the entire week before Father’s Day, they are doing a special restaurant week with daily dining out deals. And they are letting me give away a save every day for the rest of the week!

Today’s save: The Black Lobster in Salem ($20 for $40)

Today happens to be National Lobster Day (thank ya, Twitter!), so this is an appropriate giveaway. I happen to love lobster and all forms of seafood, and I can’t think of anything better than eating it in beautiful Salem. What a great day trip from Boston!

Enter to win now!

1) Leave a comment here letting me know if you love lobster or some other seafood OR if you have been to Salem what your favorite site it.

2) Give Eversave some love for the great deals they offer. Follow/like them if you haven’t already:

Facebook Link:
Twitter Link:

3) Tweet “I want to win today’s save from @theblacklobster @eversavebos & @traveleatlovemm”

Good luck with the contest. . . and hopefully you won’t spend your day dreaming of lobster like I am now!

Tags: giveaway, restaurant, Salem

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